New friends Part 2

"Hey guys!!" Bayley waved at the table of people in catering. She invited me to NXT to meet some people who are new to this like I am. "This is Marlee."

"Hey Marlee!" A super cute guy waved at me.

"This is Carmella, Baron, Alexa, Jason, and Chad." Barley pointed to everyone as she said their names.

"You can't forget me!" A male voice sang from behind us. I turned to see a heavily tattooed man. "I'm Corey Graves. You must be Marlee." He held out his hand. I shook it and smiled.

"Nice to meet you."

"So how long have you been wrestling?" Chad asked once we sat down.

"Uh not long. Kinda since I found out who my real dad is." I answer. Actually I never even wrestled. Therefore do I even like it?

"So who is your dad?" The hot guy smirked.

"Baron!" Alexa warned the hot man.

"What? Just trying to get to know her!" Baron winked at me.

"Well my dad is Dean Ambrose." I answer.

"Lucky!" Chad smiled.

"Very sexy!" Alexa giggled.

"My dad is Kurt Angle. But I was adopted as well. Recently found out about him though." Jason told me.

"Cool. Good to know that I'm not the only one." I smile at the nice looking guy.

"So can you guys please help me train Marlee? She knows nothing about wrestling." Barley brought up.

"Sure can!" Alexa grinned.

"Anything for a fellow legacy." Jason nodded as well as Chad.

"Wish I could but can't get back in the ring." Corey frowned.

"But I can definitely teach you some moves or two." Baron winked.

"So Carmella? You and the boys in?" Bayley looked at the bitchy looking blonde.

"Uh no. I don't need another bitch to steal my spotlight." Carmella stood tall and glared at me as she left catering.

"So I'm guessing you'll be a face like your dad?" Corey changed the subject. "I can't help much in that department but I can try to teach you some mic skills."

"Anything that'll help. Thank you guys!"

"Hey we should go get ready for the show. See ya around Mars." Chad smiled before him and Jason left. Corey, Alexa, and Bayley left as well. Leaving me and Baron alone at the table.

"Don't you have to get ready too?" I asked him nervously.

"Nah. I'm kinda already ready. Why are you so nervous?" He smirked and moved closer to me.

"I'm not nervous." I laugh.

"Seems like you are. So why did you have Bayley ask us to help you instead of your dad?" Baron asked.

"He doesn't get it. I don't know a thing about wrestling. And I don't even think I'm that athletic." I explain.

"Ah I didn't know much about wrestling either when I first started about two years ago."

"Oh wow. You just started doing this?" I was surprised.

"Yup. After my contract with the NFL ended, a buddy got me into this."

"Nice. What team were you on?"

"Arizona cardinals. Why?" He smirked.

"My dads loved watching football. The only sport we ever could watch." I grin.


"Oh I was adopted by a gay couple." I explained. He nodded in understanding.

"Any siblings?"

"Not that I know of. You?"

"Just a little brother."

"Lucky! I would love to have had a sibling!"

"Hahaha you only wish that now." He laughed. We talked about nothing for what seemed like forever. But soon he had to go to the ring and beat some people up. I found a screen backstage and watched him. I could clearly tell he was the complete opposite of his character. Inside the ring he was a badass who never cared about anyone or anything but himself. He loved to beat people up. But outside the ring, he was the sweetest most caring guy on the planet. He wouldn't hurt a fly. That made me like him even more.

"You like him don't you?" Bayley snuck up behind me.

"Uh no!" I say quickly.

"Sure whatever." She chuckles. "I just want to invite you to come out for drinks with the gang tonight. Baron will be there."

"I can't drink. I'm only 18."

"You don't have to drink. Some of us don't drink alcohol anyways. Come on! It'll be fun!" She pouted.

"Alright fine. But can I crash with you tonight? Kinda not interested in staying with the people I'm crashing with right now." I shiver thinking of Theo and his creepy personality.

"Sure!" She grinned happily. I turned my attention back to the screen just in time to see Baron's hand raised signaling his win.

"Man this wrestling stuff is pretty easy to catch on with." She laughed and we headed to the locker rooms.

"Omg! Great idea!" Alexa Bliss sang once she saw me.

"What?" I look at her.

"Your character! She could be this evil princess! Super spoiled! Which makes sense since your dad is a legend!"

"Uh no. Already been done with Charlotte. And Nattie. And Stephanie." Bayley rolled her eyes.

"Okay then how about just an evil bitch?" Alexa laughed.

"Why do you want me to be evil?" I ask the blonde.

"Confession! They want me to go heel. I don't think I'll make a good bitch."

"Alexa! There is no such thing as a good bitch. Just act like the Disney villain instead of the princess." Bayley explained to the short girl.

"Yeah, I think you got it. What if you practiced with me. My friends back home always called me the queen bitch. I can help you be mean." I offer.

"And I can help you wrestle! Thanks Mars!" Alexa hugged me. A knock on the door startled us.

"I got it." I volunteered and answered the door. "Baron?" I smile at the tall man. I stepped out in the hall.

"Umm are you doing anything tonight?" He seemed nervous.

"Just grabbing drinks with Bayley and Alexa. Aren't you going too?" I smile at him.

"I was, but I'm not really up for partying tonight." Baron sighed. His eyes were so pretty.

"Didn't you win your match though?" I smirk. Then realized I just told him I watched his match.

"You watched?" His face brightened with confidence.

"Yeah I did. You were incredible!" I confess.


"If you don't want to go out for drinks, what did you want to do?" I smirk.

"There's this place I wanna show you. Wanna check it out?" He smirked back. I thought for a moment. Of all what I was told and what I learned this week about guys in this business. Don't trust them. But I felt different about this guy.

"Let me grab my jacket." I grin. He nodded and I went back in the locker room. "Bayley I'm not going out with you guys. Baron and I are gonna hang out."

"Uh he has a girlfriend you know." Alexa blurted.

"No I didn't know that."

"Actually they broke up a few days ago. I guess the pressure and jealousy of the fact she's on the main roster and he isn't kinda ruined the relationship." Bayley replied.

"Who was he dating?"

"Sasha Banks." Alexa and Bayley said at the same time.
