
"Oh crap we have to leave for the airport!!"I shrieked as I realized the time, I rushed to Noah's room.

"Noah!! Come on!!"I pounded on his door, we had woken up not to long ago. It was 8am.

"I'm coming! Chill!"He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and went back to the kitchen to finish my waffle.

"Bye guys, merry Christmas!! I'll see you on New year's Eve!"I gave everyone goodbye hugs. Noah still wasn't here.

I huffed, quickly fixed my hair, and walked back to his room. This time I didn't knock. "Noah!! Come on!!"I stood in his room, he was closing his suitcase.

He didn't say anything. "Sorry I'm not fast enough for you geez em."He finally mumbled.

I sighed, I was being annoying. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Sorry I just get stressed easily."I apologized, he turned to me.

"It's ok, I am slow though."He admitted, we laughed. I gave him a quick hug and we finally left.

  - i'm not writing the airport because it's boring so we're skipping to after they've landed in Scarsdale-
  (For those who don't know Scarsdale is where Noah lives in New York so for this she lives there as well cause uhm goals)

"Hey!!"Noah's mom exclaimed as we got in the car, Noah and I had flown with Jess aka Noah's teacher for when he's filming. She usually goes with him wherever he is because he has school everyday.

"Hi Mrs.Schnapp!"I smiled, Noah winked at me. I gave him a confused look.

"Oh my goodness look at you!! You've gotten taller!! And sweetie, you can call me Karine. Oh my goodness you're so beautiful!!"She examined me with excitment.

"Awe, thank you!!"I beamed, she was seriously so nice. Noah proudly grabbed my hand.

"So I've heard about the rumors, are you two dating?"She asked us. I gulped and Noah nearly choked.

Jess laughed as she joined us in the car. "I think they are, they couldn't keep their eyes off each other the entire flight."She commented. Noah looked at me. I nodded in agreement to confess.

"Alright alright, maybe we're a little more than best friends. I'm sorry."He nervously told his mom, neither of us knew how she'd react.

"Well, you're both very young. But you're also very mature for your age, I'm not mad. You two are good for each other."Karine smiled as she started to drive down the highway.

"Yeah I agree with her, plus now we have one more person to have fun with!!"Jess cheered, we laughed and both Noah and I were in shock.

"Thank you, I don't know what to say."I spoke up, Karine awed.

That went well.

My mom was home, she had gone to Atlanta with me but left soon after. She's currently finding a manager and a publicist for me.

"Okay so, this is your house right?"Karine asked me. I looked out the window and nodded.

"Hey!! I pass by here all the time!!"Noah grabbed my shoulder excitedly. My face lit up.

"I've probably seen you then I used to look out my bedroom window constantly!"I smiled, we both laughed a bit.

"Alright, we'll give you a hand with suitcases."Jess offered, I thanked her and got out of the car.

I only brought two so I took one, Noah took the other. Karine knocked on the door while Jess helped us navigate the steps. I lived in an apartment complex because most living spaces in new york are apartments.

"Hey!! Welcome!!"My mom answered the door immediately hugging Karine. I sighed, getting impatient with carrying a heavy suitcase.

"Oh heavens get inside it's freezing!!"Mom ushered us inside. (I'm just saying mom because it's really not neccasary to keep saying my mom you all know who it is)

We got inside and put my stuff down. "Noah!! Long time no see!!"Mom hugged Noah, I blushed. My mom is very enthusiastic so I get embarrassed at times.

"Nice to see you Mrs.Martinez."Noah hugged her back, he's so nice oh my lord.

"Oh please call me Cecelia."She laughed, Noah agreed and came over to me while Jess and mom introduced themselves.

"So, I've never been to your house. It's nice."He examined the room, I rolled my eyes.

"This is only the hallway silly, I have to show you the rest. Mom I'm taking Noah around the house!!"I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the halls and to the elevator.

"So, Noah. Sweet little innocent Noah. Have you ever played elevator spam?"I raised an eyebrow at him as we walked into the elevator. He looked at me confused.

"No?? What are you up to.."He smirked, I took his hand and pulled him closer to me.

"It's where you press all the floor buttons and stay in the elevator for a long time."I whispered, he looked nervous. It took him a second, but he got the hint.

"Well in that case, I think I'll press all the buttons."He reached behind me and dragged his hand down all the buttons.

We both laughed and smashed our lips together. I pushed him against the wall, putting my hand on his neck. We kept it modest, but still passionate. We've only been together for about 2 months, and I still have my trust issues.

He picked me up and embraced me. I smiled. "I love you so much, you know that right?"I whispered in his ear. I saw goose bumps raise on his skin.

"Yeah, I love you more though."

The doors opened and we walked out. I got to my apartment, found the spare key, and opened the door. We were greeted by warmth.

"Woah.."His eyes widened, it was a pretty nicely sized place. The living room was well furnished, the kitchen was updated along with the bathroom, and my bedroom was awesome.

"Yep, welcome to my home."I awkwardly waited for him to say something else. I'm not really good with showing people around.

"It's nice, how long have you lived here?"He walked around the back of the couch to a table with pictures.

"About 4 years."I joined him, he picked up a photo. A small smile formed on his face.

"Is that you?"He pointed to the picture. It was in fact me, sitting in a big chair with my grandpa. I bit my lip.

"Uh..yeah that's me."I stared at my feet. He nodded.

"Who's that?"

I looked back at the picture to see him referring to my grandpa. "That's my grandpa, he uh..he died not to long after that."I tried not to get choked up, but I felt the tightness in my chest.

Noah took his eyes off the picture and put them on me. "I'm sorry."He said quietly, placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded.

"It's ok, you didn't know. He died of colon cancer when I was three. That's one of the reasons I have PTSD..he was my best friend. To this day I haven't loved anyone the way I loved him. I don't think I was ever even really quite that close to him, but we always had fun together. And I miss that. I feel like things would have been easier if he was here."I poured my heart out with somehow not crying.

He just stood there. I looked at him, I could tell he was really listening. I think that's why I didn't cry. Because someone was actually listening.

"I get it..my cousin killed herself because of bullies."He mumbled, making my eyes go wide. I quickly hugged him and we stood there holding each other.

We finally pulled away, his half smile spreading to my lips. "So do you wanna see my room?"I said on a more positive note. He laughed.


A/N: yes I do know Noah is Jewish, he still is in this fic but when it's Christmas he'll be at her place so I'm going to have him celebrate both just so there's nothing complicated if that makes sense. You'll see.

Q: what do you want to do for a career??
A: ironic but I want to be an actress lol, Noah also inspires me along with the rest of the ST cast so hah that's fun👌idk I'm really awkward in real life don't judge me
