Chapter 1: Nostalgia

Third Person's POV

"Ayo, come on, you gotta have nostalgia! So, what kind of nostalgia you're having?" Hya's friend, Andrei asked

"Well, I'm having Toy Story nostalgia now, haha."

"Eh? Toy Story? Sheesh, it's been a while now, hasn't it? But we don't even understand English before." Andrei said

"Yep. But now, we do."

"Actually, you're the only one who is fluent in English instead of Filipino." Their another friend, Xhander said

"I mean, that's true." Hya said

"At least we can speak English but not fluent in it." Andrei said

"It's fine if you're not fluent in it."

"...I wish that my old toys were, like, moving, you know?" Hya said

"Heh, if they did, would you be scared?" Andrei asked

"Of course she's not. She'll loved that if the toys came to life in real life." Xhander said

"Ahaha! That's so true!" Andrei said

"Oh, shut up." Hya said

Hya looked over to her left, seeing her closet that is covered by the black curtain and was blocked by the clothesline full of hanged-clothes and bags on the left side

'I wonder if my Toy Story toys are still there inside the toy box...' Hya thought

She hadn't able to see her toys since the other boxes were all stacked up, she planned on donating her Toy Story toys but she didn't wanted to because they were special to her like how Andy in the movies sees them

"Uh-- guys, I gotta go, I think my parents might gonna call me and ask where the freak I am now." Xhander said

"Yeah, sure." Hya said

"I'm going, too. My sister might be worried now." Andrei said

"Yea, yeah, we know that." Hya said as they go downstairs to lead them out to the front door

"See ya at school tomorrow."

"I know. Bye!" Hya said as she waves goodbye to them

"Bye, H!"

Hya closed the door and went upstairs to her room

"Hmm... maybe I should take these boxes tomorrow after school..." She mumbled to herself

Hya shuts down her laptop and turned off her lamp

She looked around her room, seeing Deku merch and Deku figures on the top of her cabinet

She closed the door, turning on the humidifier color changing light for her to see (since it's too dark) and went to bed

~The Next Day~

Hya woke up at 10:00 AM, her school starts at 1:00 PM, so she has to go to school at 12:30 or 12:40 PM and then she'll leave the school at 5:30 PM (A/N: Those are the time I go to school in Face-to-face classes on Thursday and Friday)

After she prepares her school things on her bag, she went to the bathroom and took a bath

After one hour, she looked at her smartwatch, seeing it is now 11:30 AM, so she have time to put on her P.E. uniform colored in maroon t-shirt that has the school logo on the side with a word "P.E" on the back of her shirt, and a maroon pajamas, with white wide strips on both sides

"All right..." She mumbled and took her ID and her alcohol and put them around her neck, she turned her ID around, seeing a Deku polaroid picture in the back of her ID

She grabbed her yellow-green headset and put it around her neck

She took the blue-green school backpack from the clothesline, that is a bit heavy due to her three books, three school notebooks, and two random notebooks she needed if she ever gets bored when no teacher is in the classroom yet

She wore her black rubber shoes with red outlines on it and tied her shoe laces

She grabbed her yellow Pikachu hat from the clothesline and wore it

"Okay, let's go." She said to herself as she checks her watch, seeing the time is now 12:29 PM, so she went downstairs, seeing her parents just chilling on the couch

"I'm going, guys."

"Okay, sweetie, have fun."

"Don't wear your headset while class."

"I'll only wear it after the discussion while we're writing in our notebook or book in the last period." Hya said while getting the bread filled of cheese as she went outside the house and closed the front door

As she goes to school on her own, she connected her Bluetooth headset to her phone and played her old favorite song since childhood on Spotify; "You've Got A Friend In Me"

Play You've Got A Friend In Me from Toy Story (1995) OST by Randy Newman

"Phew... this brought nostalgia..." Hya said in relief

(Verse 1)

You've got a friend in me(2x)

When the road looks

Rough ahead and you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed

You just remember what your old pal said;

"Boy, you've got a friend in me"

Yeah, you've got a friend in me

(Verse 2)

You've got a friend in me (2x)

You've troubles

And I've got 'em, too

There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you

We stick together

We can see it through 'cuz

You've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me

Hya started singing along on the Bridge until the end of the song


Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am

Big and stronger too


But none of them

Will ever love you the way I do

It's me and you, boy

And as the years go by

Our friendship will never die

You're gonna see it's our destiny


You've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me

(End Song)

After listening to the song, she arrived at her school; SPSN Incorporated, she took off her headset and put it around her neck and went through the Entrance gate from the left

(A/N: This is actually my school irl, it's just nearest from where I live, lol)

She went to the right and sees stairs from the second floor, so she went inside and went to the second floor

When she goes to the second floor, she sees another stair from the third floor, but that's not where she is going, she turned right and sees a classroom for grade 7, so she looked forward and sees a classroom for grade 8 just up ahead, she even sees the teacher's room where teachers can have their break before the next period and even sees three doors, two bathrooms and the other door heading downstairs to the office

She walked forward but someone blocked her way

"Stop where you are!"

She stops and sighs and looked up at the certain person, who is her classmate, not really a close friend to her

"Hey, Lee Yiam." Hya said in a bored tone of her voice

"Hello." Lee said

"Anong kailangan mo ngayon? (Translation: What do you need now?)" Hya asked

He reaches his hand to her, making her confuse


"You're headset."

