
"We're still adding touches to some of the props but all of the things that needed to be built have been successfully built!! We might be able to start filming Friday instead, depending on how soon we can get the cameras set up though."Shawn spoke to me as we watched people carrying things around set.

"That's really great, it looks awesome already."

So, Noah and I almost kissed. But then we got here. I don't think he wanted to kiss me because he likes me though it was probably since they were taunting us. I wish we had.

"Alright tour time."Ross came over to me and I nodded. We started to walk around a bit.

"This is the middle school, this is going to be your "locker" when the time comes."He tapped on a locker as we walked down the hall.

"Where's your favorite place to shoot?"I asked as we went into the AP club room.

"Uhh, probably the lab or anywhere outside. We have some really cool stuff coming up so I'm really excited to see it all come to life."He smiled and you could hear the excitment in his voice.

I have a ton of respect for Matt and Ross. They write all this stuff together and it's insane. The script is something I could never even think of. The ideas and imaginition is truly spectacular. And then you have Shawn who absolutely kills at making it all come to life. It's flawless. It obviously takes talented actors to make it all possible but it's honestly a privilege to be able to work with such creative, kind hearted people.

"Now for the Wheeler's house, the Byer's house, Eleven and Hopper's house, and Hawkins I'm gonna have to show you when we're around there because obviously this is an actual neighborhood so it's a kind of lengthy walk. Although I can show you the dressing rooms and your trailer."He explained to me while we left the science room.

"Alright that's cool with me."

"Heyy you guys taking a walk around?"Caleb and Noah joined us on our journey.

"Yep, just giving her a tour. We might do a script rehearsal soon."Ross said looking at the clock. We started walking outside across the field.

"How do you like it so far?"Noah came up next to me and poked my side.

I flinched and poked his neck. "I love it, it's really awesome."

We continued to poke and flick each other until I fell on the ground. "These two can't keep their hands off each other, huh?"Ross said to Caleb and Noah helped me up.

"Nope, and they say they don't like each other."

Caleb gave me a look and I rolled my eyes. He apparently remembers I admitted to liking Noah. I never should've said it.

"We'll see how long that lasts, by the way we're here."We got to a parking lot and there were about 20 trailers. They went in rows of 5.

"The door will have your name on it."

I went up to them and found mind. "Nice we're neighbors!!"Caleb fist bumped me and I laughed.

"I'm all the way at the end. Millie is the first one, you're second, Caleb is third, Finn is fourth, Noah is fifth. Then in the next row it's Sadie, Gaten, Joe, Natalia and Charlie, Dacre. Then next it's Winona, David, Cara, Linnea, Ross and I. Next is Shawn, Lydia the hair and makeup artist, Josh the sound guy, Carlos the main camera guy, and Asher another camera guy. That's everyone."Ross pointed to all of the trailers.

"Wow that's a lot of trailers."I laughed and went inside mine. It was super nice. There was a kitchen, couch, TV, table, 2 beds in the back, and a bathroom.

"We can sleep here if we need a nap. Sometimes over night depending on what time we finish filming."Noah looked around my trailer.

"Ours look the same as yours except I figured I'd give you one with two beds because of Brianna. Matt and I have two beds as well."Ross turned all the lights on and opened some doors.

"Oh yeah she gets here tomorrow morning."

"Great!! It'll be good to have her around set she can probably help out."He side hugged me. Ross was super nice.

  - after the tour and script practice -

"Alright well that's about all we need you guys for today, just keep practicing those lines until we can film. I doubt we'll need you back here until we're ready to film but you're more than welcome to stop by and hangout."Shawn walked us to our car.

We were going back home since they didn't need us for anything else.

"Ok that's good, when will filming start?"Finn asked as the rest of us slowly piled into the car.

"Most likely Tuesday so not much longer from now at all."

"CALEB!! WATCH WHERE YOU PLACE YOUR BOTTOM!!"Millie shouted when Caleb accidentally sat on her hand.

"Jesus christ Millie."Noah covered his ears, she was quite loud.

"I think you'd better get home where it's safer."Shawn laughed and I think we all agreed.

