
So all weekend I hung out with Dean and Roman. So when Monday came, they invited me to go to Raw with them. I gladly accepted but once we got to the arena, I realized that he'd probably be here. I would have to talk to him. To look at him.

"Uh dad, is it cool if I just..." I start.

"Come on Mars! Don't back out now!" Dean frowns.

"It's just I'm kinda scared."

"Of what?" Dean questioned. I looked at Roman who gave me a sympathetic look. He knew what was going on.

"Of you getting hurt. I don't want to see that dad." I cover.

"Marlee, I do this for a living. I'm not gonna get hurt. And if I do it's no big deal. I'll heal and come back for more." Dean laughs. "So you don't need to be scared of that." I sigh and we continue to walk in. Roman walked next to me and whispered to me.

"I'll keep Seth away if you're not ready to hear him out yet."

"Thanks Ro." I smile up at him. He smiled back as we had to show the security our badges.

"She's with us it's Marlee!" Dean grinned at them. They nodded and let the three of us in. Once inside I felt like I was home. Even with all these large scary looking men walking around barely dressed. I seen a couple girls too walking around getting ready for the show. "Okay I'm gonna head to my dressing room to get ready if you want to just walk around a bit. We'll meet in catering in about half an hour?" Dean suggested. I nodded and the two of them left me. I took a deep breath and began walking around. I found the hair and makeup area and seen a very familiar blonde getting her hair curled. I walk up to her.

"Hi!" I smile at her. She looked up at me and was in shock. Her already pale skin went even more pale.

"You..." she stammered.

"Marlee. Um I'm just starting to remember things and I finally found my dad. I just saw you and felt like I knew you." I began.

"I'm Renee." She smiled softly. "I'm glad you're back into your dad's life. He's been lost without you."

"And without you too. If I remember correctly he really loved you." I blurt. I hold my mouth in shock. She gasped and walked away. I followed feeling guilty. "Renee! Sorry I didn't know what overcame me."

"It's okay. I really loved him too." She turned to me and I seen her teary stained eyes.

"Then why did you marry someone else?"

"Because I'm an idiot! I couldn't wait for him forever. He needed to get over losing you and it seemed like he never would. And then you come back in his life.."

"He's heart broken because of it. He won't admit it but I think I know him well. Even though I haven't known for long."

"There's nothing I can do now. I'm married." She cried looking at the ugly large diamond ring. I sigh and hug her.

"Why did you guys break up?" I asked after awhile.

"Technically we never dated. We went on two dates. He couldn't date me then. You hated me."

"Oh why would I hate you? You're so amazing!"

"I think you just didn't want to share your dad." She chuckled. "Dean is a good man. You have a great dad." Renee smiled. She wiped the tears that were left and went back to fix her makeup. I sighed and went to go find catering only to bump into the one man I didn't want to see right now.

"Marlee you're here." Seth sighed.

"Yeah with my dad. You know the guy you said you'd help me find?" I glare at him.

"Look! I wanted to tell you but I couldn't bring myself to. I thought I'd lose you."

"You're my fucking uncle Seth! Of course you'll lose me."

"I feel bad Marlee. Please just let me make it up to you?"

"Did you feel this way when you changed my diapers creep?" I snap at him.

"Oh god no! I would have never in a million years think I'd fall for you. But I did. I didn't start feeling like this since I saw you on that plane."

"I believe you but I don't think I can get over the fact that you are my uncle."

"Actually technically I'm not. I'm just you're dad's best friend. And we work together."

"Oh well that makes it way better." I roll my eyes and smirk. "Just give me some time to figure things out. Okay? You still sort of have a chance Seth." I explain to him. He nodded with a huge grin.

"Can I kiss you though? Just once more?" He pouted. I kissed his cheek and walked off. My heart fluttering a million miles an hour. I wanted him so bad right then but I had to contain myself.

"Marlee! Welcome home." A brunette woman in a suit smiled at me. Her voice similar to that of a wicked witch.

"Uh thanks?" I question her.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I forgot about your memory loss. I'm Stephanie McMahon. The boss around here."

"Oh," I smile at her.

"So are you a wrestler as well? I've always thought you'd be great. Just like your dad is."

"I haven't thought about it. But I don't think I could. Look at all of these people. They were clearly born for this." I gestured to the room filled with wrestlers.

"Marlee, you were born for this too. Have you seen how crazy your dad is?"

"What has him being crazy has to do with me?"

"It's in your blood Marlee. Just think about it. Okay?" She suggested and headed out of the room. I sighed and went to get a snack and a water. I saw a couple familiar faces but I couldn't think of who they were. I sighed in frustration and found an empty table.

"Hi." I heard a male voice and looked up. He was young but obviously older than me. He looked good.

"Hi." I smile at him.

"Can I have a seat?" He asked. I nodded. "I haven't seen you around here before or even down in NXT. I'm Finn Balor." He introduced himself.

"Marlee. And I'm just here watching my dad." I answer back.

"Oh well who's your dad?" I look at him in disbelief. Mostly everyone here already knows me and here this kid is and he has no idea.

"Dean Ambrose?" I respond.

"Wow I had no idea he even had a daughter let alone one as beautiful as you." He winked.

"You are too funny Finn." I laugh at how cheesy he was being.

"Is that a good thing?" He laughed softly.

"Yes!" I nod.

"So tell me how it was growing up with an unhinged father?" He asked clearly not knowing my story.

