Chapter 11 - True Spirit Blessing on this Advocate of Gender Equality

It is dusk, the sky is orange, there is a prismatic pattern on the sky, it's because of the barrier that I have placed a while back. This barrier will prevent any person with Ill will for this town to be unable to use their skill in this place.

Invasion is pretty much impossible now, this barrier will expand as this town is also expanding, it's also preventing the climate change that is happening outside of this barrier because of the massive deforestation for our construction to get inside, so we don't need to worry about our crop going bad because of the excessive heat.

What about the pest like a crow, you ask? There is some kind of repellent that will ward away any pest that dares to approach any crop in this place.

I want to make a river that will go through this city after this whole Orc Lord incident is over, there is also the fact that we still need to do something about the excessive heat outside of the barrier, we also need to build a school so that the monsters are well educated on the human society as well.

Shiori- "So much work, so much thinking, is this how OG Rimuru feels?"

Nia- "Nation-building is hard, Shiorin. But I have sensed your conviction, so I'm sure that you can do it. I'll help you on the way too, so don't worry"

Shiori- "Thank you, Nia" I hug her as she embraces me and strokes my hair.

Nia- "No problem, I am your mother after all" She smiles lightly at me while we're still cuddling naked together in the hot spring.

Yes, we are in a hot spring. The reason why there is a hot spring here is because of me digging up all night some days before I go to the ogre village. Mio and Shinji ask me at first why am I suddenly digging a hole in the ground and I just answer them with "I'm digging a hot spring", they just shrug at my bizarre behavior as they are already used to it by that time.

The door from the changing room suddenly opens and Shuna, Shion, Ayame, Matsuri, and Rimuru enter the hot spring female side together.

Shiori- "Hey everyone, how was your day?"

Matsuri- "It was good as always, thanks for asking Shiori-sama"

All of them wash their body first before entering the hot spring.

Shion- "Good evening, Shiori-sama"

Shiori- "Good evening to you too, say Rimuru, why are you here?"

Rimuru- "Can't I be here?"

Shiori- "It's just that I thought you would be at the male side because of how you would like to be referred to as"

Shuna- "What do you mean, Shiori-sama?"

Rimuru- "I prefer to be referred to as a male"

Shion- "I don't understand why Rimuru wanted to be referred to as a guy, I thought that slime doesn't have a gender"

Shiori- "This slime named Rimuru does indeed have no gender but the reincarnated otherworlder inside of him does have a gender in his past life"

Rimuru- 'Hey! Why are you spilling that I'm a reincarnated otherworlder?!' Rimuru screamed at me using [Thought Communication]

Shiori- 'It's not like they will care anyway'

Shuna/Shion- "Reincarnated otherworlder?"

Matsuri- "I only ever met a stray otherworlder and a summoned otherworlder in my life, is what Shiori-sama said true, Rimuru?"

Rimuru is hesitating for a bit and fidgeting with his finger before answering Matsuri's question after sighing.

Rimuru- "*sigh* Yes, I'm a reincarnated otherworlder, I was a male in my past life, I can get out of the hot spring if you guys are feeling uncomfortable"

Ayame- "You don't have to, Rimuru. We don't see any problem with you staying here with us"

Rimuru- "Surely there is someone who will mind if I'm here after knowing that I'm a guy inside"

He wait for the expected reply from one of the girls but he didn't get any, so he turn towards me.

Rimuru- "No one minds? Even Shiori?"

Shiori- "Here's the thing, Rimuru. If you're ogling at our body, don't make it seem obvious"

He blushed and then submerged his entire body inside of the water as we chuckle at his reaction.

Shion- "We're not going to judge you based on your past life, Rimuru. You are here with us at this moment and that's what matters"

Rimuru got his head out of the water with a perplexed expression but then he smiled at Shion.

Rimuru- "Thank you, Shion"

Shuna- "How was your world, Rimuru?"

Rimuru flinches for a bit but he still answered the question.

Rimuru- "It was decent. There was no skill in that world, there was no monster in that world, my past life world is peaceful most of the time"

Ayame- "That sounds nice"

Rimuru- "It was. There was a world war in the past but nowadays they are just doing some kind of civil war between some company"

Matsuri- "Company?"