"Oh!! One more thing. Emris, do you know how to ride a skateboard?"

"No not really."I said hoping it wasn't to bad of a trait to lack.

"We can teach her."Gaten volunteered and Noah quickly nodded.

"Yeah I know how to skateboard it'd be no problem."He looked from Shawn to me. I blushed and shook my head so my hair would cover my face.

"Alright that's perfect then just make sure you know how by Tuesday."Shawn nodded and closed the door after we said goodbye.

"I'M HUNGRY!!"Finn screamed at the top of his lungs the second after the door was closed.

"SHUT UP MY GOD!!"Noah yelled and I covered his ears for him. We laughed at how stupid we were.

"I have an idea. We go home, disguise ourselves, and then go grocery shopping."Sadie suggested. It was a good idea so of course everyone agreed to it.

"Come here."I pulled Noah's head closer to me. I ran my fingers through his hair and started braiding a few strands.

I secretly loved his hair. "Stahpppp I'm gonna look like a girl!!"He whined and started attempting to push my hands away.

"Nooo you're supposed to look perty!"I put his hands behind his back and tied the braid with my hairband.

"Guys isn't Noah the prettiest girl in town?"I cooed and they all awed to make him uncomfortable.

"I hate you all."He said as I took a picture with my phone and posted it.

"I'm putting makeup on you someday. Actually that could be today because we have to go out."I smirked and started to think of an idea.

"Oh no no nooooo I can see that idea starting in your pretty little head don't you dare give me a makeover."He gave me a death glare.

"Did somebody just say, pretty little head?"Millie turned around and eyed Noah.

He sighed and threw my hairband at her. "We're having a talk later."She said to him and left it at that.

"I'm already tired."Noah yawned and rested his head on my shoulder. I laughed and hugged him. We stayed like that the rest of the way home.

"We're here love birds."Finn teased us but then we both realized Noah had fallen asleep.

"Aww!"Millie squealed and took a picture of him. I gently nudged Noah. He didn't react.

"Guys I'm gonna stay home with him so he can sleep, you can all go without us."I looked up at everyone.

"Just so he can sleep? Suuure."Gaten winked and I rolled my eyes. I tapped Noah repeatedly until I finally got a little grumble out of him.

"Hey, Noah. We're home. You can go back to sleep when we get inside. You and I are staying home."I said gently and his eyes opened.

"Okay."He yawned and I helped him get into the house safely.

"I'm gonna nap too so bye guys see ya later."I said goodbye to everyone and went to Noah's room.

He was flopped onto his bed face down. "Noahhhh you have to put pajamas on."I giggled and grabbed his sweatpants along with a t-shirt.

"Sorry I'm just really tired."He got up and I turned around as he changed.

"You can turn around again."

I faced him again and we were unintentionally very close. He started to lean in, and I did too. But it lasted about 2 seconds before he pulled away.

"Okay yeah I'm really sorry I get crazy when I'm sleepy."He shook his head and I nodded.

He got in his bed and I closed the curtains for him. "Alright, enjoy your nap."I put my hand on the door to leave but he quickly sat up.

"Wait! Alright look I know usually the girl asks the guy, but can you stay with me?"He awkwardly asked me. I smiled and climbed in besides him.

We got into our sleeping position and he fell asleep a few minutes later. I played with his hair for a while. I really do like him. A lot.

The kiss is I think in the first or second episode into the season so it's fairly soon. I'm really nervous about it. One because I'm gonna kiss the guy I like who knows how many times, and two because I don't know if I'll be able to act the same afterwards. I don't know how it'll make me feel.

Guess we'll have to find out though.

I started to get sleepy and soon fell asleep.

  - after nap -

"What do you wanna do?"Noah pulled me into the living room for whatever reason. I shrugged.

"We could walk through the woods a little bit. It isn't dark."I sat on the kitchen counter and answered Brianna's text about her flight.

"Our parents told us not to unless we're all together so we probably shouldn't. I could teach you to skateboard now?"He leaned against the couch and played with the pocket lighter he took from the kitchen drawer.

"Yeah that'd be a good idea since I have to learn by Tuesday."Both of us laughed and he went to get his skateboard.

