
I finally finished curling the last strand of my hair, it was Christmas morning at last. Snow was falling, the air was chilled, the city was vibrating with festivity. I had woken up an hour ago and I haven't even left my room yet, we're opening presents and then going out for breakfast.

Noah was Jewish so he didn't celebrate Christmas which was kind of a perk because his parents let him stay the night and spend the day with me, he still loves Christmas obviously because um FOOD AND PRESENTS!! However, he was still sleeping. It was 9am so I'll give him that. I've been bored so I decided to curl my hair to pass the time.

I switched the curling iron to off and set it down somewhere safe to cool, Noah was laying on his stomach with his face turned against the pillow. I chuckled softly and had the urge to go cuddle. My hair would probably mess up but I can always fix it, I climbed back into my bed immediately feeling the warmth. He let out a soft moan from the dip of the bed.

I gently placed my upper body against his back and put my hands on his shoulders, my face positioned in the crook of his neck. I felt him start to wake up as his breathing became less steady, he seemed to realize it was me though because he didn't jump up.

"Good morning.."He mumbled. I pressed a kiss to his cheek in response, he rolled over to face me and smiled.

"Why's your hair curled?"He asked. I rolled my eyes realizing he's always disoriented when he first wakes up.

"It's Christmas dumbass!"I yelled excitedly. His eyes widened and he sat up to get out of bed.

"Oh my god I forgot!! Yes!! I'm so excited!!"He slid into his slippers and I got out of bed as well. He came over to me and put his arms around my waist.

"Merry Christmas babe."He kissed my forehead with a warm smile. I blushed and put my head against his. We stood in each other's arms for a few minutes enjoying the extra happiness Christmas brought.

"Merry Christmas, now get ready. I have to do my makeup and get dressed too. Then we open presents and go to breakfast."I playfully pushed him away and grabbed my makeup bag. He groaned but went into the bathroom. Within a few minutes the shower started.

"YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! YOU BETTER NOT CRY! YOU BETTER NOT POUT I'M TELLING YOU WHY! SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN!!"He obnoxiously started singing in the shower. I bust out laughing nearly ruining my eyeliner. I refocused despite his wailing and finished up.

I curled my hair some more and then tied it in the back. It was a simple style that I've always wanted to try but never had the opportunity to put it to good use. Once I was happy with that I grabbed my dress and slipped it on in a hurry since Noah would be coming out soon. He was getting dressed in the bathroom.

The blow dryer turned on as I was getting my shoes on. I grabbed a bracket and some small silver hoop earrings. I put my perfume on and sat down on his bed. I took the chance to wish everyone a merry Christmas in the group chat.

Santa Got Stuck In The Chimney lololol

I chuckled at the name of the group, someone must've changed it last night. Probably Finn.

Finn: it's too early but mERRY CHRISTMAS LOVE YOU TOO
Millster: Finn it's CHRISTMAS don't be Satan for once in your life
Me: what she said ^
Me: except me I was napping
Gaten: oh yeah that's true, I love you the most then
Me: ya hear that everyone? Gaten loves me the most even though we already knew that
Caleb: yeah yeah yeah shove it up your own wazoo
Sadie: well merry Christmas to you too Caleb
Noah: Em I'm your boyfriend remember?
Me: Noah hurry up I'm hungry and wanna open presents
Me: he's in the bathroom getting ready btw guys
Millie: oh yeah he takes forever to do that

I heard the bathroom door open and I jumped up off the bed. Noah stood there looking fine as ever, he was wearing a dark green long sleeved button up tucked into black pants with dress shoes of course. His hair looked normal but it was slightly more styled. He smiled widely at me. "You look gorgeous."He said.

"You look handsome."I said back. He kissed my cheek and we went downstairs. Even though we haven't been together long this is our first Christmas together, and it's pretty important.

"Merry Christmas!!"Mrs.Schnapp exclaimed. There was a pile of presents in the living room but they didn't have a Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas mom, where's Chloe?"Noah asked.

"Right here, Merry Christmas!"Chloe came downstairs wearing a white sparkly dress. She looked amazing.

"Aww Chlo you look beautiful!"I complimented her. She blushed and gave both Noah and I hugs.

"Presents time!"Mr.Schnapp announced. We all hurried to the couch, Chloe went first. It was a scrapbook from Noah with pictures of them as kids. It was adorable.

"Aww thank you Noah!"She gave him another hug. It was my turn to open a gift so I found one with my name on it in the pile, it was from Noah. I opened it and found a small box.

