Meeting Mom's Boyfriend

Chapter 1

"You gotta keep this coming, tell me like you know it but you don't know nothing, your call, we can settle this like gentlemen or meet me at the back to end it all inside again. My whole life's been waiting ever since I can remember, been anxious awaiting your fall & don't let me be a long while, can't let go of my life till I know you're done.." i loved singing this song. ADTR was my all time favorite band. Their music was my salvation, my only way out.

"BRIELLA TURN IT DOWN!!" my mom shouted from downstairs. "Come down to eat! Dinner is ready!! Don't make me come up there young lady!" I know she would & it wouldn't be pretty.

"Coming!" I put my slippers on and went downstairs. "Mmmm what smells so good momma.. ohh you made steak!" I helped set up the table while my sister poured the juice and water in the glasses.

"She made that pasta with shrimp that you love so much as well." Audree said as she poured the juice in her cup "And she made my favorite too.. mac & cheese." she giggled as my mom poked her side.

"So mom what's the special occasion that you made both of our favorites tonight with steak? Hmmm?" I eyed her funny and she seemed to have blushed looking at the table. "Who's your special guest going to be this time?" She gave me a 'knock-it-off' look.

The door bell rang. "He's here. Behave and be nice. I am NOT kidding got it!?"

"Mom just go get the door." Audree laughed as my mom behaved like if she were a teenager presenting her boyfriend to her parents. She just smirked at her and walked out of the kitchen.

"Girls this is Darren. Darren these are my girls, Audree & Briella." She said as she walked in with a tall man at her side.

Dinner was a bore honestly but my mom seemed to not have noticed that Ree and I were here, which I honestly didn't mind, until her new bf asked us how we were. Audree answered him as if he were really interested.

"So how about you Briella, how are you? How is school going for you?" I debated in answering him but I could feel my mother's death glare on me.

"I'm good. School is fine. Thanks for asking. Mom I'm done. Can I be excused now?" she just nodded yeah. Audree stayed at the table conversing with the both of them. "Oh mom don't forget we are going to aunt Libby's for Christmas ok. She called earlier today to remind us." she just smiled at me. As always.