"Huh?! Nuh-uh-uh! Bakit ko bibigay sayo toh?! (Translation: Why would I give it to you?!)"

"Joke lang yun! (Translation: It's just a joke!)"

"Ano bang kailangan mo talaga? (Translation: What do you really need?)"

"Wala lang, nakita lang kita paglabas ko lang sa restroom. (Translation: Nothing, I just saw you when I came out of the restroom.)"

"Huh... sure ka? Baka mang-hihingi ka lang ng pagkain mamaya recess. (Translation: Huh... are you sure? Maybe you'll just ask for food later at recess.)"

"Hindi! Di ako mang-hihingi! (Translation: No! I will not ask!)"

Hya raised an eyebrow in suspicion while moving her eyes up and down back in forth but shrugged it off

"Okay." She simply said, walking past him before opened the door and went inside the classroom

She went to her seat and put her bag under the desk and sat on her blue chair in the front, in front of the teacher's desk on the left near the window

"Grabe, mukhang lalaki si Evans. (Translation: Seriously, Evans looks like a man.)" She hears some of the mean girls whispering because of her looks

"Oo nga eh, mukha siyang basura (Translation: Yeah, she looked like trash.)"

"Heh, pag-usapan niyo lang ako ng basura and yung pinili kong hitsura, wala akong pakialam.(Translation: Heh, just keep talk trash about me and my choice of looks, I don't give a crap about it.)" Hya said as she puts on her headset to play some BTS songs, making the mean girls startled and looked at her direction

"Or else, bubugbogin ko kayo. (Translation: Or else, I will beat you.)" Hya threatened without even looking at them, making them scared and stop

She took off her cap, put it on the desk and looked under the table to get her white water tumbler from the backpack and put both her tumbler, and her phone next to her on the book shelf cabinet

"Yo, Hya, you literally became a savage now." Andrei said

"Oh hey, Dre. Uh, yeah, I just did became that now." Hya said as she took off her headset

"Is it because of SUGA?" Xhander asked

"Uh... I guess you could put it that way. But I did become like this before I became an ARMY or before I Stan for SUGA." Hya said

"Guess you could say that." Xhander said

~At Recess - 3:30 PM~

Hya took out her Nezuko wallet and went out of the classroom to go to the canteen store to buy some snack along with her classmates

She had her headphones wearing while going to the canteen, listening to BTS Jungkook's Euphoria song

"Uh, one Fudgy Bar and Choco-Mucho." Hya said, then the tradesman gave her the snacks she wanted

"Okay, 15 + 15 is 35... so 35 pesos." Hya mumbled as she calculates and gave the tradesman 35 pesos

"Thank you." She said and left the canteen and went back upstairs as she puts her headset around her neck again, taking it off

But suddenly, someone made her trip on the stairs

"Woah!" She slid on the stairs and landed on her butt, dropping her snacks, and even hurting her left knee

"Argh... ow... ang sakit... seriously? (Translation: Argh... ow... it hurts... seriously?)" She groans

She heard some girls from her class chuckling

"You should be careful there or you might hurt yourself." The girl mocks

"You made me trip like this!" Hya shouts

"You'll be in big trouble if you do that again, you freak!" Hya said

"Oh, we'll see about that, Evans." The girl said before laughing and went upstairs

Hya sighed and looked at her knee which has a medium cut that cut through the P.E. pajamas and was bleeding

She sighs in frustration

'I even forgot my handkerchief in the classroom... darn it...' Hya thought before getting her snacks on the floor before standing up (A/N: She hasn't eaten them yet)

She hissed in a bit of pain, feeling the pain from her knee

She breathes out, trying to ignore the pain and went upstairs to her classroom

When she got back to the classroom, she aggressively threw her snacks to the desk and aggressively sat down and puts on her headset

She took out her handkerchief and pulled up her left sleeve of her pajama to cover up her wound

She glared at the girls who made fun of her as she covered up her wound


~After School~

"Ugh... I hate those girls..." She groaned as she walked home alone

When she arrived at her home, she opened the gate, and sees door to door, so she went to the second door to the left and opened the door with the duplicate key

Hya sighs and went upstairs

Before she could go to her room, she sees her parents sleeping in their room

She went inside her room and puts her bag on the ground and closed the door to change her clothes to yellow shirt and green shorts

She sat on her chair and opened her laptop

As she waits, she stood up from her chair and moved the clothesline out of the way, blocking the door and opened the curtain, seeing boxes stacked up

She removed the box on the top and put it out, putting on the floor

"Aight... this will take a while..." She mumbled

After three minutes of taking the boxes out of the cabinet, she could feel her sweats drop as she opened her toy storage box, which is, of course, full of her old toys

(A/N: This is the kind of box, but pretend this is clear blue)

She finally saw her Jessie doll and her hat, even her Buzz action figure, looks like they're still clean after all these years

She grinned and put them on the floor

She looked back to the box, and finally, she saw her Woody doll and his hat in the box

She breathe out in relief and hugged Woody

"Oh, I missed you guys, it's been so long..." She mumbled and looked at Woody

"This really became nostalgia..." Hya said to herself



See you in the next chapter!

Jaa ne minna-san!!

(2082 Words)

EndouHya1115 signing out!~