Rimuru- "The equivalent of a company in this world is a guild"

Matsuri- "Oh, I see"

Rimuru- "I..."

Rimuru is clenching his hand and forming a fist, seemingly frustrated at something and possibly wanting to do something but he can't for some reason.

Rimuru- "I wonder... how will my family be when they receive the news of my death?"

Oh... so he's frustrated because of that, but he can't cry because he's a slime.

Rimuru- "I was just going for a walk because I want to forget about life for a bit. I never thought that would be my last walk in that world"

Suddenly Rimuru is hugged by Matsuri and she's trying to soothe him by embracing him.

Matsuri- "It's okay, Rimuru. I'm sure that it must be hard for them, but in the end, they will have to move on, that's just how life is in any world"

Rimuru is sobbing in Matsuri's embrace and try to cry but to no avail, he is like that for some time and we watch with sympathy on our faces as he vents his feeling.

Rimuru- "Thank you for comforting me, Matsuri" He wipes his nonexistent tear from his face.

Matsuri- "No problem, Rimuru" She is smiling like a mother towards Rimuru and pats his head.

It does look like a mother reassuring her child that everything is going to be okay, we smile at both of them while seeing this scene unfolding before us. Rimuru also seems to enjoy it, as he is closing his eye and relaxing his body.

Shuna- "I'm sorry that my question led the conversation to a gloomy mood"

Rimuru- "It's okay, Shuna. I think I need it, besides we can still talk about Shiori's world and maybe it will lighten the mood" He said this with a smile on his face. He recovers quickly from all of that sobbing.

Shiori- "Right... my world. Treyni did spill that I am not from this world at the meeting earlier, and it's not like I'm hiding it either"

Ayame- "Aren't you also from the same world as Rimuru?"

Shiori- "You could say that I'm also a reincarnated otherworlder like Rimuru but I am not sent to this world immediately upon my reincarnation"

Rimuru- "Oh yeah, I know that you're also a reincarnated otherworlder but I'm curious about what you do in your current world"

Shiori- "Attempting to build a nation?"

Rimuru- "Not this world! I mean your homeworld!"

Shiori- "Attempting to build a nation"

Rimuru- "So you have decided that this world is going to be your homeworld?!"

Shiori- "Yes"

Rimuru- "What I meant to say is. I'm curious about what you do in the world you were born into?"

Shiori- "Okay... let's see... I'm a regular high school student when I got kidnapped to this world-"

Shion- "Who dares to kidnap Shiori-sama?! I will give them retribution for their impudence!" Shion cut my word once she hears about someone kidnapping me.

Intense killing intent is exuding from all of the kijin in this hot spring and I'm sure that I won't be able to stand it if I'm not this strong.

Shiori- "Calm down, everyone! Please don't do anything to my kidnapper!"

Ayame- "Why, Shiori-sama? We need to show them that they shouldn't do that to our lady"

Matsuri- "We need to punish bad kid, Shiori-sama"

Shuna- "How about we give her Shion's cooking after we're done with her punishment"

Shion- "Yes, at least we're going to show some hospitality after we give that kidnapper a piece of our mind. You don't have to worry, Shiori-sama"

All three of them are exuding a killing intent that doesn't match their smiling expression. I need to resolve this because that kidnapper is most likely the missing piece in my life.

Shiori- "Please don't! I have a feeling that I know this kidnapper!"

Matsuri- "How about you tell us then, Shiori-sama?"

Shiori- "This kidnapper is most likely me!"

Their killing intent finally shuts down as everyone except Nia look at me with confusion present on their face.

Rimuru/Matsuri/Shion/Shuna/Ayame- "What?"

Shiori- "When I evolved into a True Spirit, one of my skills evolved into a skill that let me travel anywhere and anytime, so I could go to my past self and kidnap her to this world"

All of them just nod their head after giving me an "Oh" expression. Am I that predictable?

Shion- "As expected of Shiori-sama! Those kinds of elaborate planning for world domination is certainly what you would be capable of doing!"

Shiori- "Y-yeah... t-thank you"

Rimuru- "What were you going to say before you got interrupted?"

