Chapter 8: Cowgirl-Cowboy Camp (Part 2)

Previously on "My Toys Can Move!"!

"You ready for the cowboy-cowgirl camp?"

"Yep. I am." Hya said as she wore her bag

She looked behind her

"Psst. Woody, Jessie, get in the bag." Hya whispered quietly while her cousin is looking away from them

They moved without getting caught by her cousin and went inside her bag

"Bye, Buzz!" Jessie mouthed and Buzz only nodded silently and turns back to a toy

"Have they got inside the bag?" Andrei whispered

"Yep." Hya said

"So, shall we get going?" Hya asked

"Heck yeah! We're going now!" Xhander said

"All right, let's go!" Hya said before leaving the room while Hya puts her phone on her pocket and her yellow-green headset around her neck

Hya peeked from her room

"We'll see you in Sunday night." Hya whispered as loudly for Buzz to hear before leaving

As they went downstairs -

"So, you guys ready for the camp?" Her dad asked

"Well, yeah! We're freaking ready!" Hya said as they went outside

"Bye, kiddos! Stay safe!"

They went inside the car and her dad started the car

"This is gonna be western camp time." Hya said

"Heck yeah!" Andrei and Leia said

"Cowboy camp!" They all started rhythmically chanting

"Cowgirl camp!"

"Cowboy camp!"

"Cowgirl camp!"

"I thought It's gonna be one! Well then it's both!" They all laughed as they are now one the way to the campsite

Woody and Jessie looked at Hya who has the excitement with for the camp, and smiled at each other before going back inside the bag


~Back where we left of~

Third Person's POV

After arriving at the campsite for the cowgirl-cowboy camp, The Trio and Hya's cousin got out of the car

"Bye, dad!"

"Thanks for dropping us here."

"You're welcome, kiddos. Gotta go. Have fun!"


With that, Hya's dad left

"Sheesh, so this is the campsite! This is awesome!" Andrei said

"They're a lot of kids around our age, too." Leia said

"Yep." Hya said

"Oh! Hya, Andrei, Xhander and Leia! Our cowboys and cowgirls. You're finally here! Oh, I'm so glad you could join us, come, I'll show you around the camp." The lady said

"Uh... thanks? Who might you be, ma'am?" Hya asked

"Oh! Sorry, I got really excited about this camp, where are my manners? Haha! I'm Jennifer Davis, nice to finally meet you, I saw you on Live TV of Music Competition, you were great at your performances." Jennifer said

'Davis?' Hya thought

"Uh, nice meeting you too, Ms. Davis." Hya said

"Yo, isn't she suppose to be Andy's mom? She looked familiar..." Andrei whispered

"Maybe, I'm not sure yet. But if Andy's here, well, let's see about that." Hya said

'Only I need Woody, I'm sure he'll recognize Andy's mom.' Hya thought

After 15 minutes of the tour, Hya saw someone that is quite familiar to her

Hya squinted her eyes and who she saw is -

"Andy?" Hya mumbled in confusion

"What?" Xhander asked

"Look." Hya pointed at the man with fair skin and brown hair

"That looked like Andy." Hya whispered

"Um, Ms. Davis? Who is that guy leading the other campers to the campfire?" Hya asked

"Oh, that's my son; Andy."

'I knew it! So it was Andy!' Hya thought

'Andy would be surprise if he saw Woody and Jessie with me.' She thought

"Oh, I think it's time for the campfire! Go along with Andy, it's going to be fun." Jennifer said

"Right. Thanks for the tour again, Ms. Jennifer. We had fun during the tour."

"I'm glad you did." Jennifer said

They went to the cabin first to put their things aside

"Come on, Hya, let's go to the campfire." Leia said

"I'll be right there, just go with the boys." Hya said

"If you say so." Leia said and they left

Hya unzipped her bag, seeing Woody and Jessie

"Okay, guys, you can come out now." Hya said

Jessie jumped out of the bag in excitement

"Yee-haw! We're finally here!" Jessie exclaimed

"I know! This is gonna be the best camp we're ever gonna have!" Woody said

"Yeah! This is gonna be fun!" Hya said

"Come on, let's go to the campfire, and..." Hya trails, making them confuse

"Somethin' wrong?" Jessie asked

"Uh... nothing. Come on, let's go." Hya picked them up and went out of the cabin

As she went to the campfire, they turned into toys as soon as they saw her cousin with her friends with the other campers and Andy

"Yo, Hya!" Andrei called out

"Hey, Dre." Hya said

"Oh, hi, Woody and Jessie." Andrei said and Andy's head perked up, hearing the familiar names

