The arena

"Hey Marlee!" Creed waved at me. I wave back. "So are you going to come to my gathering today?"

"What do you normally do at these gatherings?" I ask politely.

"Oh we just chat, hang out, and play video games. Stuff like that."


"You don't have to join it's just that we're lacking in female players and the show isn't getting that much views."


"Oh we film our video game sessions and upload them on YouTube. They're on my channel up up down down."

"Well I'll have to check it out."

"So you are coming today? I kind of tweeted that we were going to have a special guest..."

"You want me to be the special guest?"

"Yeah, I think you're already kind of special."

"Okay I'll be there. But I'm telling you now, I've never played a video game in my life."

"Ah that's not an issue. We'll help you out. See ya later Marlee!" He chuckled before walking off. I shook my head and continued walking around. I was looking for someone that I really needed and wanted to talk to. I saw him talking to a group of people. I walked up to them and smiled.

"Hey Marlee! How are you?" One of the guys spoke to me.

"I'm doing good. Uhh Seth can we talk?" I look at my so called uncle. He nodded and the group left us alone.

"What's up?" He sighed crossing his arms at me.

"What did you do to Finn when you heard the rumor?" I cut to the chase.

"What do you think?" He laughed like I was joking.

"You knew they weren't true!"

"So? He shouldn't be going around the locker rooms telling people what happened with my niece. True or not."

"Oh so that's why you kicked his ass!" I felt embarrassed for thinking he did it cause he liked me.

"Yep. Are we done here? I got some things I need to do before the show." I nodded and he walked off.

"Good you're here. So umm this is all up to you but did you want to go out to the ring with me?" My Dad spoke from behind me. I turned surprised he was there.

"How long have you been behind me?"

"Not long. Why'd you want to know why Seth did what he did?" Dean smirked.

"Uh just not used to having protective uncles." I shrug it off. "Uh you want me to go out to the ring?"

"Like I said up to you. Just Stephanie wants you to sort of debut tonight. You won't have to fight or have a match until you get some serious training done." He assured me.

"Yeah Dad, I guess I'll go out there. Who are you versing?" I smile.

"Enzo Amore. He's having Cass out there with him. So if they try anything funny you can stop it for me." Dad grinned.

"Got it! No funnys during the match." I nod. He chuckles and brings me into a hug. "Oh umm this guy Creed invited me to hang out with him and some people before the show tonight. Just playing video games. Can I umm go?" I ask my dad.

"Go have fun nerd!" He smiled. I push him playfully and headed to the room Creed said they were meeting at. I saw Seth in front of the door texting on his phone. He looked up at me and smirked.

"Following me I see?"

"No. Creed invited me. I'm the special guest."

"Ah didn't think you would be into this kind of thing."

"I might be..." I smirked.

"Hey can we talk for real?" Seth whispered looking around us. I nodded confused since we were just talking. "Look I wasn't completely honest with your question earlier. I saw your dad and panicked. I really kicked his ass because... well you know."

"Oh so not for uncle reasons. For that other thing." I confirm. He nodded and I grinned. "I hoped so." I said causing him to grin for a million miles.

"Ay they're you two are! Are you guys joining us?" Some guy from inside the room came out and saw us. We nodded and went in.
