Chapter 5: Serendipity (Music Competition Part 2)

Previously on "My Toys Can Move!"!

After 30 minutes, all the competitors performed amazingly and Hya was one of them to be able to perform in the second round and she already changed into her Serendipity inspired outfit

"Hah. You see that performance I did? It is very spectacular!"

Hya suddenly heard a aggressive but arrogant tone in her voice, but she ignored her

"Hey, you!" Hya looked up and turned to the left

"You talking to me?" Hya asked

"Yes I'm talking to you." The arrogant girl walked up to her

"Do you even know who I am to ignore me?"

"No, no I don't. And do you even know that you're an idiot?" Hya asked calmly

"Did you just call me an idiot?"

"What? I didn't say anything." Hya said

"You little--!"

"Hya, you're up next."

"Okay." Hya stands up

"You're outfit's too glittery, you need to change that, it's so distracting."

"And do you even know that this is a Jimin Serendipity inspired outfit? You really are stupid, are you?" Hya said

"How dare you say that--! Woah!" The arrogant girl trips because of her heels


"Hey, you good?" Hya reaches out her hand

"Sike, that's the wrong number. I ain't helping bullies like you." Hya said and walked away

The girl grumbled in annoyance

"Maybe in the last round I'll ruin your last performance." The girl mumbled and chuckled mischievously


~Back where left of~

Third Person's POV

It is now Hya's turn for the second round, she is now wearing her Serendipity outfit for the performance

(A/N: Remember, except the hairstyle, let her hair straight and in a ponytail, and the pointed heels, imagine it's a fat heels cuz she's not used to the pointed heels and she'll have the same pants as Jimin as well, sheesh)

"Okay... here we go, Serendipity time." Hya mumbled and went to the backstage

"Here we are, our second performer; Hya Evans!"

As soon as the MC said her name, she rose up from the ground while sitting inside the bubble full of flowers like a garden in a snow globe  as the music played

"There she is!" Andrei said as he pointed

"Yee-haw!" Jessie cheered

"Go for it, Hya!" Woody, Buzz, and Xhander cheered loudly

At home...

"Oh, dear, there she is!" Hya's mom said

"That's our girl! Go and shine all you want!" Her dad cheered as both Hya's parents watched her about to perform on Live TV

"Go cousin!" Her cousins cheered

"That's our niece!" Her aunt cheered as well

Play Serendipity by BTS Park Jimin

(End Video)

She looked at the audience and smiled big before leaving the main stage

"How is that even possible? You're not even that good at singing while dancing." The same arrogant girl angrily said

"Oh really? You just wanna win so bad so that people will bow down to you like a Queen. Well, with that attitude of yours, they'll never bow down and cheer for someone like you. And I just did my hardest throughout the years of practicing for these kind of days I will be having like this one." Hya confidently said before going back to the dressing room

"That little-- ugh...! I hate that girl..." The arrogant girl mumbled angrily

"Girl, if you want her to be eliminated, then do it now." One of her minions said, making her have an idea, and mischievously smiled

~With Hya~

"All right. Time for Filter... last round... I hope I can one of the three performers..." Hya mumbled and changed her outfit to Filter outfit her dad bought her

(A/N: Like the same suits like Jimin has that she'll be wearing, she can wear double clothes and no one expected it to change to another outfit that fast like Jimin)

She started mumbling the lyrics and started practicing her vocals a bit

"Okay. The most votes will be the three final performers in the last round!"

"Let's see..."

"The first who gets to be in the final round will be..."

"Hya Evans!"

Hya's mouth dropped and cheered

"Yes! Lezz get it!"

"The second will be... Anabelle Richards!" 

"Huh... looks like that arrogant girl made it as well..." She said to herself

"And the last one who gets to be in the finals will be... Ricardo Felipe!"

The crowd applauded in the TV

"Those are the three who will be competing in the last round!"

"Hmm... this is it..." She mumbled and went out of the dressing room wearing her Filter outfit

She went pass the arrogant girl named Anabelle Richards but she made her trip and ripped her pants a bit from the side of her pants


"What the freak?"

"Oops, sorry, I didn't see you there." Anabelle said and chuckles mischievously

When she left, Hya looked at the pants from the end of the pants on her ankle and seeing it ripped a bit

"Oh no... it's ripped... that Anabelle... she literally did on purpose... what am I gonna do?" Hya mumbled worried, she brought out her phone and texted Andrei

~With Andrei and the gang~

Andrei felt his phone vibrated from his pocket, so he took out his phone and saw Hya's message

Hya: Yo, it's urgent, you gotta get to the dressing room now!

"What?" Andrei mumbled so he replied back quick

Andrei: Yeah, sure, I'll be there quickly as possible.

"Uh, Xhander, I'mma go to the dressing room, Hya needs me." Andrei said


"It's urgent and I need to go there quickly." Andrei said


Andrei stood up from his seat while bringing Hya's bag

He asked one of the staff where the dressing room is, he went left and and saw the dressing room

He opened the door and saw Hya sitting on the couch

"Hya, you okay?" Andrei quickly asked as he ran up to her

"Yeah, it's urgent." Hya said

"What is it?"

"Wait, did you just brought my bag here?" Hya asked

"Yeah, now what is it?" Andrei asked

"Wait, is there something wrong, Andrei?" Woody asked as he peeked from the bag

"Well, it's this..." Hya said and showed the ripped pants

"Wait, did you ripped your pants?" Andrei asked

"No I didn't, well, it was that arrogant girl; Anabelle Richards. She's trying make me get eliminated in the finals." Hya explained

"What?" Andrei said in shock

"No way, that's not fair." Woody said

"That was cheating." Jessie said in anger

"I know, that's why I texted Andrei to come here." She said

"Well, good news, I have the sewing kit with me, instead if there's an emergency if one of your outfit is ripped." Andrei said

"Really? Oh thank goodness, thank you, Andrei! You're a lifesaver." Hya said in relief

"Now... let's get it done." Andrei said with a smirk



See you in the next chapter!

Jaa ne minna-san!!

(1074 Words)

EndouHya1115 signing out!~
