Do Me The Honor?

It's been over 2 months since my mom came back home. I couldn't be anymore happier to have her at home with us.

"Hey mom." Audree and I walked in after getting back from the guy's band practice.

"Hey girls. How was practice? The guys practice any new songs?" She was setting up the table.

"Mom, I'll finish setting up the table." I offered and she smiled handing me the plates.

Audree started setting up the forks and spoons. "Practice was good. They played us a new song but it didn't have a title yet." She giggled.

"Those boys will get far in the music world one day." Our mom said from the kitchen. Sbe has seen them practice before and enjoyed their music just as much as we did.

We all ate dinner calmly when Darren got home from work and talked as if we hadn't seen each other in ages.

I was in my room laying on my stomach listening to music when I got a text.

Gerard-"hey Brie! :)" 
Me-"Hey Gee :)" 
Gerard-"what are you doing right now??"
Gerard-"wait that came out creepy sorry!" I laughed as I replied back.
Me-"Lol oh Gerard. Nothing I'm just listening to music. You?" 
Gerard-"Just drawing. Do you wanna hang out tomorrow after I get off work?" 
Me-"Sure! I'll meet you there!" 
Gerard-"Okay see you there :) don't be late or else.."
Me-"Dun dun haha I'll see ya there sass diva!" I laughed and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up pretty earlier. It was Saturday. I decided to take a shower. I stood in there for about 15 minutes just letting the water pour down on my skin.

After I was done I changed into my red and black skinny jeans, a black shirt with a skull in the middle and my studded belt.

I decided to do my make up later since I still had a good 5 hours until I had to meet up with Gerard. Just his name made me smile like a complete lunatic.

We hung out a lot. He would actually show up for school, well for the periods that we had together which was surprising to most teachers.

We became super close and my feelings for him grew so much. I just didn't say anything cause I didn't know if he felt the same or not. Audree said he did but I don't believe her.

"Hey Brie." Audree came out of her room already dressed and ready to go. She seemed pretty excited.

"Hey Aud. Where ya going this early?" She smiled and blushed all red almost like a tomato which caused me to laugh.

She blushed even harder. "Hanging out with Mikey." Her eyes gleamed at his name. "I'll be back later." I nodded and she took off down the stairs as the doorbell rang. "Briella it's for you!"

For me? I walked down the stairs and saw Gerard standing there.. "I thought you weren't off until like 4??" I covered my face up real quick. I didn't do my make up, I look ugly!

He chuckled and removed my hands from my face "They were pretty slow so they let me go early and on the contrary Briella, you look beautiful without any make up." He gave me a smile that made me want to just melt in his arms.. wait he called me beautiful.. I could feel myself blushing like crazy.

"I said it out loud didn't I?" I laughed at myself and he laughed nodding his head. "Okay just let me go apply at least some mascara or something and I will be right back!" He nodded and went in the living room.

I quickly applied some mascara and eyeliner. I decided on foundation but then I went against it. I heard a soft knock on my door. "Come in!" I was finishing my make up when I realized I still had to do my hair. Crap!

Audree came in as I ran to connect my straightener. "Calm down Brie." She giggled. "He makes you nervous doesn't he?" I was the blushing tomato now. "I knew it!" She grinned at me.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Audree." I turned to face my mirror and began straightening my hair. Good thing it wasn't super long or I'd cry.

"Don't act like you don't know Briella. You're crazy for him!" She smirked at me as I didn't deny it.

"Yes but don't say anything or I'll kill ya!" I shot her a death glare and she nodded. She helped me finish my hair which I was thankful for.

"Okay well let's get going.. our Way brothers are here." We both smiled and ran downstairs.

"Hey boyfriend." Audree hugged Mikey causing Gerard and I to aww at them making them blush. Mikey declared his love for Audree a few days ago and she couldn't have been any happier.

"Ready to go Brie?" Gerard gave me a hug and I nodded.

We went to a few places to pass by time. He had something planned but wouldn't tell me. He seemed nervous which made me nervous.

I couldn't help but stare at him, not in a creepy way I think? I hope not.. Ah crap what if he thinks I'm a weirdo for staring at him? Am I a weirdo? Yes you're having a conversation with yourself in your head who does that?! Me that's who! I giggled and Gerard looked at me confused.

"Sorry I'm just.. dunno" I laughed and he nodded laughing with me.

"Having a conversation with yourself again?" He laughed and I hid my face "It's ok we all do that." He put his arm around me as we walked somewhere to eat.

We ended up at a nice little Italian restaurant and he seemed to have gotten extremely nervous by the time we finished eating.

"Everything ok Gee?" He smiled at me and nodded.

He reached over and grabbed my hand. My heart did a back-flip I swear "Briella I need to ask you something.. I just don't know how.." He started laughing nervously.

"What is it Gee?" I squeezed his hand and he looked up from the sidewalk at me.

He put his hand through his hair and gave out a nervous laugh. "Briella I was wondering if well you would do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He stared deeply in my eyes as he asked me.

I literally jumped in excitement and hugged him tightly. "Yes! Yes yes yes! I would love to be your girlfriend Gerard Way!" I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist.

He kissed me passionately until we had to catch our breath.

"Ahh young love. Remember when we used to be like that Roger?" We both turned to see an old lady with her husband holding hands as they stared at each other with so much love. How adorable!

"Yes. If I remember correctly.. that was us everyday sweetie pie." I couldn't help but aww at them.. old couples seriously make me tear up.

I couldn't help but ask them. "How long have you two lovebirds been together??" Gerard laughed at my eagerness and I stuck my tongue out at him.

The old man, Roger looked at me and smiled. "Almost 67 years now." He turned to his wife. "And she still makes me crazy about her." I teared up, they were adorable! They said goodbye and walked away hand in hand.

I hope to be like that when I'm their age. I turned to look at Gerard and he was already staring at me.

"I'm such a lucky guy." I smiled as he closed the gap between us colliding our lips together.

If anything I'm the lucky one.. Gerard was all mine.

Yay two chapters in one day!

More on a serious note I think I'm going to end this story in a few chapters

Thank you to everybody who reads this story! You guys make me day reading it.

Xo, Ash (:
