Chapter 4: Singularity (Music Competition Part 1)

Previously on "My Toys Can Move!"!

"Hey, it's fine, you'll only need two BTS inspired outfits for Serendipity and Singularity. You don't need one for Filter. You just need to find your dad's Jimin Filter inspired outfit." Xhander said

"My dad doesn't even had one." Hya said in a bored look

"Then why is it hanging on his closet in their room?" Andrei asked with a smirk

Hya was confused then they all went to her parents' room to check on her dad's brown closet and suddenly saw the same outfit Jimin wore in his Filter performance

"No way... he had one?"

"Hey, there's a note behind it." Buzz said, pointing

"Eh?" Hya hummed and turned the outfit around and saw a note

"'This outfit's for you if you chose one of the BTS's member's solo song.' from Dad." She reads

"No freaking way? He knows?" Hya said

"See, we told you!"

"Yes! Thank you, dad! You're the best!" Hya said

"Now all you need is the Serendipity and Singularity inspired outfits!" Jessie said with excitement

"Yeah!" Hya agrees with excitement

"Wait... I just remembered something." Hya turned to Andrei

"Did you say you're gonna watch over Woody, Buzz and Jessie?" She asked

"Uh, yeah?"

"...I'm a little worried... you're gonna watch in the audience and someone might see them moving and alive." Hya said

"That's why we're gonna watch over not only them, but people who are sitting next to us." Xhander said

"...You got a point."

"We're gonna be fine, Hya." Jessie reassured

"Yeah, you don't need to worry about us and you just need to have fun performing." Buzz said

"Buzz and Jessie are right. We'll be fine." Woody said with a smile

Hya looked at them worriedly but she smiled

"Okay. Fine." Hya said

'I can't believe we made best friends with them... this is an amazing feeling...' Hya thought


~Back where we left of~

Third Person's POV

(A/N: The location is still at her house, they're about to go to ICCA stadium)

It has been three weeks, and Hya has now have BTS Singularity and Serendipity inspired outfits, she is now prepared for the Music Competition, but she is very nervous

"Wow! Hya, you look great!" Jessie said in amazement

Hya is now wearing her Singularity inspired outfit for the first round already before the Music Competition

"Hehe, thanks Jess."

(A/N: Exclude the lipstick color and the hairstyle, let her hair be a ponytail)

"Okay, this is it... okay, I'm excited, but I'm nervous..." Hya said

"Hey, don't worry, just have fun performing like you always have fun playing with us." Woody reassured her

"Eh... I don't know..."

"It's gonna be okay, Hya." Buzz said

"You'll do great." Jessie said

Hya looked at them and took a deep breathe

"Okay, I can do this... I can do this..."

"Just pretend you're dancing and singing alone in your room, and pretend we're not watching."

"That's what I always do, it just never works..." Hya mumbled

"Okay, get in my bag, we're going. I think my friends are waiting." Hya said

The toys got in Hya's bag, but Hya looked inside with a worried look

"Jessie, you gonna be okay in the bag?"

"I'll be fine. I have Buzz with me."

"Uh, what?"

Hya giggled at her statement and Buzz's confused but flustered look on his face and zipped her bag

"Let's do this."

Hya went downstairs and sees her parents

"Ma, pa. I'm going now." Hya said

"Bye, hon, good luck, we'll be watching you on TV and we'll be cheering for you as well." Her mom said


"And remember, the outfit I bought you." Her dad said

"I know, dad, it's with me, and thanks too." She said and went outside the house

"Ayo, guys!"

"Aye~! Hya! You look awesome!" Andrei exclaimed

"I know!" Hya said

"You'll do awesome at the Music Competition. And this is also the first time Jess, Buzz and Woody watch you perform live."

"I know that, Xhander."

"They'll be proud of you." Andrei said

"Wait, is that a Limo car?" Hya asked

"Yep, my dad bought it just for us." Andrei said

"That's awesome." Hya said

"Well, let's go, we don't wanna late." Hya said

"Heh, yeah." Andrei said and went inside the Limo

When they arrived at the ICCA stadium, they went inside and see competitors going inside the dressing room for competitors

Hya took off the bag and gave it to Xhander

"Take care of them for me." Hya said

"We know. We got this." Xhander said

Woody unzipped the bag, they peeked out of the bag and looked at Hya

"Good luck, Hya." Woody said

"Thanks, Woody."

"Remember, just have fun performing." Buzz said

"I know."

"You'll do amazing." Jessie said

"Thank you, guys."

"Well, I gotta go, just cheer for me, okay?" Hya said before leaving

"See you later!" They waved at Hya

"Come on, Dre, let's find some good seats for us." Xhander said

"Yeah." Andrei agreed and they went to the audience seats to find good seats to see Hya up close

When they finally found good seats in the middle, the competition is finally about to begin

"Welcome everyone, to our Music Competition! Today we'll be having 20 competitors competing today's Music Competition."

"After the 20 competitors' performance, you, the audience will vote with the special light stick of every competitors' colors. So now, let the Music play!"

"Our first competitor for today's first round..."

"Hya Evans! Give her a round of applause!"

The lights turned out and the music finally played

Play Singularity by BTS Kim Taehyung aka V

(A/N: Just play the video, I ain't writing lyrics here because I don't even know the lyrics and I'm lazy too, lol)

(End Song)

After the performance, the audience applauded and cheered, Andrei, Xhander and the toys also cheered loudly for her

"What a spectacular performance!"

Hya went back to the backstage as the MC speaks, sweating a bit and went back to the dressing room

"Okay, next stop is the second round, but I need to find out who wins, and if I win, next stop is Serendipity by Jimin-ssi." Hya said and sees a TV

So she decided to stay at the dressing room to rest up herself

"Okay, I'll just rest up here instead." She said to herself

After 30 minutes, all the competitors performed amazingly and Hya was one of them to be able to perform in the second round and she already changed into her Serendipity inspired outfit

(A/N: This outfit, but except the hair, let her hair straight and in ponytail and the heels too, make it a fat heels, cuz she doesn't know how to walk in pointed heels)

"Hah. You see that performance I did? It is very spectacular!"

Hya suddenly heard a aggressive but arrogant tone in her voice, but she ignored her

"Hey, you!" Hya looked up and turned to the left

"You talking to me?" Hya asked

"Yes I'm talking to you." The arrogant girl walked up to her

"Do you even know who I am to ignore me?"

"No, no I don't. And do you even know that you're an idiot?" Hya asked calmly

"Did you just call me an idiot?"

"What? I didn't say anything." Hya said

"You little--!"

"Hya, you're up next."

"Okay." Hya stands up

"You're outfit's too glittery, you need to change that, it's so distracting."

"And do you even know that this is a Jimin Serendipity inspired outfit? You really are stupid, are you?" Hya said

"How dare you say that--! Woah!" The arrogant girl trips because of her heels


"Hey, you good?" Hya reaches out her hand

"Sike, that's the wrong number. I ain't helping bullies like you." Hya said and walked away

The girl grumbled in annoyance

"Maybe in the last round I'll ruin your last performance." The girl mumbled and chuckled mischievously



See you in the next chapter!

Jaa ne minna-san!!

(1256 Words)

EndouHya1115 signing out!~