"What?"I asked. He motioned for me to open the smaller box, I did so and inside was a small necklace with a charm. On the charm was "8.09.16", on the other side was "11.03.16". The first date was the day we met and the second one was the day we started dating.

"Noah! This is so cute oh my god. Thank you."I kissed his cheek. I wanted to kiss him on the lips but it's a little awkward with parents around I guess. He simply smiled and moved on. It was his turn to open a gift so he went for mine.

It was a shirt that says "this boy might bump into you a break your face but don't be deceived, you'll love him anyway". He started laughing immediately as did I. It was an inside joke between us, when we met on the set for the music video it was because he bumped into me.

"Oh my god this is why you're my girlfriend, you're freakin funny. Thank you. I'm gonna wear this all the time."He hugged me. I chuckled and watched as his parents opened some gifts. Within another twenty minutes everyone had opened their gifts and we left for breakfast.

-at IHOP-

"Merry Christmas sweetheart!"My parents both hugged me.

"Merry Christmas!"I smiled, we all sat down at the booth with Noah and I between the two families. His on one side mine on the other. We all ordered food and began to talk about whatever came up. It was mostly the parents talking though. Noah and I just played footsie underneath the table every few minutes and Chloe was texting.

I decided to record a little bit for my Christmas vlog. "Hey guys! It's currently Christmas morning and we are at breakfast with our families. I'm only vlogging cause it's just all adult talk right now."I held my phone at an angle where only I was in the shot.

"Yeah it's boring, we don't know what else to do."Noah came into the shot adding onto what I was saying. He leaned his head on my shoulder making me smile.

"I'm just waiting for the food. But yeah, today should be pretty fun it's already going well. After this I think we're just going to relax for the rest of the day and really soak up the Christmas spirit. We were going to go skating but Millie really wants to do that with the group so we decided to wait."I said.

"Yeah we're probably just gonna watch some movies in my room and eat cookies. Even though it's Christmas we're gonna be spending as much time alone as we can since we won't be getting many opportunities for that with shooting and stuff."Noah wiggled his eyebrows. My eyes widened and I punched him.

"He's right but don't think he's hinting at anything guys he isn't, we're still youngins. We're 12!"I exclaimed.

"Some kids do it that young! Watch the news!"He defended himself.

"Oh my god stop! And also that's definitely not on the news! Anyway, we definitely aren't into that yet. But yeah I'll vlog a bit more later! Bye!"I turned the camera off when I realized our food was arriving. Breakfast was pretty casual. More adult talking. More playing footsie. Life of a kid right?

Noah said goodbye to his parents and we headed to my house. We actually got Ubered there because my parents were heading to my cousin's house. So Noah and I would have the place to ourselves.

"Ya know, if we were like 15 this would be a way bigger advantage."Noah said when we walked in. I gave him a confused look.


"Ya know, doing the nasty."He smirked. I rolled my eyes and we went up to my room.

"Isn't 15 still kinda young for that?"I asked. He shrugged and sat on my bed.

"Not if it's you. Wait that sounded too weird. What I mean is if we're still together when we're fifteen, I don't think it really matters. By then we'd be together for three years. I wouldn't really care. I'm definitely not ready now nor will I be for a while but, I think by then I'd be okay with it."He told me. I didn't expect it to be that deep but damn.

"Yeah, I don't think I'd care either by then. I guess we'll see what happens?"I sat down next to him. A warm smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah I guess we will."He softly kissed me. I blushed and held his hand. I pulled out my camera and turned it on.

"We're at my house nowwww! I gotta get some pajamas on."I laid down with Noah following.

"Guys can we just take a moment to appreciate how beautiful she looks today? Like, she's the gift. She's everyone's Christmas gift today."Noah told the viewers, I began blushing and poked his cheek.

"You're gonna make everyone throw up!"I giggled. I turned the camera off and we got settled in to binge watch Christmas movies. I had pajamas on and he just took his shirt off and was in his underwear which looked like shorts anyway. Nothing new for us.

The rest of the day was just movies, eating sugar cookies, Noah trying to mistletoe kiss me but failing a bunch, and watching the snow fall. Pretty romantic and relaxing.

But it'll always be romantic and relaxing as long as I'm with him.

A/N: omg... did I just..update for the first time in idek how long? Yeahhh sorry y'all idk what to say at this point. I can't promise a future for this book but I'm really going to try!
