
Emris's POV

"Wanna play just dance?"Noah leaned on my bed.

"How? There's no X-box."I questioned and put down my phone.

"They have them on youtube so we could use the computer."He pulled me off the bed and chose a song.

"You definitely know this one."

The music started and we watched the screen.

"You've got two black eyes from loving to hard and a black car that matches your blackest soul."

I screamed and got excited over the song. "JESUS!!"he covered his ears and I laughed.

We started following the dance until I tripped and fell on top of him.

"Free style?"I asked as we got up.

"Sure."He laughed and I got on the bed and started jumping.

"THE BLACK MAGIC OF MULHOLLAND DRIVE!! SWIMMING POOLS UNDER DESERT SKIES!!"I sang at the top of my lungs and he started recording me.



He set the camera down and I got off the bed.

"You got bleached out eyes from the valley sand and a black tar palms keep weeping your name."I sang to him and he smiled.

"I couldn't change ya, oh. Couldn't ever try to make you see, no. The high rise lights read your rights"He sang back and it became a contest.

"And a downtown storm with Aries rising. I couldn't change ya, oh. Couldn't ever try to make you see, no."I sang again and we laughed.

"Static palms melt your vibe. Midnight whisperings.."We sang together and I grabbed his hands.


"DRINKING WHITE WHINE IN THE BLUSHING LIGHT!!"He sang again and twirled me.

"JUST ANOTHER LA DEVOTEE!! SUNSETS ON THE EVIL EYE!! INVISIBLE TO THE HOLLYWOOD SHRINE!! ALWAYS ON THE HUNT FOR A LITTLE MORE TIME!!"I twirled him this time and we both started laughing to much to sing anymore.

It got back to the chorus and we started jumping again. He tried to dip me but we both fell and laughed even harder.

The song ended and we couldn't stop laughing. He grabbed the camera and stopped filming. He sent it to the group chat.

"My turn to choose a song."I said and scrolled through his playlist. I chose "Gloom Boys" by Waterparks.

"YES!!"He practically yelled and I laughed. We started dancing and throwing the lyrics at each other.

"I'm tired."He flopped onto the bed when the song ended. I did the same.

"Wanna watch season 1 of stranger things and pull an all nighter?"I suggested and his face lit up.

"Absolutely!! I'll get the energy drinks and junk food. You get blankets and pajamas."He ordered. I nodded and started searching the drawers.

Our moms were out so we had the hotel room to ourselves for a while.

I found his pajamas, they were a deadpool tank top and deadpool shorts. I gasped.

I quickly grabbed my pajamas which also were deadpool.

"Hey, nice pajamas."I threw his pajamas at him. He caught them and smiled when he realized I had deadpool too.

We both changed and got settled. We sat side by side in bed with one blanket over us and food surrounding.

"Alright, let the games begin."He pressed play.

The scene opened showing what looked like an asylum. It stayed quiet but the lights were flickering. Seconds later there was a loud bang which was a door opening. "Jesus."I jumped and Noah laughed. Then there was a guy in a lab coat running and shaking. The lights were still flashing and there was an alarm going off.

The guy pressed the elevator button a crazy amount of times until he got in. When he got in there was a creepy animal noise and I braced myself for a jump scare. The camera zoomed in on his face and boom. The scene changed.

"What the fuck.."I whispered and Noah pointed at the screen.

"That's Finn, Caleb, Gaten, and me."He pointed at the characters.

"THAT'S YOU!?"I shouted and looked at him. He laughed and nodded.

I started playing with his hair and pushing it forward. "Holy shit bowl cut."I put his hair back the way it was.

"Hey, we don't know what your hair will be like so I wouldn't start criticising."He had a point.

We looked back at the screen. "THE DEMOGORGAN IS TIRED OF YOUR HUMAN BICKERING!!"Mike yelled.

"FIREBALL HIM!!"Dustin and Lucas yelled at Will.

Noah looked cute in this scene..

"FIREBALL!!"Will yelled and threw the dice. The dice tumbled off the table.

"WHERE DID IT GO!?"Lucas raised his voice.

"I DON'T KNOW!!"Will kept searching.

"Oh my god.."Dustin was pacing.

"MIKE!! Come on!! 10 after!!"

"You look cute in this scene."I turned to Noah.

"Thanks."He blushed.

The scene was now outside. "It was a 7."Will said to Mike.

"What?"Mike gave him a confused look.

"I rolled a 7, the demogorgan got me."Will admitted.

Mike nodded.

"It gets kinda scary around here."Noah warned me and I nodded.

"I'LL TAKE YOUR X-MEN 134!!"Will yelled to Dustin as he rode off.

"Son of a bitch."Dustin stopped his bike.

The scene went back to Will. He was riding his bike when the light went out. Then back on.