Shion- "I'm so sorry, Shiori-sama!"

Shiori- "I have a book company called Tempest in my world"

Rimuru- "Wait, you named your book company Tempest?!"

Shiori- "It's not just a book company, it can be anything, ranging to an electronic company, and also mercenary work, but mostly just book company"

Rimuru- "That's not the point! You named it after THE Tempest?!"

Shiori- "Yes, I did"

He raise his hand seemingly wanting to say something but decided that it's not worth the time and he already got his answer.

Shuna- "What is this Tempest? Rimuru said it like it's a big deal"

Shiori- "It's a name of a nation in one of the books that I've read, I'll share it with you guys later"

Ayame- "We would be grateful, Shiori-sama"

Shiori- "I have made this company when I was a kid to protect Mio when she appears in my world"

Shion- "Mio-sama seems strong enough, why does she need protection?"

Shiori- "Well, her entire existence was just a tool to eradicate ordinary human from my world until she met my family, and we show her the way of life, but this organization that spawn her won't stop hunting her down and would target my family as the result, then possibly going to threaten me using my family as a bargain in the future"

Shion/Shuna/Ayame- "How dare they?!"

Shion- "Can I torture this organization, Shiori-sama? I would love to see them wailed in agony"

Shiori- "In due time, Shion"

Shion seems satisfied with my response to her request. Now that I have these powerful monsters as my subordinate and some ridiculous power, I have practically no reason to fear DEM anymore, but I still want to see what they want to do as a countermeasure for my power. They are not connected with Voice of the World, so their idea will be useful if I want to make myself more broken in the future.

Shiori- "Of course, a kid wouldn't be able to make that organization on her own, so I search for potential candidate to be my representative, and that's when I see the perfect person for this role"

Rimuru- "Why don't you just shapeshift yourself into an adult?"

Shiori- "I can't do that yet when I was still a kid because I was still a human at that time"

Matsuri- "Who is this lucky person, Shiori-sama?"

Shiori- "It's my shut-in cousin, Kazuma Satou"

Rimuru seems to be shocked for a second that my cousin turns out to be THE Kazuma Satou.

Shiori- "It seems that you guys are eager to know why I chose a person with such a pathetic sounding nickname, let me tell you a story on how an adult is practically leeching off of their cousin"


It was the summer, and I was having a holiday in the countryside at my uncle's house. I was not sure why we were spending our summer in the countryside but there we were at the Satou family house.

This uncle of mine came from my mother's side, I was having suspicion about who my cousin was, so I decided to ask my uncle.

Shiori- "Uncle, I was told that there should be one more person in this house, where are they?"

Uncle- "You see, Shiori-chan, he is in his room and he doesn't want to be disturbed at the moment. I swear, that kid ought to get a job one of these days"

Shiori- "Can I know his name?"

Uncle- "His name is Kazuma, I understand why he wants to be a shut-in but he needs to overcome it someday, please don't be a shut-in in the future, Shiori-chan. I know that you have potential"

Shiori- "I won't be a shut-in that has no job, Uncle!" I said that with the most innocent smile that I could show to him.

Kazuma's dad- "That's good, all of you must be tired from the trip, I'll guide you to the guest room"

Shiori- "Thank you, Uncle!" I said cheerfully and follow him to the guest room while my parents were chatting with my aunt.

Long story short, I arrived at the guest room and I immediately jump on the bed, then I looked at the ceiling as I asked my skill that was still [Clairvoyant Guide] at the moment.

Shiori- 'Hey, Clairvoyant Guide, when is Kazuma's deadline?"

[Received. utilizing skill to look into the future... successful. Individual Kazuma Satou is predicted to die at the day after tomorrow]

Shiori- 'So I still one more day, huh? I need to practically stalk him when he's going out for buying some stuff outside tomorrow night'

He is going to be great to have in my plan to build a company because I can get him to be my representative whenever I need to do something that needs an adult for it, but most of the time he's going to be living the life as a shut-in that has a job.

I decided to just sleep that time and asked [Clairvoyant Guide] to wake me up when it's time to eat, I need every energy that I could get because a kid body curfew is annoying when I want to do something like this.