I was going to wait til Brianna gets here to tell her I like Noah but I'm tempted to do it now. I need to tell someone other than the group.

B: break it up
B: omg
Btw I knew
Me: well then you like Finn
Me: then what was that little reaction earlier
B: nOthing I just used to like a guy named Finn I was a little shook

I rolled my eyes, I don't believe her.

Me: suuuure, anyways me and Noah are alone rn cause he wanted to nap so I gotta go
Btw he definitely likes you I saw the way he was looking at you
Me: k bye shut up

I put my phone on silent as he came back in carrying a skateboard. "So first get off the counter."

I laughed and hopped down. "Ok so just stand on it and put one foot down."

I walked over to it and stepped on. Immediately it started sliding. I screamed and lost my balance. He laughed and held my arms so I wouldn't fall.

"You're close but you have to place your foot on it really hard and then put the other on the ground."

I did as he said and sorta got my balance. "Alright now the hard part, actually riding. Push off gently with the foot on the floor.

"Don't let go of meeee I'm scareddd!!"I screeched when I slightly pushed. He continued holding my arms and guided me.

"I won't, push a little more."I pushed off a little bit more and started wobbling. I fell off with a scream and wound up really close to Noah's face. Again.

Well that's awkward.

Both of us pulled away and I got back onto the skateboard. He kept teaching me how to move and I eventually was able to do it without holding onto him.

"wAIT HOW DO I STEER AND GET OFF!?"I accidentally rode into the wall and we both started hysterically laughing.

"Sorry I probably should've taught you that first. To steer you just lean in the direction you want to turn and to get off you can just ride until you stop moving but it's easier to put your foot down."He explained and I practiced a little bit more.

"Am I doing it right?"I rode around the living room a little bit. He nodded and I got off.

"So the Duffers told me that your role was the last one they needed to find an actress for. They had been trying to find the perfect actress for over a year and they couldn't find the perfect one until you came along and nailed it."He came over to me and I started blushing.

"That's really cool, I'm surprised at how fast they were able to get things done for me along with building the set."I thought about that for a few minutes. It took almost a year to start filming season 1. Although they did have to find the main characters.

"What I'm getting at is, I wanna see your audition tape."

"Whyyy it's weird to watch."I whined and pushed him and he laughed.

"I was with them in the process of trying to find your role, I wanna see what made them finally decide."He got back up and I sighed.

"Fine, I have it on a flash drive."I went to my room and dug through a few things. Finally, I pulled out the tiny object. I grabbed my computer and called Noah in.

"You'll get to see mine one of these days."He sat on my bed as I set up my computer. I pressed play.

"Hi my name is Emris Martinez and I'm auditioning for the part of Ally Foxx!"Computer me said. His eyes widened and I started laughing.

"This was only a few days before we met by the way."I commented on the video.

"Shhh!"He put his hand over my mouth.

"Where did who go? Who's him?  It's not even hot what do you mean he likes it cold?.. Will? What happened!? Shit shit shit his eyes are rolling back!! Mike!! Dustin!! Will hey it's me it's okay you're gonna be okay, I don't know if you can hear me. Guys he's shaking I don't know what happened. I've never seen him have an episode like this...it has to be the demogorgon."

The video ended and Noah sat there in total shock. He went to say something, but failed.

"You're probably thinking 'why would they choose her that was total shit' I get it. It's ok."I looked at the floor and starting closing my laptop but he grabbed my hand.

"No, that was amazing. I didn't even realize how well you could act. Like I've seen you act a little but not like that. Wow. This season is gonna be so awesome."He finally said and hugged me.

I sighed of relief and hugged him back. "So, the kiss scene is in the first episode."He brought up the awkward topic.

"Oh god. What're your thoughts?"I quietly asked him, hoping he wouldn't hear me. But of course he did.

"I'm nervous I guess. At least we've both kissed people before though."He joked and I laughed a little.

"Can I..can I tell you something? Just to make things easier.."He said a little uneasy and I nodded.

"You're gonna hate me, but I-"

"We're back and we've got junk food!!"Millie yelled through the house. Noah sighed.

