
"I'm so excited to film. Who wants to do line reading in a little bit?"Millie suggested as we got back to the cabin.

"Sure why not."I shrugged. We all agreed and went to our rooms first.

I left my door open a bit and put some pajamas on. The whole kiss scene with Noah had me flustered.

I turned on my playlist and "Chocolate" by The 1975 came on. Yes!! I love this song!!


I heard a small thump. It sounded like it came from the hall. I turned my music down and opened my my door all the way.

In fell Finn, Noah, and Millie. "WERE YOU SPYING ON ME!?"I shouted at them.

"Whaaaat?? Psh, no."Finn lied. I gave them a death glare.

"Alright fine we were but it was because we were gonna come ask you if you wanted pizza."Noah shrugged and they nodded.

"Whatever. I do want pizza by the way. I'll be there in a minute."I said and everyone left but Noah.

"Nice dance moves you had going there."He teased and flopped down on my bed. I stuck my tongue out at him, both of us laughing.

"So, we have to kiss in two possibly three scenes."He said awkwardly.

"Yep. Umm, it can't be to bad I guess."I bit my lip and he nodded.

There was an awkward silence and I wanted to tell him that I like him, but I knew if I did I would ruin everything.



"I um.. well I-"

"PIZZAS HERE!!"Caleb called from the living room.

"OKAY!! What were you saying?"I turned my attention to him again.

"Nothing, it's fine. We should go eat."He faked a smile and I gave him a look.

"Really, it's ok."

I shrugged and we went out to the living room. "We should play charades."Gaten suggested as we all grabbed a slice of pizza from the box.

"I thought we were going to practice our lines."Sadie sat down next to me.

"We can do that later. I wanna have fun with you guys."

All of us agreed and I offered to go first.

"Okay umm...what am I?"I said acting out a police officer.

"Mad hatter?"

"No what the hell!"I laughed. I thought of something to help them get it.

"Noah you're under arrest!!"I pulled Noah off the couch and pretended to hand cuff him.

"OH A COP!!"Finn yelled and I nodded. Finn and I exchanged positions.

He started jumping and moving his hands up and down. "Gotta get your head in the game!!"He sang.

"OH UMM...DACRE??"Caleb called out. Fin shook his head.

"TROY BOLTEN!!"Noah shouted and Finn laughed before nodding.

They changed spots. "Lights!! The lights!! He's trying to talk to me!!"He faked shaking and started walking around the room pointing at the lights.

"JOYCE BYERS!!"Gaten and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Yeah it's Joyce."

Noah sat down except this time he sat on me. "NOAH!! GET OFF!!"I yelled and started pushing him.

"No you're comfortable."He protested and I started to tickle him.

"HEY NO FAIR!!"We started tickling each other until we were on the floor.

"I ship this so hard."Caleb said and I realized Millie was recording.

"MILLIE!!"Mine and Noah's face turned red. She giggled contently and posted it on her Snapchat.

I looked at Noah as he was still on top of me. "Sorry."We both quickly got back on the couch.

"If those aren't secret feelings then I'm never getting married."Finn rolled his eyes.

I flipped him off and we continued to play charades.

"Ok I have a wild idea."I said eyeing up the stairs.

"What?"They all asked.

"We should jump off the railing."I smirked. The stairs went up to a hallway. There was a huge railing at the top leading across to the wall. If you jumped over it, you would end up down here.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?"Noah grabbed my arm in fear.

"Oh man up, we can put a bunch of pillows and blankets at the bottom. It'll be fun."I laughed.

Everyone looked at me, then at each other, then at me. "Eh screw it I'll get the blankets."Gaten threw his hands up in surrender.

"Oh by the way we have an extra room. I found it earlier."Caleb told everyone and I nodded. But then I started thinking.

"Hey guys, do you think my best friend could come live with us while filming? I miss her a lot and she had auditioned for Eleven."I said once everyone was back in the room.

"What's her name?"Finn instantly asked. He looked a little surprised, almost hopeful? I don't know why though.

"Brianna, why?"I raised a brow and he looked as if he were going to go into cardiac arrest or some shit.

"Oh, no reason."He shrugged and went back to placing pillows.

"Umm, okay then."I looked at everyone else as they were just as confused as me.

"Well, I wouldn't mind her staying with us."Millie smiled.

