Chapter 2: Toys Caught Moving...

Previously on "My Toys Can Move!"!

"Aight... this will take a while..." She mumbled

After three minutes of taking the boxes out of the cabinet, she could feel her sweats drop as she opened her toy storage box, which is, of course, full of her old toys

She finally saw her Jessie doll and her hat, even her Buzz action figure, looks like they're still clean after all these years

She grinned and put them on the floor

She looked back to the box, and finally, she saw her Woody doll and his hat in the box

She breathe out in relief and hugged Woody

"Oh, I missed you guys, it's been so long..." She mumbled and looked at Woody

"This really became nostalgia..." Hya said to herself


~Back where we left of~

Third Person's POV

The next day, on the day of Saturday, where Hya woke up on 11:10 in the morning

She is still half-asleep but was using her phone watching BTS funny moments, she then moved her eyes away from her phone and sees Buzz, Jessie and Woody sitting on her chair, making her smile sleepily

Hya yawned but still watches BTS videos on her phone

She finally gets out of bed and moves her toys to her bed so she could sit down on her chair to open her laptop

She sighs and opened her Windows password

"I'm so bored and sleepy..." She groans and flopped her head on the chair

Hya looked at her left knee, which she injured yesterday because of the mean girls from her class, she then looked over to her toys that were just sitting on her bed next to her, so she thought of an idea

"Hmm... I know."

~2 minutes later~

In Hya's old playroom where she and her cousins used to play a lot with her toys as kids...

"Wait, so that's why you called us here?" Andrei asked

"Yep, so that's why I said to bring few of your toys."

"So we could bring back our childhood?" Xhander smirked


"All right! Lezz get it!"

"I'm playing with these unstoppable trio! Jessie, Sheriff Woody Pride and Buzz Lightyear!" Hya said

"Good thing I have Slinky, Rex and Hamm." Xhander said

"I have Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head and the three aliens. Oh, and even the red monkeys." Andrei said

"Sad thing is none of us have a Bo Peep action figure." Hya said


"But that's fine!"

"Then what're we waiting for? Let's do this!"

As The Trio started playing their Toy Story toys, they were able to recreate the Toy Story 3 when Andy played his toys in the beginning of the movie scene

"I hope his pull string and voice box still works." Hya mumbled

Hya pulled Woody's pull string

"Reach for the sky!"

"Yes, it's still works!" Hya exclaimed

"You can't touch me, Sheriff! I brought my attack dog, with a built-in force field!" Xhander mimics Mr. Potato Head

"Well, I brought my dinosaur, who eats force field dogs!" Hya mimics Woody

"Ooh! I'm sorry, but this is cool!" Andrei said

"Get it together, Andrei!" Hya laughs

Hya mimics Jessie's yodel

"A-ha-ha! You're yodeling is so Jessie!" Xhander said

"As if!"

What they didn't know is that Hya's mom have been watching and recording them the whole time

"Buzz, shoot your laser on my badge!"

"Woody, no, it'll kill you!"

"Just do it!"

Hya mimics Buzz and Woody as she pressed the laser from Buzz's arm and pretended the laser hit on Woody's badge

Then Andrei hits the box they created and the other toys fell on the pillow

"You're going to jail, Bart!" Hya mimics

"Ahh! Watch out!" Andrei mimicked as well

When The Trio saw and realized her mom is recording, they stopped

"Ma!" Hya shouts in embarrassment

"It's alright, just keep playing, pretend I'm not here." Her mom said

"Haha! Brings back memories, hasn't it-- Woah!" Andrei fell on his butt, destroying the train tracks they built and the train fell over



"Oh my-- Sorry!"

"Nah, it's alright, we're gonna stick with this!" Hya said

"There's a big man from outer space! And he's on a rampage! Run for your lives!" Hya shouts

"Big man?! What?!"

"How do I turn this off?" Her mom mumbled and turned off the camera


Play You've Got A Friend In Me from Toy Story OST by Randy Newman

Two months later, on a 15th of November, it's Hya's 14th birthday, and she, her friends and her family celebrated it, of course, along with her Toy Story toy friends, while her mom records everything as well

"Happy birthday, Hya~!"

"Haha! Thanks!"

"Happy 14th birthday, Deputy Hya!" Andrei mimics Woody

"Heh, thanks, Sheriff Woody!"

