Morning after

"Thanks Jon." Kacy gleamed as she gently laid kisses down my neck and to my shoulder.

"Fuck Kacy this was a fucking mistake!" I realized.

"You were the one who came here and wanted to fuck. And boy you got better with time!"

"Drop the charges. Marlee isn't going anywhere near you!"

"Oh that was what this was about? You thought you could just fuck me and I would be so grateful and stop fighting for my baby girl!" Kacy was pissed.

"She's not your baby girl! Ever since YOU left her at my steps!"

"And I regret that. I was in a bad place. I felt that the only thing I could do to keep her safe is with you until I figured some stuff out. It's all figured out now. So she can come home." Kacy sighed. She had it memorized. Her lawyer told her to say that. But it doesn't work for me.

"Kacy, I know you're lieing." I sit up pushing her off of me.

"I'm not!! I want my baby back!! We can be a family!"

"How when you don't want me to have visitations with her?" I smirk.

"I drop them if you agree to get back together. We can raise Marlee together. Be a little happy family!" Kacy dreamed aloud.

"No! No way in Hell!!" Kacy frowns and gets out of the bed.

"Get the hell out. I'll see you in court!" She points to the door. I get up and grab my clothes, except for my shirt she was wearing, and leave. I put my clothes on as I walk to the front door. I head out and do the walk of shame to my hotel room.
"Dude!! What the hell man?!?!" Seth yelled and pushed me once I walked in. The room was completely trashed and Marlee was throwing one of her major fits.

"Sorry I had some business to take care of." I shrug him off and open the fridge. I see a juice box and grab it.

"I thought you said you couldn't go out with Renee?"

"It wasn't her. Marlee shut the hell up!"

"Then who?" The bastard grinned. Marlee glanced at me and continued on her torment.

"I don't want to talk about it. What going on with my kid?" I stare at Uckie Seth.

"I don't know. She's been up and like this since four this morning!! I'm tired as hell and I couldn't get a hold of you." I sigh now knowing what's going on. I pick up Marlee and shush her.

"Daddy is here. It's alright princess." She squirmed in my arms and screamed her head off even louder if that was even possible. "Okay that's it! I put her down on the bed and begin throwing shit into luggage. Packing up her shit and mine.

"What are you doing man?" Seth asked holding his head.

"I fucking can't take this shit anymore!" I didn't have a plan. I was just pissed. After our stuff was all packed, I picked up the crying infant and we left. Once Marlee was in the car seat she hushed a little bit. I gave her a bottle of milk and she was fine. "We're just going on a little ride princess." I smile at her. I shut the car door and then get into the driver's seat. I started up the rental and we drove. And drove. I didn't know where but the drive relaxed me and seemed to put Marlee to sleep. I was finally able to think. Kacy can't take care of her. I know this for a fact. And going to court will only make things complicated. The jury won't let me keep her while having the job I have. Wrestling is my life. I live and breath it. If I get injured who's gonna take care of Marlee? How am I supposed to educate Marlee if we're on the road 24/7? Thinking only makes me more upset. I look back at her. She was still sound asleep but had a smile on her little face. She was mumbling something. She is so cute. I should have paid attention to the road because when I looked back toward the road I seen it. I slammed on my brakes and honked loudly. It didn't help because the semi crashed head on to us.