He looked back up at the trail. A tall eery figure appeared in front of him. "AH!"Will crashed his bike.

I jumped and grabbed Noah. He laughed and put his arm around me.

Will got up and started running around a bend and into his house. "MOM!? JOHNATHAN!?"He called repeatedly.

"Oh my god this is so sad now."I awed and held on to Noah tighter.

Will looked out the window and the figure reappeared in the dust. He gasped and ran away from the window. He dialed the phone and someone picked up.

"Hello?"Will was shaking. There was a scary almost screeching sound on the line. He looked terrified and confused.

Looking around the corner, a shadow covered the front door window.

"Holy shit what the hell!?"I screeched and buried my head in Noah's chest.

The door unlocked and Will dropped the phone with the line going dead. He ran outside to the shed.

"Swear to god if you die or something.."I said quietly.

Will took a box of bullets and loaded up a gun as fast as he could with trembling hands. He closed the gun and held it up towards the door.

He was shaking and looked as if his knees would give out from being so scared.

"Oh my god this is so sad no why do you have to be in dangerrrr."I whined and Noah laughed again.

"Don't worry I'm ok."He took my hand and made sure I was watching.

The sound of the creature came back and louder than ever. Will turned around. The light got really bright and you could hear the electricity. It got so loud it sounded like screaming.

But then the light gave out and went dim, showing the shed. Without Will in it anymore.

"WHAT!?"I sat up and threw a pillow. Noah laughed and the intro came on. The music gave me chills.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!? OH MY GOD..NO..ARE YOU OKAY? YES OF COURSE YOU'RE OKAY..WHAT.."I shouted and kept looking back and fourth from Noah to the screen.

"Calm down I'm okay I'm still a living human it's just a show."He laughed at me.

"This literally makes me wanna protect you at all costs oh my god you're to precious fuck that creature."I hugged him and he kept laughing.

I sighed and hugged him tightly.

The intro ended and we kept watching.

The scene was this guy waking up and going outside, smoking a cigarette. It looked early, there was a deck with a lake in front of it. It was gorgeous.

"Oh yeah I have to take you to that spot when we film season 2 it's really nice."Noah smiled and I did too.

The guy showered and got ready, smoking a ton and sipping beer.

He got dressed and left. He was a police officer. Possibly a chief since his uniform wasn't blue.

The next scene was a woman looking for her keys. "Where's Will?"she asked seeming flustered.

"I didn't get him up yet."Johnathan answered and then woman scolded him.

"Is that supposed to be Will's mom and brother?"I asked Noah and he nodded.

The mom checked will's room. He wasn't there. "He came home last night right?'"She asked Johnathan.

"He's not in his room?"Johnathan put plates of food on the table.

"Did he come home or not?"She asked in a concerned tone.

"I-I don't know."He shrugged and looked up.

"You don't know?"

"I got home late, I was working,"

"Working?"She was confused.

"Yeah. Eric asked if I could cover, I thought we could use the extra cash."He explained.

She got upset and shook her head.

"He was at the wheeler's all day, I'm sure he just slept over."

She went to the phone and dialed.

Will wasn't at the Wheeler's.

She hung up and she looked as if she was gonna cry.

The scene changed to a school.

"Well fuck."I said and sighed.

(I'm not typing the rest of the damn episode)

  - 5 am -

"So, what'd you think?"

"shhhh we're in a hotel, it's 5am, and my mom is asleep in the other room."He laughed quietly.

We talked about the season and I asked a lot of questions. He didn't know most because none of the cast knew what would happen in season 2.

"I'm exhausted."I yawned and laid my head on his chest. He moved his pillows down and gently moved both of us into a better sleeping position.

"I'm gonna miss you."He sighed and I grabbed his hand.

"I'm gonna miss you too. A lot. At least it's only a month though."I said and moved so we'd be face to face.

I kissed his cheek and he smiled. "How have we only known each other for a bit more than a week."He whispered.

"I don't know, it feels longer than a week. It feels like we've known each other for years. It's like you were the missing piece of me. I always felt like there was someone out there who needed me. It's you."I pulled the covers up more.

"Yeah I had the same feeling."He tightened his grip on my hand. I smiled and my eyelids started getting heavy.

He reached over to the night stand and turned the lights off. His room was a suite so it had two rooms. This one was his and the other was his mom's.

"Goodnight Noah."I moved over and hugged him.

"Goodnight Em."We let go and turned back to back.

It was kinda weird. Having someone behind you but not touching them.

A few minutes went by and I couldn't fall asleep knowing he was there but not in my grip.

"You still awake?"He whispered.

"Yeah, do you wanna just-"

"Cuddle? Yes."He laughed and we turned towards each other again.

I laid my head on his chest and he put his arms around me.

Minutes later, I fell asleep.