"This really has been the best day ever!" Hya said

"I'm 15 now, so it's you're turn to turn 15 next year, Deputy Hya" Her (girl) cousin teased her

"Shut up, cousin! You'll turn 16 next year!" Hya laughs


One month later, on a 1st of December, nothing has changed, she still plays with her toys along with Andrei and Xhander

"Yee-haw! Woo-hoo!" Hya exclaims as they all played with their toys


Hya, and her friends watches her favorite Toy Story movie which is the second movie with her own creative igloo she had done with the big pillows and eating cheese popcorns along with their toy friends


Time flies pass, they never really change, they really did brought back their childhood back as the night of their December goes on...

As Life Goes On...

(End Song)


One year later, on the first of January 2024...

"Ayo, Hya!" 

Andrei and Xhander found Hya sitting on her chair, wearing headset, listening to her favorite song from Toy Story on her laptop

"Huh? Oh, hi, Dre! Xhander!" Hya said

"Your room still hasn't changed yet." Xhander said

"Yeah, just a bit, but I didn't wanna replace some of my Deku merchandise." She said

"Heh, I knew it." Andrei said

"Since you're obsessed with him."

"Kinda like a yandere to me." Xhander said

"I-I'm not totally yandere-ish obsessed with him! I just admire him, t-that's all!" Hya stutters

"Uh-huh?" He said

"You still have your toys?" Andrei asked they sat on Hya's bed

"Yep. They're right behind you." Hya said

Both the boys turned around and saw them


"Yo, we didn't saw them, gee, I thought we sat on them." Xhander said

"Heh, that's why you need to keep your eyes open to look around your surroundings." Hya said

"You could say that again..." Andrei said as they moved 

Hya yawns and stretches her arms while sitting on her seat

"Bro, I'm so bored and tired..." She groans

Then she suddenly thought of an idea

"Hey, how 'bout we play some roleplaying of Toy Story? Just like we always do?" Hya suggested

"Yes! That's what I wanna do!" Andrei said

"My Slink, Hamm and Rex are in my bag." Xhander said

"Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, the aliens and the monkeys are with me, too!"

"Then let's go outside! Let's go!" Hya said as she gets Buzz, Woody and Jessie and they went out of her room to go outside

"We're gonna get you to jail, Bart!" Hya mimics Woody once again

"You'll never gonna catch me, Sheriff Woody, cowgirl Jessie and Buzz Lightyear! Including you, Deputy Hya!" Andrei mimicked Mr. Potato Head

The Trio laughed together as they gone outside the yard, but they stopped as soon as they saw some toy soldiers on the ground

"Yo! Who has been throwing toy soldiers with crackers attached on them in your yard?" Andrei asked

"I don't know." Hya said as she shrugged

"Must be Anthony again..." Hya mumbled

"Anthony? You mean you're next door neighbor?" Xhander asked

"Yeah... he's been torturing toys just for fun. Just like Sid does in the first movie." Hya said

"Wow... never thought we had a real life Sid Phillips who does the same to toys..." Andrei said

Hya sighed and put the toys on the ground and picks up the toy soldier that has crackers attached on the back from the ground

"Let's pick these up and throw it back to where it belongs." Hya said

"Yeah." The boys said and started picking the toy soldiers and threw it back to Hya's neighbor's yard

"Wow... Hya, Xhander and Andrei are turning 15 this year but they still play with us..." Jessie whispered to Woody

"Yeah, and that's because Hya said we're special to her... even though she kept us the storage box in four years, she never forgot about us." Woody whispered back

"And she started playing with us!" Rex said

"Yeah. They may be growing up into teenagers, but they never change the fact that we're special to them, just like Andy and Bonnie to us." Buzz said

"Uh... has anyone seeing this one here?" Jessie asked, pointing at the -

"All right, there. Anyone see any toy soldiers on the ground?" Hya asked as they looked around to find if there are more

"No, I don't think so anymore." Xhander said

"Huh?" Hya mumbled and turned around and see a toy soldier with crackers attached on them near their toys

"Yah! I found the last one!"

"Wait-- Hya! That one's lit up!" Andrei said

"And it's even near the toys!" Hya said as picked it up

"Throw it away, Hya!" Xhander said and Hya threw it to Anthony's yard and it exploded

"Anthony!! What was that again?!"

"I don't know, ma!!"