"Yeah I'd love another girl around here."Sadie gave me a reassuring side hug.

Everyone else agreed it would be fine, Finn still didn't say anything else.

"Finn? Is it okay?"I pulled him aside.

He bit his lip, but nodded. "Yeah, there was just... something. It's okay I was just a little surprised. Surely a lot of other Brianna's auditioned for Eleven, right?"He asked me.

"Yeah totally, you ok?"I noticed he looked kinda excited but didn't want to be.

"Yep, I'm great."He faked a smile and I slowly nodded.

We went back to the living room and I decided to text the Duffer Brothers asking if it'd be okay.

I'm the meantime I went upstairs to see if the railing was sturdy. "How is it?"Noah asked me from downstairs.

"Secure!! Who wants to go first?"I asked and Sadie volunteered.

"Hell yeah!!"I cheered her on as she hopped over the railing.

"Count down."She stood on the small ledge Infront of the railing.

"5..4..3..2..1!!"Everyone else chanted and she jumped.

It was decently high. She screamed and landed. I clapped and then everyone else came up.

"I'll go now."I said and climbed over.

"Be careful."Noah said kinda quietly. I looked back at him and winked before jumping.

"I LIKE LEMONS!!"I screamed mid air and then landed in the pillows.

"The fuck was that for?"Caleb laughed at me.

"Dunno."I laughed along and got up so someone else could jump.

"My turn!!"Gaten jumped within 3 seconds of announcing.

"I guess I'll go."Noah said climbing over and I went back upstairs.

"It's so high."He commented and I smirked. I went behind him and pushed him off the ledge.

I laughed as he screamed and flopped onto the pillows. "WHO DID THAT!?"

He looked up and I waved. "Of course."

We all laughed and then Finn and Caleb went. The next hour was just us jumping.

"Finn, Caleb, Gaten. Come with me."Noah waved the boys to someone's room. Me and the girls looked at each other.

"Eavesdrop."We said in unison.

The three of us, hopefully four soon, crept up to the door of Noah's room.

"I have Nerf guns, take one each. We must attack. They're unarmed."I heard him whisper.

"That's what they think."I whispered to Sadie and Millie.

I brought them to my room and started going through my suitcase.

"They might have Nerf guns, but I have water guns."I snickered and gave them 2 water guns each.

"This is gonna be the ultimate war I'm so excited!!"Millie clapped quietly.

"I have bandanas I'll go get them."Sadie snuck down the hallway to her room.

"We need black eyeshadow to make us look badass."Millie said picking up some of my pallets.

"Hurry!! They're almost done!!"Sadie came back in and passed out the bandanas.

I put mine over my mouth and they did the same. Millie put eyeshadow on us.

"Guys we should be properly dressed, there's a pool outside. If we get pushed in we'll need dry pajamas."I warned them. They thought for a sec.

"You're right."Sadie nodded. I went to my closet and tossed them some spare clothes.

I put on a white shirt that said "Game Time" in black writing, blue ripped jeans, and a blue jean jacket.

Sadie wore blue jeans, a white tank top, another one of my blue jean jacket, and a black beanie.

Millie wore ripped blue jeans as well, a red shirt that said "Fight Back", and my other jean jacket.

Yes I have a thing for jean jackets. Plus it was a good theme for us.

"Oh my god we look so badass!!"I smiled and they agreed. We took a quick selfie and rushed to the bathroom to fill our guns.

I heard the boys shuffling around so chances are they were changing too.

"Alright, now we wait."I whispered and we went to the living room.

"We should hide."Sadie suggested so we hid behind the kitchen counter.

"This is gonna be great!"Millie snickered.

"If we run out of water refill asap obviously, and don't stop until they surrender."We discussed.

Suddenly we heard a door open. They walked out and came to the living room.

"Guys? Where'd you go?"Noah called out.

We looked at each other and I started counting down.

"1..2..3!! ATTACK!!"I shouted at 'attack' and we jumped up.

"SHIT!!"Gaten shouted as he was the first to notice. All of them wore almost the same outfits as us.

"FIRE!!"Noah ordered and we all held up our guns.

They started shooting so we did too. I got hit multiple times as I had to go closer to them to get the water to hit.

"TAKE THAT SCHNAPP!!"I aimed at Noah's face and he let out a yelp as the water hit.

