New Friends!

“I’m Briella as you all have already heard. I moved here from North Carolina and yeah.” I sat back down awkwardly in my seat as my teacher went on with the class rules and whatnot. Next I had algebra 4, then gym. My fourth period is civics then I have lunch Audree. Surprisingly those 4 classes went by pretty fast. “Audreeeeee!” I hugged her as I saw her. Come on let’s go eat! I’m starving!”

“Okay but is it ok if my new friend joins us?” I told her sure “Okay Mikey come on let’s go eat!” She grabbed his hand and presented him to me. “Mikey, this is my older sister Briella, Brie this is Mikey. I had my last class with him.” We all talked, well Aud and I talked, Mikey was silent most of the time just observing what we said.

“So Mikey are you an only child?” I asked him as I took a bite out of my turkey sandwich.

He looked up from his food. “I have an older brother. He’s in your grade actually.” He took another bite of his sandwich. “Do you guys like it here so far?”

I answered him. “Mmm it’s different and I do miss North Carolina but yeah I’m starting to like it here a bit. Have you ever been outside of New Jersey?”

“No. I wanna travel the world though. I think it would be kickass seeing so many places. What about you two?” He just stared at Audree as he talked. I think he has a crush on her. Cute.

“Yeah we’ve actually been to Italy with our grandparents from our dad's side.” I winced at the thought of them. I missed them so much. But they aren't allowed to see us due to what happened..

“Sweet. How was it? Did you guys take a lot of pictures? I’d love to be there one day.” He seemed to be coming out of his shell a bit.

“Yeah it was pretty cool. All the unique foods and their way of living. I have a ton of pictures at my house. Would you like to come over and see them? We have a lot of souvenirs as well.” Audree blushed as she blabbed on.

“I’d love to!!” He got red as he answered quickly.

Audree nudged him.  “Silly of course you can, right Brie!? I don’t think mom and Darren will mind having him over. Do you wanna stay for dinner as well that way we can tell you everything about our trip?” He smiled big and said yes.

"I just gotta let my brother know.” The bell rang. Time for my last class. Art and then I’m off. I wonder who his brother is. Damn I should have asked him his name. Oh well I can ask him later.
