15 years later

I am going to be using a time continuum. Basically the only character that 'grew up' was Marlee. Also you should know that when Marlee woke up she was confused and couldn't remember much. She was soon adopted by one of the male nurses who was on the team that got her from the EMT unit the day of the accident. Him and his husband later moved to LA when Marlee turned six. Attached is a photo collage of Marlee through the years.

"Dad! Did you see my boot anywhere? It's missing!" I shout as I run down the stairs with only one of my shoes on.

"Easy princess! It's in the dining room! And we told you to not shout in the house!" Ryan chuckled.

"I sorry dad!" I pout before going to get my other shoe. I throw it on as my ride pulled in and honked. "Ride is here! Bye!" I shout on my way out the door.

"Marlee!" Dad laughed as he followed behind me. I shake my head and go back to hug him. "Have a good day sweetie. We're so proud of you!" He kissed my cheek and let me go to my last day of high school.

"You're so lucky!" My best friend coos as I get in her passenger seat. I shiver as I put on the seat belt. For some reason I always hate riding in cars.

"Am not! You're the lucky one!"

"How?" She squeaked as she backed out of the driveway.

"Because I'm your friend!"

"And how does that make me the lucky one?" She laughs. I join in her laughter as I searched the radio for a good song. "Hey leave it! I'm listening to my mom!" Sheila slapped my hand.

"Two hands on the wheel!" I shout.

"Oh sorry! Forgot your phobia."

"It's not a phobia!" I frown. We ride to school in silence listening to the radio. Once she parked, I quickly got out.

"Mars!" Andres waved. I waved back and ran over to him.

"Hey Nerd! What's up?"

"You going to the bone fire tonight?" He invited me to the seniors last hoorah.

"Can't. I have a plane to catch. I'm going to New York."

"Oh how's daddy Michael?" He grinned.

"Excited. His baby girl is all grown up."

"Awe! She already did that when she got crowned prom queen!" Andres joked.

"Shut up!" I laugh. We head in to find Derk and Jones.