[The day after tomorrow]

I was just sleeping the whole day because I want to save my energy, I still go to the dining room to eat with everyone, and surprisingly Kazuma-nii-chan is also joining us to eat at the dining room.

I asked him why did he stay in his room all day, and he said that he is doing some hero duty so he need to stay in his room all day. I know that this is a half-truth and that he's just playing MMORPG on his computer but I still look at him with stars in my eyes and demand him to tell me more about it.

He brags more and more about his heroic duty in leading his group toward victory with his strategy every time, and about the time when one of his party members leaves his group to train with someone and this person promise that he will meet them again in the future, but when Kazuma's party meet this person again, he has defected to the evil side so Kazuma and his party regretfully has to go against him and kill him, however in the end, they lost to him and he doesn't even find the appeal in killing them in such a bad state, so he let them live for another day.

Unfortunately, the party disbanded and goes on their way after that incident to train separately, but Kazuma is still doing heroic work to this day, accepting odd jobs from any group that will pay him, fulfilling requests from the people, and also helping people in need even if there is no reward.

All of this is bullshit, I know. Although I can guess where that second story is based, it was based on his own life. You see, this guy had a childhood friend, and that childhood friend was his first love and they had promised to marry each other in the future, however, one day he finds that same girl riding on a motorbike with a delinquent upperclassman and practically showcasing that they are in a relationship, so he decided to not attend school anymore from that day and here we are.

Shiori- 'Clairvoyant Guide, wake me up in the middle of the night and I use [Balance Breaker] so that I won't get tired while following Kazuma for the night'

I know that he's going to buy some game in town, then he's going to die in a stupid way when the morning came by. I'm not going to let that happen.


It is morning and I am still following Kazuma right behind him, he can't see me when we went to town because I have an invisibility barrier around me that I conjure up with [Mystic Arts], I had turned it off earlier and just walk behind him because I'm sure that he's sleep-deprived from all of that gaming session.

A tractor passes by me on my right, I can see a girl walking in towards my direction, there is no mistaking it, this is the scene and Kazuma is going to jump on that girl, then die because of shock.

He jumps to his right and shoves the girl out of the tractor way then passes out, I need to get to it!

Shiori- '[Mystic Arts]'

I conjure up some healing runes and ailment nullification runes on his body but his heart rate is still dropping down.

Shiori- 'Clairvoyant Guide! What's happening?!'

[Report. Individual Kazuma Satou fate is to be transported to another world after his death, so his death is not something that can be altered with ordinary healing runes]

I tried using [Balance Breaker] but nothing happened.

[Notice. Quota for [Balance Breaker] has been fulfilled for the day, so it's not possible to use this skill until tomorrow]

Shiori- 'Damn it! I just have to use it for negating my fatigue as a kid! What should I do?!'

No one around me is laughing because I am panicking for the young man beside me.

Shiori- 'I just have to try my chance, didn't I?! Please, someone! Anyone! Help me save this guy!'

Everyone around me suddenly passed out, I look around only to notice that the sky has a prismatic pattern on it and there is also a pixelated figure coming towards me.

???- "I can help you out with your predicament"

The pixelated figure seems to place their hands on Kazuma's chest, and after a while, they got their hands off Kazuma. The surface where Kazuma was leaking is clean of any substance, and I also noticed that they are cleaning

???- "I'm done here, any person that passed out here won't remember anything"

Shiori- "Hey! Who are you?!"

???- "I'm just a passing through True Spirit, remember that!"

I was confused at the time about their word, so I decided to ask [Clairvoyant Guide] about who they are.

Shiori- 'Clairvoyant Guide, who is that? What did she do to Kazuma? Please leave out anything that I have known already'

[Report. The only known fact about the mysterious individual is that the individual is a True Spirit and is a female, further analysis is not possible because the individual possessed an Ultimate Skill]

Shiori- 'She has an Ultimate Skill? I don't want to get on her bad side, I'm sure that the reason why I can see that two status is that she allows me to see it'

[Report. the mysterious individual is connecting individual Kazuma Satou with Voice of the World and bestowing him with some appropriate skill]

Shiori- 'Can you show me his stats?' I touch his body as [Clairvoyant Guide] begins its scanning.

