Finding work

I woke up to a nurse trying to wake me up.

"Miss you need to go home. You can't stay here." She whispers. I nod and get up and leave. At least it was morning and it wasn't too hot out. I walk into a town and find a cafe. I hear my tummy rumble as I walked in. The smell of breakfast loud like the sizzling bacon.

"Hello dear! Grab a spot. Can you get you some coffee?" An older lady smiles at me. I nod and find a seat. Shortly after she brings me a cup full of hot coffee and a menu. I nod and smile and look over the menu. But once I see the prices I realized how broke I am. I can't even afford a 50 cent cup of coffee! I stop torturing myself and push the menu away. "Find what you wanted to eat?" She came back.

"I... I can't order anything. I don't have any money." I frown.

"Let me guess. You ran away from home?" She sat down across from me.

"Not quite. I came here to find my real parents. I'm adopted." I explain.

"No luck yet?"

"They're in Ohio."

"That's quite a bit aways from here sweetheart."

"I know." I chuckle.

"How old are you?"

"18. Why?" I look at her.

"If you help me with this shift since I'm short staffed and it's gonna get rowdy in here in a minute, I'll help you get to Ohio."

"Thank you!" I grin. I agree to help and in perfect timing too cause like she said. It got rowdy and stayed like that for some time. After my shift she gave me some food and some money. "Thank you again!" I thank her.

"No need doll. But you might wanna get going to that bus station. It's leaving soon."

"Well don't you need help with the lunch rush?" I offer. She thought for a moment before grinning.

"You're hired doll. Do you have a place to stay?"

"I can manage." I shrug.

"You can stay with me if ya like?" She sighed. "What's your name by the way."

"Marlee.." I answer.

"Such a beautiful name Marlee." She grinned as the lunch rush was just about to start. "Better get back to work."