He fired at me but I ducked and then Finn started firing at me as well. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!!"

Noah ran away and started to fire at someone else meanwhile I continued to get Finn.

"GUYS HELP!!"Millie called for me and Sadie as Noah was trying to take her gun.

"NOAH FRICKIN SCHNAPP!!"I ran over, put my arms around him, and pulled him away from her.

"LET GO!!"I shouted and he kept trying to take Millie's gun.

"NEVER!!"He replied and laughed a little. Sadie came over and started to get his face. He screamed and let go.

"YES!!"I screamed and put him down. Immediately I grabbed his gun before he could and started to run.

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!"Caleb chased after me. I turned around and started firing at him.

"LEAVE HER!!"Millie backed me up and fired at Caleb. Finn and Sadie were attacking one another. Noah and Gaten were coming over to me.

"YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE MARTINEZ!!"Noah threatened and I rolled my eyes.

The water in both guns were gone so I darted to the bathroom as fast as I could.

"GRAB HER!!"Finn said to someone and I prayed it wasn't me.

Seconds later I felt someone scoop me up. It was Noah. "PUT ME DOWN!!"I started flailing my arms and he simply laughed.

Gaten opened the back door. Oh no. "DON'T YOU DARE!!"I heard Sadie yell.

"Enjoy your swim."Noah whispered to me before he threw me into the pool. Except by some prayer I was able to hold onto his arm without him knowing.

He fell into the pool at the same time he threw me.

I heard gasping and laughing when we resurfaced.

"Well played Martinez, well played indeed."Noah laughed and I did too.

"You two are the team leaders, is war over?"Finn asked us. Noah and I looked at each other.

He stuck his hand out. "Sure."I laughed and we shook. Of course I got butterflies when our hands were together.

"Kiss!!"Sadie teased and we both turned red. Noah got out of the pool and I followed.

"I'll get the towels."Caleb went inside with everyone else following. Except us obviously.

"That was fun."Noah smiled at me and I nodded.

"I heard you saying you had nerf guns so we went all out."I shivered.

"Cold?"He asked and I nodded.

"Come here then!"He laughed and pulled me into his arms.

I chuckled and buried my head in his shoulder. I was getting tired.

"Ok I have towe-my my my what do we have here?"Millie came out with towels but put her hand over her mouth in shock once she saw us.

"She was cold."Noah mumbled and we took the towels.

"Nice excuse. Get inside you two."She ordered and we went inside.

"I'm gonna go change I'll be back."I said going to my room.

I put my pajamas back on and put my wet clothes in the dryer.

I checked my phone and saw Matt has answered me.

Matt: totally!! I don't see a problem!!

I screamed at the news that Brianna could come stay with us. I can't wait to tell her oh my god. I'm not telling her until tomorrow morning, I'm to tired right now.

"Guys!! Brianna can come!!"I announced as I got into the living room.

"AH I'M SO EXCITED!! ANOTHER GIRL!!"Millie exclaimed as everyone else cheered.

I flopped onto to the couch and we decided to do a script reading.

  - 1 hour later-

"Guys I'm getting really tired I'm gonna hit the hay, goodnight. Love you all."I got up. It was 3am and we had finished reading most of our scripts.

"Goodnight love you too!!"They all responded.

"We all should go to bed."Sadie said and the rest of them agreed that we all go to bed.

I brushed my teeth and got into bed. I yawned and tried to fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Noah and how this kiss would go.

I wish I could fall asleep in his arms. I sighed.

Oh fuck it I'm not gonna sleep unless I'm with him. I got up and crept across the hall.

I lightly knocked on his door. "Come in."He said and I could tell he was nearly asleep.

I opened and closed his door. It was completely dark except for a small night light.

That was one thing we had in common. Neither of us could fall asleep in the dark, so we needed night lights. It wasn't that we were afraid of the dark, it was just to much.

"Um, I can't sleep. And the only way I'll sleep is if I'm with you."I whispered and he laughed.

"Good cause it's the exact same for me right now just the other way around."He sat up and I smiled.

I saw his face a little as I got into his bed. He pulled me into an embrace as we laid down. I sighed in relief.

"Thank you."I cuddled into him. He kissed my cheek without saying another word.

We both fell asleep probably less than 5 minutes later. Today was perfect.
