
“Thank you. I’m Julianna by the way. What’s your name?” She asked as she cleaned up her runny make-up.

“Briella. I’m new this year.” I answered as I handed her some more tissue.

“I know what it’s like. I was new last year. I transferred from Newark High. Do you have a class right now?” I shooked my head. “Great we can hang out. I don’t really know anyone. I’m sort of an “outcast”. That’s if it’s ok with you?” I smiled and said yes. “Why don’t you go home if you’re off?” She giggled a bit as she finished cleaning up her make up.

“I’m waiting for my sister to get out of class.” She just ohh’d me as she was finishing. “You ready?” I nodded. I noticed she was wearing a white AFI shirt & ripped black skinny jeans & black vans

“I like your shirt. AFI is cool.” She looked confused for a bit then looked down as to remember what she was wearing then giggled.

“Oh duh, I forgot what I was wearing for a bit,” she looked at my shirt, “A Day To Remember is a cool band too. I love their music. They’re my favorite band actually.” Sweet we liked the same band.

“Same for me. I went to their concert 5 months ago before moving here.”

“Where did you move from? But that’s pretty cool! They’re coming here in like 2 months and I am dying to go! No one wants to go with me.. Do you wanna go with me??” She spun around and look at me with pleading eyes.

“Of course I would! Are the tickets for sale yet? If they are let’s buy them asap! And I moved from North Carolina. My mom wanted to move in with her boyfriend so she decided to move here to be with him.”

“Yay! And they on sale next week!" She squealed and gave me a side hug. "But oh, do you miss it over there?” she asked me as we came to a stop at her locker.

“Yeah. I miss it there but it’s alright here. Not as bad as I thought it would be honestly.” I saw she had a lot of pictures with whom I presumed was her ex. She took down the pictures and tore them up.
