
A/N: That's her characters outfit above :)

"Ally is Steve's step sister, your mom and his dad got married over the summer after Steve's mother cheated. Your dad left you when you were 7. Ally is edgy, she doesn't get in trouble but she listens to a lot of music and bands like The Clash, AC/DC, etc. But at the same time she's a nerd and plays D&D, she rides a skateboard but usually rides on the back of Will's bike when they travel as a group. In scene one you're riding to the arcade to meet with Will, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas."Shawn gave us all a summary of my character.

"Oh my god she sounds awesome."Gaten high fived me. I laughed and we all went to get in costume.

I walked into my trailer and saw my clothes. Brianna followed. "I can't believe you're starring in stranger things holy shit!!"She freaked out again.

"Woah woah woah, starring?"I turned around and almost dropped my phone.

"Yes! Didn't you hear Matt!? Your stupid ass apparently wasn't listening, he said the intro has your name now. That intro only has the people starring."She rolled her eyes and my stomach lurched.

I was starring in my favorite show, ok then.

I shook it off and quickly put the clothes on. (Her outfit is above)

Brianna sat on the couch while Lydia, the makeup artist, got me ready. "Umm, check your Instagram."

Brianna looked up with a hidden smirk. I grabbed my phone and saw my Instagram notifs were blowing up.

Noah had posted a picture of him and I. We had taken it in the car on the way here, in the picture we were laughing and he was looking at me.

It was captioned "I'm super excited to film with this idiot😂you guys aren't ready for this". I awed and scrolled through the comments.

"Who is she!? Season 2!? New character!?"
"The way he's looking at her omg😍"
"I already ship this"
"Guys it's the girl from PATD music video"
"She's so pretty!!"

I smiled and liked the picture. I commented "haha this picture is great, super hype to film with you too❤".

Immediatly people started to reply to my comment.
"OMG the heart"
"Her name is Emris Martinez to everyone wondering, she's the sweetest girl ever!!"

I awed and replied with a heart to that one.

"Dude everyone ships you guys."Brianna laughed and I nodded.

"Alright you're all set!!"Lydia said. I looked up, my hair was pulled into a slightly messy pony tail. It looked awesome.

"Thank you so much, I love it!"I gave her a hug.

"Alright time to get to set, I'm nervous."My anxiety kicked in and I started to pace.

"Relax, you'll do awesome. I wouldn't lie to you, you're an amazing actor. You got dis."Brianna side hugged me and made me breathe. I relaxed a bit. What would I do without her??

We left my trailer and started walking to where everyone else was. "Ok, so I forgot to mention this the other day but Ally has a house too. Gaten, we're filming you looking for coins at your house first so get ready."Shawn motioned to Gaten so he would go inside Dustin's house.

We all stood watching until it was our turn.

Scene POV

"Son of a bitch..son of a bitch!!"Dustin ran around his house looking for coins. "Stupid penny.."

"Dusty watch it you almost hit mews!!"His mom said frustrated.

"Mom can I please check under your cushions??"He pleaded and she moaned having enough of him being flustered. She got up and he dug around.

Finally finding one, he ran to his room and picked up the walkie talkie.

"Lucas, Lucas, you copy? I've got four quarters, what's your hall?"He spoke.

"Take your puny hall and multiply it by five."Lucas sassed as he sat on his bed.


"While you were scrunging around like a homeless bum, I mowed old man Humphreys lawn."

"Old man Humphreys got that kind of cash?"

Lucas sighed. "Just call Mike already."

"You call Mike."

"I have to shower from doing real work, like a man. Over and out."Lucas put his radio down.

"Mike, Mike do you copy?"Dustin called Mike. The scene showed Mike in his basement, sitting where 11 used to sleep.

"Yeah. Yeah I copy."He pulled up his antenna.

"What the hell are you doing on this channel?"The scene went back and fourth from Mike to Dustin.


"Lucas and I have 6 bucks total, what's your hall?"

"Shit! I don't know yet!"

"What do you mean you don't know yet!?"Dustin shouted and Mike rolled his eyes.

"Hold on, call Will and Ally!"

Dustin groaned and the scene changed. Ally was leaving her house. "Mom! I'm going to the arcade!"She called up the stairs.

"Be back by 10!"

"Okay bye!!"Ally walked out of her house, getting on her skateboard and starting her journey to the arcade.

It changed back to Mike, stealing money out of Nancy's piggy bank. Nancy found him and got mad. He left, stating he would pay her back.

- at the arcade -

Dustin, Lucas, and Mike pulled up on their bikes with Ally following with her board.

"Hey!"Will waved from Joyce's car. He got out of the car after having a discussion of rules with his mom.

Inside Dustin kicked the arcade machine. "No no no! I hate this overpriced bullshit!! Son of a bitch! Piece of shit!"He spat.

"How have you not beat the high score we've been playing for 15 minutes!?"Ally pressed the buttons but gave up.

"You're just not nimble enough. But you'll get there one day, but until then, princess Daphne is still mine."Lucas smiled and Dustin huffed.

"Whatever, I'm still tops on centipede and dig dug."

"You sure about that?"They all turned to a guy eating cheetos.

Seconds later, they ran to the dig dug game. "Who's MadMax!?"Dustin freaked out at his score being beaten by some mystery player.

They yelled at Keith to tell them who it was, but to do that he would have to win a date with Nancy.

The bickering of Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Ally talking to Keith slowly faded as Will drifted away. He started walking towards the door.

Outside it looked as if it was snowing only the "snowflakes" much weirder of an appearance. "Hey, hey, do you guys see the-"Will turned around, but suddenly everyone was gone. And he was back in the upside down.

There was a loud thud, making him jump and turn in the direction of the noise. It was the door flinging open, he started to walk out the door. The arcade sign was flickering, and it seemed like there was a strong wind in this creepy place.

Everything was dark, and blue. There were what looked like roots going up the building and partly covering the ground. Will approached the storm.

There were swirling clouds, red lightning lit up the sky with thunder. It was pretty far away. The sign spun, covered in vines. A high pitched screeching noise grew louder, and louder.

"Will!? Are you okay?"The scene suddenly snapped back to the earth, revealing Mike coming outside to Will.

Will looked back at him, then to the sign where the storm once was. "Yeah..I just needed some air."

"Come on, you're up on dig dug. Let's take that top score back huh?"Mike put his arm around him and walked back inside.

Emris's POV

"And cut!!"Shawn called out, Noah and Finn walked off set.

"That was perfect, Noah I just wanna re-run the scene where you're back in the upside down just to get the best possible outcome."

I high fived everyone and Noah went back to the scene. "You guys did awesome."Caleb said to the rest of us.

"I literally had one line so far but thanks."I laughed and we sat to watch the retakes.

"You know what, let's run the whole thing a few more times. We've got time."Shawn changed his mind. We all went back and did it 4 times.

"Ok well that's really all we have for tonight, the next scene is during the daytime. You can all go home or stay in your trailers. Personally I would advise the trailers just so we can film asap tomorrow."Ross came over to all of us including Brianna and Millie who talked to us in between shooting.

"May as well stay here."I agreed and we all decided to head to out trailers.

"Goodnight guys!! Good job, rest up!!"Matt waved to us as we started to walk to our trailers.

"That was so much fun I'm excited for tomorrow!!"I danced around while walking.

"I know, certain people have a kiss scene too.."Caleb hinted. Everyone but Noah and I went "oooooh!!".

I turned red and Noah grabbed my hand a few minutes later. "Well, goodnight everyone. See you in the morning."Millie yawned and we all went out separate ways.

"Dude you get to kiss Noah tomorrow!!"Brianna squealed the second we got inside. I laughed and flopped down on the couch.

It was 2am. "I know I know, I'm terrified."I said half kidding.

"It'll be great, I'm gonna be watching the entire time just so you know."She jokingly reassured me.

"Wow I'm really feeling absolutely no pressure thanks!!"I sarcastically thanked her and we both got ready for bed.

"Goodnight bitch I love you."I said climbing into bed and turning the light off. She squeaked when it got dark.

"Jesus Christ you made me walk into the wall, but goodnight I love you too."

I fell asleep without Noah next to me for the first time in days.