"Whatever you're gonna say, I won't hate you. Ever."I kept my attention on him this time. Last time he tried to say something they ruined it.

"Oh, nevermind. I was just gonna say I don't like..oatmeal."He lied. I stared at him.

"Seriously, it's gross."

"I know you're lying but if you say so."I got up and we went to the living room.

"Thanks Charlie."Caleb thanked Charlie as he put down two grocery bags.

Charlie, aka Johnathan Byers, was helping them bring in groceries. I hadn't met him yet. In fact I hadn't met Natalia, David, Cara, or Winona either.

He noticed me and smiled. "Hey I haven't gotten a chance to come introduce myself yet, I'm Charlie. I play Johnathan Byers."He stuck his hand out.

"Nice to meet you Charlie I'm Emris, I believe we'll be in multiple scenes together."We shook hands and he nodded.

"Yeah since you'll be with Will most of the time. Hey do you wanna come over to our house to meet Natalia, Winona, David, and Cara?"He read my mind and I smiled.

"Yes that'd be great!"

He pointed at which house was theirs and I decided to go over in 10 minutes. He left and I helped unpack the groceries.

"Guys I'm gonna run over to the other house to meet everyone else. I'll be back soon."I put my jacket on and they answered with a series of okays.

I texted Brianna on my way over. She was boarding her flight in 10 minutes. Swear to God I'm gonna get to the bottom of what's going on between her and Finn.

I got to their house and knocked on the door. Almost instantly it opened. "Oh my god hiiii!! I've been so excited to meet you!!"Natalia answered and we hugged.

Her and I have texted a bit as well and she was like my big sister, it was awesome. "I know!! I didn't know you guys were staying this close!! I only knew the parents were in the next door house!"I explained why I hadn't been around and she nodded understanding.

"Is that the new beautiful talented actress I hear? I'm Winona, Will's mother."Winona came in and gave me a hug.

I secretly love her and think she's an amazing person and actress oops.

"Hi!! I'm Emris, Will's love interest."We pulled away and we talked about our roles a bit.

"Hey kid."David came in and side hugged me. He loved me a lot he was just teasing me and not giving me a huge hug.

"Hey Grandpa."I teased back and he pretended to be insulted.

After a couple more minutes of talking I said I had to go back to our house and help make dinner, which was true.

I said my goodbyes and walked back over. It was dark so I was a bit nervous. Suddenly there was a boom of thunder which scared every single living organism inside me.


I looked up and saw Noah with an umbrella in hand. It wasn't opened because it wasn't raining yet.

"Noah? What are you doing?"I gave him a confused look and it started to lightly rain.

"I came to get you because there's supposed to be a bad storm and I didn't think you'd wanna walk back in the middle of it alone."He blushed and I awed.

The rain got heavier and we ran back to our house laughing. "Open the door!!"I squealed when we got to the porch. He messed with the lock and eventually the door opened.

"Finally!"We walked in slightly wet from the rain. I randomly gave him a hug and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks."I pushed his wet hair to the side.

"For what?"He brought me into his room. The group was in someone's room playing a board game I think.

"I don't know, everything I guess. You're my best friend, aside from Brianna. I didn't think I'd ever trust anyone else more than her, but here I am. Feeling like I can spill my guts to you about anything at time."I started blushing like crazy, but it was something he needed to hear.

"That means a lot, it really does. It's the same for me, you and Millie are my two best friends. I don't trust anyone more than you two. Well, I mean there's my sister and parents. But you get the idea."He pulled me into his lap and hugged me again.

We sat there, hugging on the floor. In silence except for the rain. Should I tell him I like him?...no. I shouldn't. But I could...nah. I'll stay on the safe side.

After a few minutes we pulled apart. He got up and got me some of his pajamas to borrow.

The rest of the night was everyone just eating our weight in food and watching movies, occasionally practicing our lines.

Tomorrowwww Brianna gets here!! I wonder what Finn thinks ;)

A/N: Fun fact Brianna is actually a real person and my best friend and we both love Stranger things so I had the idea to put her in this💙
You'll probably see her freaking out if you open the comments lmao