Hya sighed in relief

"The toys are safe." Hya said and picked up Woody, Jessie and Buzz

"What is Anthony's mental problem? He needs mental help, he's been destroying toys." Andrei complained

"I know, right?" Hya said

"But you know what? Let's just ignore him." Hya said

"But what if there's another cracker that is already lit up and threw it at us?" Andrei asked

"Then I'll throw it back." Hya said

"Sheesh, that's a bit rough, Hya." Xhander said

"If only Woody or Anthony's toys were, like, alive, they would... scare the crap out of him!" Hya said

"Heh, just like in the first movie, Woody traumatized the heck out of Sid." Andrei said

"That is so true." Xhander agreed

"All right. Let's get back to playtime!" Hya said


~Time Skip~

"Hya, I'm going on a sleepover at a friend's house, so you and your dad behave."

"Hehe, yeah." Hya said

When Hya's mom went out of the house, Hya moved her eyes to her dad and went upstairs quickly

When she went upstairs wearing her headset, she quickly opened the door while looking away from her phone then suddenly -

Another eyes contacted with hers but then they dropped down, not moving

Hya stood frozen with wide eyes as soon as she saw them dropped down, she started looking around then back at something that caught her eye

She walked towards her bed and sees her toys

So she picked up Woody and took a look

"Okay... that did not happened, right?" Hya asked herself

"They saw me before stopped moving as soon as I came in my room..."

"Does that mean... Toy Story is real? They came to life? Or am I just imagining things?" Hya asked herself questions

"Meh, maybe it's just my childhood imagination." She said as she put Woody on her bed before sitting on her chair

"Or maybe it wasn't? I don't know..."

She starting bopping her head, listening to Toy Story's best song

Hya sighed and puts her head on her palm

She crossed her legs on top of her chair while working on her story on Wattpad, but nothing comes in her mind

She switches to YouTube since she's more bored, so she just listened to some songs or watch some BTS reaction

She looked over to Woody, Jessie and Buzz, and started to wonder if they did moved in front of her eyes

"Please someone tell me they moved... I'm not being crazy now, am I?"

"If I'm not looking, lemme guess, you gonna move or what?" Hya asked while looking away from the toys, trying to have a best hearing she'll have to find out if they move

But she heard no movement...

'So no movement... so I am being crazy...' Hya thought

She grabbed her tumbler that is next to her laptop, and drank the cold water, until she heard a movement on her bed, making her stop drinking and looked at the toys 

They weren't in a same place anymore, they were right next to her on the bed, but now they moved to the side of the bed behind her

"...So I was right... I'm not crazy at all. Woah... this is so cool..."

"Well... they don't want to move because there's actually a toy rule. Which is so cool." Hya mumbled to herself

'Maybe I should get my phone and get out of my room and record the whole thing of them moving... but, I can't show my parents this video, they'll think I'm crazy because of my imagination.' Hya thought before grabbing her phone and went out of her room and closed the door, but opened it slightly, so she'll still be able to see a bit inside the room

She opened Camera on her phone and started recording

Woody, who is Hya's favorite toy finally moved as soon as Hya went out of the room

"Okay, guys, coast is clear."

"Oh it's not coast is clear, Woody, it's not." Hya whispered as quietly as she can as she records the whole thing

Her toys; Jessie and Buzz started moving as soon as Woody said that

"But, Woody, what if Hya really did saw us earlier. We didn't know she went upstairs that quickly." Jessie said worriedly

"What if she gets traumatized if she found out?"

"Listen, she pretended we're not alive. I mean, look, she never knew." Woody said

"But Woody, she saw us drop-down. You even made eye-contact with her." Buzz said

"I know, it's bad, but I don't think that she'll tell her parents, right?"

Hya kept recording, watching and listening to their conversation. It was hard for her to believe that her toys are alive, just like in the movies

"Oh my gosh... they are alive... I can't let my dad find out about this... nor my mom..." Hya whispered

She finally stopped recording the video about their conversation and pretended nothing happened

"This is amazing..." She said in awe and went to her parents' room but came out again to go to her room

"Quickly, resume positions!" Woody said and turns into toys and Hya comes in the room 

"Okay, this is getting real interesting, my imagination for my stories!" Hya said and sat down on her chair

Before she could anything else, she picked up her phone and watches the video she recorded few seconds ago, but she turned down the volume only to watch the video and not listen to it

"Woah... unbelievable..." Hya mumbles

'My toys... are caught moving...'



See you in the next chapter!

Jaa ne minna-san!!

(2334 Words)

EndouHya1115 signing out!~