"Actually I..." I start but then get cut off by my lunatic father.

"Finn why the hell are you talking to my daughter?" He looked pissed.

"Dad! It's fine. We were just talking about you." I try to calm him down.

"Oh and how easy it would be for me to kick his ass? Finn stay the hell away from her!" He yelled. Finn frowned and left the table. He went and sat with some other people that were again unfamiliar to me.

"Dad!" I warn. He embarrassed me.

"What? He's no good!"

"I can make my own decision on that one dad. I can't believe you just embarrassed me like that!" I explain as Roman headed over.

"What's up guys?"

"Apparently I embarrassed Marlee in front of her new friend." Dean mocked. I throw a chip at him clearly annoyed with him.

"Oh really? And who was it?" Roman chuckled sitting down.

"Finn Balor."

"Oh him? He's a nice kid."

"See dad! Roman approves!" I smirk.

"For a friend. Not a dating friend. No one can be good enough for our little Marlee." He chuckled messing up my hair. Grrrr!

"We were just talking! No one said anything about dating!" I growl. I stand up and storm out of the room. I sigh and call the one person who could help me with this.

"Hey it's Sheila! I'm not available to talk right now. So leave a message and I'll get back to you. Oh and if it's urgent text me! Clearly you have my number! Hahaha"

I hang up and grumble. Of course she won't answer. She never does! I sigh and call Andres. He always answers when I call.

"Yo leave a message I'm busy living life! Peace!"

Argghg!!!! I try one more person.


"Jones! Finally someone answers!"

"Yeah this is a recording. You got my voicemail. Haha!"

Fucking asshats!! I throw my phone against the wall and slide down on the other one to sit on the floor. The cold concrete calming me.

"What did that do?" I heard Finn again. I look up and he was standing in front of me with a grin in his face.

"It annoyed me." I smirk. He chuckles and then sits next to me. "Sorry about my dad. He can be a bit of a lunatic at times."

"I bet." Finn grinned. "So what are you doing after the show?"

"Uh I think were going back to the hotel or something. Why?"

"Well afterwards a couple of us NXT babies usually go sightseeing. I was wondering if you wanted to join?"

"Sightseeing? In the middle of the night in a town you doing know?" I look at him like he's the crazy one.

"It's the best time to see a town in its natural beauty."

"And you guys do this a lot? Aren't you guys tired and sore after the show?"

"Like I said we're the new guys. We can handle some fun. Can you?" Finn smirked. He stood up and offered his hand to help. I took it and he grinned.

"Fine. I'm in."

"Yes! We'll meet you in the parking lot about a half hour after the show." I nodded and he went on his way to get ready for the show. I smiled and walked back into catering. Only to see my dad and Roman with a big group of the older wrestlers talking. I sighed and went to go join them.

"Hey!" A bright orange haired Irish girl stops me. "Come join us! You don't belong over there lass!" She grinned. I sighed and sat with them.

"Yeah I think I do." I tell her.

"Really? You've been in this business for how long?" A purple haired girl questions.

"Since diapers." I smirk at her. "My dad is one of those." I point to the table.

"Oh my dad came before them. But obviously I'm not over there." A blonde snapped.

"Fair point." I gave up.

"I'm Charlotte and that's Becky and Sasha." She introduces the group.


"So which one is your dad? Charlotte is Ric Flair's daughter." Sasha asked.

"Dena Ambrose." I respond.

"He has a kid? Damn he's hot for his age!" Becky gasped.

"Ew! Becs! You said that about my dad!" Charlotte cringed.

"What I like older men." The Irish woman giggled.

"You disgust me!" Sasha and Charlotte laughs.

"So you wrestle?"

"Nope. Just here to see my dad." I answer.

"You should. It's in your blood." Charlotte sighs. "I hate being the only legacy here."

"There's the usos and Randy?" Sasha points out.

"Don't forget Stephanie and Nattie!" Becky adds.

"That's not what I meant. They're part of the older group. They don't count."

"Oh makes sense."

"So why is this divided?" I ask.

"Oh you see. There's the old guys we grew up watching that won't quit and let us newbies come in. And then there's us. The future of this company." Charlotte explains. "I mean we all get along and they help us so much with their knowledge but at the same time, we don't get much opportunities cause the old folks won't let us take them."

"Oh I get it." I nod.

"Sorry Char gets very emotional about this. Most of them remember her as a little kid."

"A couple of them probably changed my diaper before." I laugh.

"Oh my I wouldn't mind a few of them doing that to me." Becky drooled.

"Ewww!" We all laugh.

"Look Sethie looks cute today!" Becky points out as he walks in. He sees me and winks and pats my head on his way over to my dad's table. "Oh my!" Becky fawns over me.

"Stop. He's my uncle!" I make a face at her even though on the inside I feel like fan girling.

"You are so no fun!" She pouts.

"So what are you doing tonight after the show?"

"Oh Finn invited me to join him and some others in sightseeing." I answer Charlotte.

"Awe Finn is so adorable! You two would be perfect for each other!" Sasha coos.

"We're just friends." I blush.

"You so want it to be more!" Becky points out.

"I don't know. My dad kinda scared him off."

"Before or after he asked you out?" Char smirked.

"Finn didn't..."

"Did he say who the others were?" Sasha questioned.


"So he asked you out girly!" Becky squealed.

"Oh shit!" I gasp.
