Good News/Bad News

The doctor wasn't sure how he should tell us. "I have good news and I have bad news. Which one would you guys like to hear first?"

"Give us the bad news first Doctor!" I stood next to Darren bracing ourselves. The doctor looked unhappy with what he was about to say.

"I'm sorry to say this but.." Oh goddd no they didn't make it!! "Romina lost a lot of blood. She fell into a coma." Darren fell to his knees. I was barely able to stay standing. If it wasn't for Mikey holding me I would have fallen to my knees as well. "Good news is that she will wake up and she will have a fast recovery. We managed to save her life before it was too late." Too late? My heart started to beat so fast.

"What about Briella??" Gerard asked the doctor as he looked back at him.

"She is still asleep due to the medicine that we injected her with. She should wake up in a few hours. She lost quite some blood as well so she will have to take things slowly when she wakes up." The doctor finished what he had to say and left us.

Mikey kneeled down next to me and just hugged me. "Darren how did this happen?" I looked up at him waiting for him to answer me.

"I have no idea how he found you guys.. when I got home I heard shouting inside. I ran inside that's when I saw your dad choking Briella. When she recovered her breath she ran upstairs to find your mom. Your mom was already unconscious on the floor bleeding." His eyes were full of such hatred yet pain.

"Why would he do this to them? He loved them Darren.. I don't understand." I cried.

"Your mom is the one that needs to be the one to tell you Audree." I nodded. We waited there. The guys stayed for about 2 hours but they had to go home. Luke had to go home to his family as well.

Darren stayed with my mom and I stayed with Briella. It was probably 5 in the morning when I heard a male voice outside the door. I woke up to see who it was. Sure enough it was Andy.

"Andy!" I hugged him tightly and just cried

"Shh it's ok sis." We walked back in the room where I explained everything that the doctor didn't tell him. "Oh Audree! I should have taken better care of you guys. I'm so so sorry for ever leaving you guys!" He started to cry.

"No Andy. You had a dream and you followed it. You did the best you could. You couldn't have given up your dream just to take care of us." I wiped his tears away. We both heard a noise coming from Briella.. she began moving! She coughed then opened her eyes.

Gerard's POV

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard Audree asking her stepfather what hospital they were at.. Briella was here perfectly fine not to long ago.

Once she got the hospital down we all drove in Ray's car. Dear God up above if you can hear me please save Briella and her mom's life please! 

"Romina and Briella Biersack please! What room are they in!?" The lady told Audree to calm down and looked up their names.

"They're in surgery right now. 5th floor" She thanked her and ran to the elevator. The guys and I ran after her, apologizing to the lady for running.

We spotted Darren and his friend. Audree asked him what happened but when he told her it was her dad she didn't want to believe it. I myself couldn't believe it. The guys were shocked. I was shocked.

The doctor finally came but the look on his face could have just ruined their lives. 

Once he told us how Romina was I asked him about Briella. She was going to be fine. My heart calmed down a bit. I went in to go see Briella.

"Oh Briella.." I grabbed her hand "I don't know if you can hear me or not but please wake up soon. I don't think I could bare to lose you.. You mean so much to me already." I began to cry "Please stay strong beautiful." I kissed her cheek. I heard a knock on the door so I quickly wiped away my tears.

"Hey man how are ya holding up?" Frank came in and stood next to me. "Don't worry she's going to be ok. She's a strong girl." He patted my back. "Come on we gotta go. Ray has work in the morning." I nodded and kissed her hand before leaving. We said our byes to Audree and Darren. I was going to come back tomorrow right after work.
