Hung Up On

Gerard and I have been together for 3 years now and I couldn't have been any happier. I was completely in love with him but lately he seemed distant.

I'd ask him if everything was alright but all he would say is that it was all fine. I don't know maybe I was just over thinking things.

The guys got recognized 2 years ago. They released their first album, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love and went on tour shortly for 4 months.

Ever since then they have been so busy that Gerard and I never really had time to do anything except for tonight. Tonight it was going to be just us two. I told him what time to be home and he had agreed before going to the studio with the guys

I had everything planned. I was going to tell him.. I found out that I was 7 weeks pregnant. We were going to be parents

It was almost 6 so I dialed Gee's number but it went to voice mail. I dialed again and it went to voice mail again so I dialed Ray. Luckily he answered "Hey Ray it's me Briella!" I face palmed myself, of course he knows it's me

He laughed "What can I do of service to you?" I laughed nervously

"Uh hey I was wondering if Gerard is with you guys still?" The other line went silent but then I heard noise

"Uh yeah um hold on" I didn't realize that I was holding my breath until I let out a sigh "Hello?" I heard Gerard answer

"Hey Gee.." I had no clue what to say

"Hi.. what do you want?" Well that sounded rude

"Nothing.. I just." But he interrupted me

"If it's nothing then why are you interrupting us? We're busy." Then he hung up. What the hell? I felt tears sting my eyes but I blinked them away

I was going to wait and see if he called back. I waited for about 3 hours but he never called back. My heart sank and I just left the dinner I made on the table which I had set up with candles and made it all look pretty. 

I went to bed and just cried my eyes out. I was happy with him but it seemed lately as if he wasn't. I was scared to lose him. I don't know what I would do if I did lose him

Gerard's POV

My phone started ringing, I already knew it was Brie calling. I let it ring until it went to voice mail. She called again. Voice mail again. I just wasn't in the mood to talk to her

I heard Ray's phone go off and he picked it up laughing greeting whoever it was then passing it to me. Briella.

I sighed and took the phone. "Hello?" I was getting a bit flustered and well annoyed at her constant calling everyday

"Hey Gee.." She said softly on the other line

I felt my nerves jumping "Hi.. what do you want?" Did that sound rude?

"Nothing.. I just.." Great she just wanted to waste my time

I interrupted her before she said anything else "If it's nothing then why are you interrupting us? We're busy" I hung up on her. I handed back Ray's phone and the guys gave each other looks "What?" I snapped at them

Frank put Pansy down and spoke up "Dude that was kind of a dick move to do that" The rest of the guys agreed with him

"Well we're busy and she said it was nothing" I scoffed and snapped at them

"Still bro you shouldn't have hung up on her.. for all you know it could have been something important" Mikey said as he stood up

"She said it was nothing ok" I was getting irritated and walked outside. I lit a cig and rang someone who I knew who calm me down..

"Hello?" She answered so sweetly

"Hey beautiful. Are you busy?" I asked and she giggled

"Never too busy for you babe" She made me crazy for her with just her voice "See you tonight Gee baby?" I smirked

"You can count on it baby" I grinned and hung up

I went back inside the studio to finish up so I could go see her. I'm pretty sure the guys knew but they never said anything to me

"Gerard" Mikey grabbed my shoulder before I walked out of the studio

"What Mikes?" I was tired and just wanted to leave. It was past 10 at night

"Please just go back home to Brie.. stop doing this to her" He emphasized the word this "Briella loves you. What you're doing will destroy her" He walked to his car and drove off

I stood there thinking. I loved Briella but lately I'm just not sure if I truly love her enough to be with her. Everyday we argue and it's not healthy. 

I know she loves me but I just don't want to keep hurting her. She's an amazing person who deserves someone so much better than me. I feel like I treat her like complete shit and she's too good for me.. to good to put up with my shit 

But when I'm with this other girl.. it's like my whole world is floating in the sky. All my worries go away and I feel relaxed. I feel like I can be myself around her. 

She can make any of my horrible days go amazing with just one hug, one kiss, one caress, one simple hello.. I had made up my mind.. I was going to go see her

Ahh who is this mysterious girl?!

So this story is close to it's end !

But first I'd like to give a personal shout out to Rebel_lost_forever for voting for each chapter! You rock! :)

That's all guys

Xo, Ash (:
