Chapter 3: Being Best Friends With The Moving Toys

Previously on "My Toys Can Move!"!

"Okay, guys, coast is clear."

"Oh it's not coast is clear, Woody, it's not." Hya whispered as quietly as she can as she records the whole thing

Her toys; Jessie and Buzz started moving as soon as Woody said that

"But, Woody, what if Hya really did saw us earlier. We didn't know she went upstairs that quickly." Jessie said worriedly

"What if she gets traumatized if she found out?"

"Listen, she pretended we're not alive. I mean, look, she never knew." Woody said

"But Woody, she saw us drop-down. You even made eye-contact with her." Buzz said

"I know, it's bad, but I don't think that she'll tell her parents, right?"

Hya kept recording, watching and listening to their conversation. It was hard for her to believe that her toys are alive, just like in the movies

"Oh my gosh... they are alive... I can't let my dad find out about this... nor my mom..." Hya whispered

She finally stopped recording the video about their conversation and pretended nothing happened

"This is amazing..." She said in awe and went to her parents' room but came out again to go to her room

"Quickly, resume positions!" Woody said and turns into toys and Hya comes in the room

"Okay, this is getting real interesting, my imagination for my stories!" Hya said and sat down on her chair

Before she could anything else, she picked up her phone and watches the video she recorded few seconds ago, but she turned down the volume only to watch the video and not listen to it

"Woah... unbelievable..." Hya mumbles

'My toys... are caught moving...'


~Back where we left of~

Third Person's POV

After Hya finding out her toys are alive, she tried her method of her ninja moves (A/N: Like me all the time in midnight), but she never wanted to do it again since her dad comes upstairs, seeing her watching from the door, or her toys finding out they were being recorded, so she told herself that is enough to record anything else

She yawned, feeling her brain is fried into crisp

"Ugh... gimme a break, I hate math... missing angle degrees thingy, argh... I hate these..." She groaned

"I give up, no! Google's not even helping, well at least sometimes, but all I have to do it to go to that freaking link, and it just loads so slow."

"It's giving me a headache..."

She yawned once again and puts on her Bluetooth headset and listened to BTS's Answer: Love Myself on YouTube

She drank her cold water on the tumbler

"Yep, I ain't doing math today." Hya said

"Hya!" Her dad called out from downstairs


"I'm going out now! You gonna be okay here alone?"

"Yeah! I'll only watch TV while you're gone!" Hya said

"Okay! Bye!"

"Yeah, yeah!"

Hya sighed after her dad left the house, she took off her headset, putting it on the desk and went downstairs

"No more recording the toys now, Hya. If the toys finds out you're doing ninja moves and recording them, you're screwed as freak." She said to herself as she sat down on the couch to watch some TV on YouTube to watch BTS funny moments

Suddenly, she heard a thud from upstairs in her room, she stood up from the couch

"Was that the toys...?" Hya asked herself before going upstairs quietly as one of her instinct moves that she always used in midnight

"Oh brother, I just tripped on a small, but heavy dumbbell!" Woody said

"Wait, what if Hya heard it?" Jessie asked

"Don't worry, I don't think she heard it." Woody said

Hya quickly opened the door and saw them standing while Woody was sitting on the floor between the dumbbells

"I gotcha... moving." Hya said

"Uh... haha..." Jessie only laughs nervously

"Don't worry, nothing to be afraid... I won't tell anyone, not my parents. I won't tell anyone. Because they'll only think I'm crazy."

Hya slowly knelt down, but still feeling shock and awe

"I don't bite."

"But do you stab?" Jessie asked

"No... I don't. I don't stab and bite." Hya said and chuckles

Jessie looked at Buzz then they looked at Woody

"Hi, Woody." Hya said, waving in tiny

"This is amazing..." Hya mumbled

Buzz went up to Woody to help him up

"Thanks, Buzz." Woody said as he dusted himself then looked at Hya

"Looks like the rule for toys is now broken." Hya said

"You're not scared of us?" Buzz asked

"No. No, of course not. Why would I be?"

"You're not someone like Sid, who got scared of Woody and his own toys." Buzz said

"Well, uh... ahaha..." Hya just laughs nervously, then suddenly heard a door from downstairs opened and closed

"Shoot, dad's here. Resume your positions." Hya said and the toys went back to their positions while Hya sat on her chair with her headset on before her dad opened the door from her room

"Hey, Hya." 


"I thought you're downstairs?"

"I just got bored."

"What do you wanna eat?"



Her dad left the room and Hya sighed in relief

"Great, no one's here." Hya said

The toys finally moved again as soon as she said that

"Whew... you saved us there." Woody said as they sat up

"Of course, I wouldn't let my dad see you moving on your own." Hya said

"If he did, he'll be like; "You're toys are alive?! I'mma throw them away! I'll have a daughter protection!" something like that. And I don't want that to happen because you guys are... important and special to me, y'know?" Hya said

"It's so nice of you to say that!" Jessie said and jump into Hya to hug her

"Woah! Haha! Like literally..." Hya trails and puts Jessie on her lap

"You guys really are special to me. You guys brought my childhood back. I mean, I still act like a kid and nearly about to turn 15 this year but that doesn't mean I'll abandon you guys or leave you hanging."

'Hanging? Did I just used a Sayori pun-- nah... stop with those DDLC puns, oh my go--' Hya's thoughts were interrupted by Buzz and Woody talking about something

"Are you really sure we have to?"

"Of course, Buzz. You see what she did? Our owner? She knew dad is coming upstairs so she warned us."

Hya rose an eyebrow

"She saved us there from almost getting caught, so I'm sure about it."

"Well, you're right about that but..."

"Trust me, Buzz, we looked after our owners, and Hya, and now, she'll look after us."

"Come on, Buzz." Jessie said as she stood up on Hya's lap and jumped into her bed

"Woody's right. We trust her with all our hearts."

"What if her friends finds out? You know they have our other friends, and they might get caught as well."

"Buzz, you can trust me, I'm your owner. Andrei might be loud and talkative and can accidentally spit out some secrets, but he's good at keeping secrets like me, he knows a way not to let anyone know or have an idea about our super secrets." Hya said

"And Xhander can be monotone-ish and that can also spit out some of our secrets, but he knows how to cover it up. If they found out your friends and you are alive, then you know."

"Just trust me, mom and dad will never find out about this." Hya said

Buzz thought about it carefully then looked at Jessie, Woody and then to Hya

"...All right. I trust you. I mean, you're our owner and all and we've been with you for who knows how long." Buzz said, making Hya snort at his statement at the last part of his sentence


They suddenly heard vibration on Hya's desk, she looked over her phone to see if it was her alarm or was it someone calling her

"Huh? The Trio group chat? Why is Andrei video calling in the group chat?" Hya asked

"Who knows? Maybe something important?" Jessie said, but also confused

She answered the call

"Yo." Hya said

"Ayo, Hya, something awesome but scary just happened to me today, it's insane!" Andrei said

"Okay, what kind of awesome but scary happened to you now?" Hya asked

"Hey guys." Xhander joined the call

"Yah, Andrei said there's something awesome but scary happened to him today." Hya said

"Go time. Spill the tea." Xhander said

"It's true!" Andrei said and turned to someone

"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head and the aliens, say "hi" to my friends." Andrei said

"Andrei, why would show us to them?" Mr. Potato Head said

Hya's eyes widened as soon as he showed them to the camera

"Woahhh..." The three aliens said


"On the phone call."

"Nah... shut up, what?" Hya said

"So that's... the tea you're gonna spill?" Xhander asked from the other line

"Of course it is!"

"Shh!! Lower down your voice! Does your parents know? Or your sister?" Hya asked

"Uh, no? Why--"

"Because that happened to me with the same thing but I didn't scream or anything. I was just shock, and in awe when I saw them moving for the first time when I walked into my room while my dad was gone. My life is complete." Hya said and chuckles while saying the last part of her sentence

"Nah. No way?"

"Yo... same thing happened to me."

"Hey, Xhander! Is there, by any chance, Woody and the others are with them?" She heard another voice from Xhander's line

"Xhander, was that Rex?" Hya asked

"Uh... yeah. That's, uh, what I'm 'bouta tell you earlier as well." Xhander said and showed Rex, Slinky and Hamm to Hya and Andrei

"No way!" Andrei exclaimed

"Jess, Buzz, Woody, looks like you gotta trust all of us because they finally found out." Hya said and showed their toy friends to Jessie, Woody and Buzz

"Rex, Slink, Hamm! And Mr., Mrs. Potato Head and the aliens too!" Woody said with a grin

"Hi, guys!" Jessie said

"Yo, what?! This is awesome!"

"Andrei, I said lower your voice!"

"Oops, sorry..." Andrei said

"Wait, Hya, what do you mean by "trust"?" Xhander asked

"Well... I'll explain if you guys come here to the house." Hya said


The Trio finally end the call on Messenger app and Hya leaned back to her chair

"Were there our friends in that video call?" Buzz questioned

"Yep." Hya answered

~Three Minutes Later~

"Wait, so when you came in your room, you saw your toys moved but they dropped down to turn into toys, but you pretended nothing happened. And when you pretended you walked out of the room just to capture the moment, I mean, like, recording them?" Andrei said

"Uh, yeah." Hya said

"Wait, you recorded us?" Woody asked

"Uh... haha, yeah, I did. Sorry. But I'm not really planning on sending the video to someone, but even if I did, they're not gonna believe me and they're just gonna believe that it was an edit that made it so real." Hya said

"Err, that's true." Woody said, thinking about it before realizing it was true no one really will believe her even if she showed them the video she captured

"Where are the other toys?" She asked

"Back at the house." Andrei said

"So are mine." Xhander added

"They said they'll be fine on their own." Andrei added

"They can do whatever they want." The boys (The Trio boys) said in unison

"Well, that is true." Hya said

"They might be playing my video games in my room, I hope they'll be alright..." Xhander said

"They'll be fine. They know the footstep sound from you, or your parents or others, so they know what they'll do." Jessie said

"You're right about that, Jess."

"Hey, isn't there gonna be a Music Competition in three weeks?" Andrei asked in realization

"Huh?! Oh no! I forgot about that! I was trying to find songs that'll be best for my BTS dance and singing but I can't find anything!" Hya panicked as she turned to her laptop

"But then I was so distracted about what the freak's happening today." Hya said

"Wait, I didn't know there was a Music Competition you'll be competing." Woody said

"Well, I didn't wanna say anything about it." Hya said

"How about Filter by Jimin? That'll be best." Andrei suggested

"And since there's three rounds, we need two more songs that needed; How about Serendipity and Singularity by Jimin and Taehyung? That's for you."

"But you'll need to be part of that. We need group songs!" Hya said

"Nah, it's alright. You need your solo now. We've been doing our group dances for thousand times now, so you need your own solo dance and singing." Xhander said

"Ya sure about it?"

"We're sure. We're only gonna watch over Woody, Buzz and Jessie." Andrei said

"Oh... I don't want you guys to be burden because of it..." Hya said in shame

"Crap! I even need outfits for it too! Oh no...!!" Hya panics

"We need BTS inspired outfits!" Hya shouts

"Hey, it's fine, you'll only need two BTS inspired outfits for Serendipity and Singularity. You don't need one for Filter. You just need to find your dad's Jimin Filter inspired outfit." Xhander said

"My dad doesn't even had one." Hya said in a bored look

"Then why is it hanging on his closet in their room?" Andrei asked with a smirk

Hya was confused then they all went to her parents' room to check on her dad's brown closet and suddenly saw the same outfit Jimin wore in his Filter performance

"No way... he had one?"

"Hey, there's a note behind it." Buzz said, pointing

"Eh?" Hya hummed and turned the outfit around and saw a note

"'This outfit's for you if you chose one of the BTS's member's solo song.' from Dad." She reads

"No freaking way? He knows?" Hya said

"See, we told you!"

"Yes! Thank you, dad! You're the best!" Hya said

"Now all you need is the Serendipity and Singularity inspired outfits!" Jessie said with excitement

"Yeah!" Hya agrees with excitement

"Wait... I just remembered something." Hya turned to Andrei

"Did you say you're gonna watch over Woody, Buzz and Jessie?" She asked

"Uh, yeah?"

"...I'm a little worried... you're gonna watch in the audience and someone might see them moving and alive." Hya said

"That's why we're gonna watch over not only them, but people who are sitting next to us." Xhander said

"...You got a point."

"We're gonna be fine, Hya." Jessie reassured

"Yeah, you don't need to worry about us and you just need to have fun performing." Buzz said

"Buzz and Jessie are right. We'll be fine." Woody said with a smile

Hya looked at them worriedly but she smiled

"Okay. Fine." Hya said

'I can't believe we made best friends with them... this is an amazing feeling...' Hya thought



See you in the next chapter!

Jaa ne minna-san!!

(2332 Words)

EndouHya1115 signing out!~