So he turned to Andrei then to Hya, who was holding Woody and Jessie in her arms

His eyes widened as soon as memories starts to collect on his mind, his childhood toys that he used to play with as a kid since 1995 is now with Hya

He never get to bring Woody to the Cowboy camp when he was a kid, but now he realized she brought him here along with Jessie to the cowgirl-cowboy camp for the first time

But he felt nostalgic and happy how he used to play with Woody and his other toys, and he's happy she brought him to the camp like he really want to bring Woody to the camp

"Okay, now that we finally get to know each other, you can ask some questions as we make some delicious, hot s'mores." Andy said

"Hya, ask Andy if he ever been to a cowboy camp before." Xhander whispered

"All right." Hya whispered

"Uh, Mr. Andy, have you ever been to a cowboy camp when you were a kid?" Hya asked

"Huh? Yeah, I have. And speaking of cowboy camp, I used to have a cowboy toy when I was in your age. But I wasn't able to bring him with me since his arm was ripped, it was... quite saddening." Andy said

"And what's this cowboy toy's name?" Leia asked

"Well..." Andy trailed and looked at Woody and smiled in nostalgic

"His name is Woody, he's a brave, loyal sheriff toy I had when I was in kindergarten. He was special to me..."

"Wow... that cowboy toy must be really special to you as a kid." Leia said

"Yeah. If I didn't have him when I was a kid, my childhood wouldn't be great. I know a lot of kids would be very happy because of their special childhood toys." Andy said as they roast some s'mores

Hya took a bite of her s'mores as she and all the campers listened to Andy's childhood story

'Even though he gave them away to Bonnie...' Hya's thoughts trails

"It felt like I really miss them... that includes Woody." Andy's words continued

"I was about to bring Woody to college with me and bring the other toys to the attic but I just decided to give them to a another kid."

"I even told Bonnie about them, and their background personalities. And I even told her... how special Woody is, or how he is not just some ordinary toy."

"He really is that special cowboy toy." Xhander said

"Yeah. I just wished I could bring Woody, but I think there's no need for that."

"Huh? Why not?" One of the campers asked

"Because there's already one kid who finally brought my old toys with her." Andy pointed out and looked at Hya

The campers looked at Hya, making her nervous and look around and laughed nervously

"Well, uh, yeah. Ahaha... that's me. Hehe..." Hya nervously said, she looked down, seeing Woody and Jessie on her lap

"Ms. Anderson gave Buzz, Jessie and Woody to me five years ago." Hya said

"I used to play with them but I left them in the storage box for four years. When I was fourteen, which was last year, I started having nostalgia of it. So I started to wonder if they're still in the box."

"And when I started putting them out of the closet in the stacked boxes on my own after school, I looked and found them, then I started playing with them again."

"I forgot how special they are to me."

"Andrei and Xhander had Rex, Hamm, Slink, the Potato Heads, even the aliens and the red monkeys. And we even get to play with them again just like old times." Hya said while laughing

"I even... want Jessie and Woody have a chance to be part of the cowgirl-cowboy camp. So I took chances to bring them here."

"Wow! Jessie looks so pretty!" One of the female campers exclaimed


"And Woody really do looked like a sheriff!"

Hya grinned at their reactions and positive comments while Andy just smile

~Time Skip~

At midnight, both The Trio and Hya's cousin are at their cabin

Leia is now sleeping, while The Trio stayed awake for a minute

"Okay, what do you wanna do for tomorrow?" Hya asked

"How about practicing our lasso techniques?" Andrei suggested

"And then you could teach us?" Xhander added

"Me? Teach you two?"

"Uh, I don't think so." Hya simply said

"Come on, Hya, you know how to do it." Andrei said

"Bruh, I don't know, I don't remember anything that my dad tonight. That was, like, five years ago." Hya said

"Come on, Hya." Andrei tries insisting, but Xhander puts his hand on his shoulder

"Don't try force her, Dre. If she doesn't wanna do it, then don't force her." Xhander said

Andrei sighs in disappointment

"You're right..."

"We really need someone to teach us how to use a freaking lasso." Andrei said

"I can teach you."

They suddenly heard Andy's voice  from behind from the door

"Mr. Andy!" The Trio exclaimed not loudly since that will wake Leia up

"You're really gonna teach us?" Xhander asked

"Yeah. I kinda learned how to do it when I was kid and also while I was in collage." Andy said

"And I'll teach you tomorrow as tomorrow's camp activity. Since this is a cowgirl-cowboy camp."

"Yes! Lezz get it!"

"Shh!" Xhander, Hya and Andy shushes Andrei for being loud

"Oops, sorry, haha." Andrei said



See you in the next chapter!

Jaa ne minna-san!!

(1576 Words)

EndouHya1115 signing out!~