[Scanning individual Kazuma Satou for stats... successful. Individual Kazuma Satou status are as follows]

[Name: Kazuma Satou

Race: Spirited Human

Protection: Blessing of the Spirit of Origin

Unique Skill: [Create Water], [Steal]

Extra Skill: [Magic Sense], [Control Particle]

Resistance: [Electricity Resistance], [Water Resistance], [Melee Attack Resistance], [Spiritual Attack Resistance], [Ailments Resistance]]

His Unique Skill seems useless at first but I'm sure that it will be useful on some occasion.

Shiori- "Right, let's bring you home, Kazuma-nii-chan" I carry home like a labor worker carrying a bag of cement.


Shiori- "I just said to everyone in my uncle's house that Kazuma-nii-chan collapsed outside, then I bring her home and that's how Kazuma got his power"

Rimuru- "You haven't tell us how you made him your employee yet"

Shiori- "I'm getting there. A few days later, I confronted him after he recovered from all of that almost dying nonsense and offered him a job"


Shiori- "So, Kazuma-nii-chan, do you want a job?"

Kazuma- "Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?"

Shiori- "I know a job where you still going to get paid despite slacking off all day"

Kazuma- "Really, now? Listen, kid, that sounds too good to be true and you shouldn't trust people on the internet so easily"

Shiori- "But it's a real job, I want you to be my representative for adult stuff"

Kazuma- "Pardon?"

Shiori- "I want you to be the representative because obviously, they're not going to let a kid enter the business world so early"

Kazuma- "What?! Since when did you do business?!"

Shiori- "Since a while, but it's just a small bookstore at the moment and I want to turn it into a book publishing company"

Kazuma- "Why don't you ask your parent then?!"

Shiori- "Honestly, I don't trust them but I fully trust you, Kazuma-nii-chan"

Kazuma- "Well, as long as I'm not considered a shut-in by the society. I'm in, how much is the salary?"

Shiori- "This much" I conjure up a suitcase full of money using [Mystic Arts].

Kazuma- "How did you do that?! Also, isn't this too much?!"

Shiori- "No, Kazuma-nii-chan, this much is nothing for me. The thing that I just use is my Unique Skill: [Mystic Arts], it allows me to do anything related to magic"

Kazuma- "Wow, can you teach me?" He seems so excited.

Shiori- "I have checked your body when you fainted, and I could teach you how to use it"

Kazuma- "Yes, please"

Shiori- "You have two unique skills, I will teach you the first one. Reach out your hand like you want to shoot a plasma gun from your palm, imagine water coming out of your palm, and then say [Create Water]"

Kazuma reaches out his hand forward with his palm open, and I move out of the way so that I won't get flushed by him.

Kazuma- "[Create Water]!"

A fountain of water that can be used to water a plant shoots out from his palm as he saw it in disappointment.

Kazuma- "What?! Isn't this useless?! Why is it called unique skill?!"

Shiori- "You most likely don't have enough magicules to make a big splash, it's okay though. Let's move on to the next one, this one is called [Steal] and the name of this skill has already made it clear on what it does, so I want you to use it on me"

Kazuma- "Are you sure?"

Shiori- "Yes, I am sure because something tells me that what you're going to steal from me is not going to be that valuable to me, just reach out the palm of your hand and say [Steal] while closing it"

Kazuma- "Okay, [Steal]!!!!"

I felt a breeze between my leg and I touch down there only to notice that my panties is gone. It seems that it's still working as intended for this guy.

Kazuma- "Let's see... huh?!" He peeked inside of his hand and realized what he had stolen from me as I smirk at him.

Shiori- "So, do you like it? Consider it a gift from me, cherish it"

Kazuma- "Why did I get panties from this skill?!"

Shiori- "Kazuma-nii-chan, this skill is based on luck of the person that has this skill, so the fact that you can get this skill means that your luck is high if you want to refer this with an RPG term"

Kazuma- "Does this mean that I will get panties every time I use this skill on a female?"

Shiori- "Pretty much, do you accept my offer to work for me or not? I will pay you accordingly and give you a place near my house"

Kazuma- "It feels like I'm leeching off of you"

Shiori- "Are you saying that you don't want to?"

Kazuma- "I didn't say that"

Shiori- "Welcome to the team, Kazuma Satou"

Kazuma- "What will we do about my parents asking who hired me?"

Shiori- "I will prepare that, but if they ask who hired you, just say that Shido Itsuka is the one that hired you"

Kazuma- "Got it, let's head back now"


Shiori- "We got back home after that, but we still need to do much work after that, but that's a story for another time"

Matsuri- "How is he now?"

Shiori- "He's doing well and working on an actual work when I demand him to"

Ayame- "People change over time, huh?"

Shion- "I'm going to get out of the hot spring with Shuna-sama and Ayame-sama now. Thank you for the story and good night, Shiori-sama"

Shuna/Ayame- "Good night, Shiori-sama"

Shion, Shuna, and Ayame got out of the spring and wash their body on the stool, then get out of the bathing area.

Shiori- "Right... I guess that I do have some work tomorrow, so I need to get out as well, good night"

Nia just follows me out of the spring without saying anything, then we wash our bodies on the stool before getting out of the bathing area.

I have some works to be done before Souei report back to me, so I need to get ready for tomorrow.

Rimuru POV

There she goes, that girl with a gorgeous face and blue hair running down her back, that majestic golden eyes with dilated white pupils, those breasts that are just right, and that thigh and butt that makes me want to cuddle her, coupled with that sweet but tough personality of hers, just perfect..

Matsuri- "I noticed that you are looking at Shiori-sama with affection, Rimuru"

Rimuru- "E-eh?!"

Matsuri- "Fufufu, you're blushing face is cute, Rimuru"

I blush madly after hearing that statement and place my hand on my cheek to calm myself.

Matsuri- "Why don't you just pursue her? I'm sure that she wouldn't mind if it's you"

Rimuru- "I just... don't think that I deserve it"

Matsuri- "Why?"

Rimuru- "When we first met, I was already powerful and then I said to her about my goal in this world is to build a nation for monsters, she decided to help me but before I realized it, she's the one that is doing most of the work while I watch on the sidelines"

Matsuri- "Why don't you ease her job then? Offer to do her job in her place for starter"

Rimuru- "She has her clones for that"

Matsuri- "Make a clone for each of her clones and stay by her side so that you can tend to her if she ever needs any help"

Rimuru- "That... is a good idea! I'll do that! Thanks, Matsuri!"

Matsuri- "Fufufu, I'm glad to help, Rimuru. I'm going to get out now, good night"

She got out of the hot spring and wash her body on the stool before getting out of the bath area.

Shiori... hey, [Raphael], I just want to make sure. Am I having a crush on Shiori?

[Report. Frequency analysis of your thought patterns indicate an intense sense of attraction directed at Individual Shiori Takamiya, it is believed that this would constitute as "having a crush" on Individual Shiori Takamiya]

Rimuru- "I do have a crush on her, huh? I wonder since when did this happen?"

[Report. This thought pattern has been detected ever since you start to stare at her sleeping figure at night time]

You make it sound like it's creepy, I was just admiring her beauty from a closer distance.

[It is what the human society would find creepy in most cases, however, Individual Shiori Takamiya is allowing you to stare at her all night]

Eh?! She knew about that?! Since when?!

[Since the second attempt]

That long?! I need to apologize. Oh yeah, I can be her pillow for tonight, let's do that.

I got out of the bath as well and wash my body on the stool before getting out. I don't need to wash my body actually, I just want to do it because everyone is doing it earlier.

I rush out of the bathhouse after changing into my clothes to apologize to Shiori by offering myself to be her pillow for tonight.

Author Note brought to you by chibi Shiori tell her story to chibi Rimuru, Shion, Shuna, Ayame, and Matsuri in the hot spring.

A/N- "AHHHHHH!!!!!!! I accidentally published this earlier!"

MC- "People that can read this note. Yes, the author accidentally pressed the publish button earlier"

A/N- "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

MC- "Stop that sorry barrage!"

A/N- "Yes!"

MC- "This is Author Note, thank you for reading, and see you all in the next chapter"

A/N- "Goodbye, I'm sorry!"

MC- "I said, stop it!"
