Modern AOTxReader (Christmas Special)

*This is an AU where all the characters are high schoolers. Eren, the reader, and the others are freshman (or first years). While Hange and Levi are juniors (or third years). 

When Y/n celebrates Christmas. 

Today was Christmas Eve and usually, it would be a busy day for me. When my grandparents were still alive, they would rush back and forth trying to get everything ready. That included presents, Christmas dinner, so last-minute decorations. 

In other words, Christmas is not the same without them. 

Now that they're gone, it just doesn't feel right. To make matters worse, it's awfully quiet. 

Eren and Mikasa were nowhere to be found. Carla left a while ago to shop for some last-minute presents and Grisha was finishing up his last shift at the hospital. Which meant I was alone in the living room watching A Christmas Carol while drinking hot chocolate and cookies that Carla made for me before she left. 

The living room was covered with bright lights and festive decorations as the Christmas Tree sat near the TV decorated with ornaments and a bright yellow star on top. I remember helping Eren and Mikasa decorate the tree. They allowed me to put the star on top since I was technically the youngest of the family. 

Just then I heard nearby footsteps come into the kitchen, which was pretty close to the living room. I heard small whispers which sounded like Eren and Mikasa quietly talking with one another. 

I was curious. What were they talking about?

"Are you sure everyone knows about this? We need everyone on board." I managed to hear Mikasa say. 

"Yeah, I just texted everyone in the group chat a while ago. They all know about it." Eren quietly responded. 

"Okay, so what's the plan? She is the curious type. She'll know what's going on if we keep moving a lot. Don't forget about him too."

"Don't worry. Don't worry. I already called him up. He should be here in a minute."

What the heck are they talking about? Well...not like it's none of my concern. 

 The movie was nearly over until I heard the doorbell ring. 

"Oh! Y/n! Can you go get that!? Thanks!" I heard Eren also call from the kitchen. 

I mentally sighed and lazily made my way towards the door. I opened it and was surprised to see Levi standing there. 

What's he doing here?


"Where's Eren?"

I looked back and Eren quickly approached us. 

"Ah, Levi. There you are!"

"Why'd you call me?"

"I called you over to ask you a favor."

"You could have just texted me the favor."

"Well you're here now so might as well just ask you."

He sighed. 

"What do you want?"

"Can you take Y/n out around town?"


"What?" Levi asked. 

"Y/n's new to this part of town because she and her grandparents used to live so far away. But now that she's living with us, she hasn't got the time to explore town that much. So can you take her around a bit? It would be such a big help. Thank you, bye!" Eren pushed me towards Levi and closed the door. 

I was left dumbfounded as Levi stared back at me with a stoic look. 

The door opened again to Mikasa handing me some winter clothes and my bag. 

"Don't forget these, we'll see you later Y/n." Mikasa pinched my cheeks while slightly smiling at me. 

She glared over at Levi. 

"Don't you do anything to her."

"You're acting like I'm going to kidnap her."

"You seem the type. Now have fun." she closed the door. 

I just stood there trying to contemplate how fast everything just went. 

"*Sigh* I don't have time for this." Levi made his way back to his car while I continued to stand at the same spot. 

He noticed me not moving and looked back at me. 

"Well, are you coming or not?"

That was enough to snap me back to reality and hurriedly put my coat on as I followed Levi to his car. 

*Time Skip*

We arrived at the mall in town and I never been so scared. This place was so full and many people were shuffling out and about around the area. 

Levi held my hand as he guided me through the crowded place. I was scared, yet intrigued. It's been a while since I've been at a public place. Besides school and field trips. 

The whole place was decorated with Christmas lights and a giant Christmas tree in the middle of it all. Very festive in my opinion. 

As we passed by small shops, I noticed one thing that caught my eye in my particular shop. 

It was a shiny necklace with lovely patterns of jewels aligned on it. Although I'm not all about jewelry, this one somehow stuck to me. 

This was the same necklace my grandpa got for my grandma one Christmas. 

She wore it ever since and it looked lovely on her. 

Her necklace was lost in the car crash, which is why it was never given to me.

Levi noticed me stopping and looked towards my direction. 

"You're interested in that? I thought you hated jewelry."

He noticed me staring at it with sad eyes, which confused me a bit. 

"Come on, we should get going."

We continued to walk around and I had fun. We sightsee through shops, mostly cleaning supply shops, went to the arcade to play the crane games. Levi earned me a fluffy Christmas bunny out of it. 

We were having so much fun, I didn't even know it was nighttime. 

Levi took me out of the mall and somewhere close by. 

"Close your eyes for a sec.," he said. 

I did as I was told and I felt him took my hand again. We walked for quite a while until we stopped. 

"Now open them."

I opened my eyes and looked up. There was a massive Christmas tree above us. I stared in awe. 

"My mom used to take me here all the time when I was young. Every time before my birthday."

My eyes widened. His birthday!? That means....he was born on Christmas!?

"Shitty as it sounds, but I always came here. Even after she died." he looked towards me with a serious look. 

"Don't you tell anyone about this."

I gave him a look. He got the message. 

"Oh...right. Well, just don't text anyone about this."

But I will do this!

I grabbed my phone and pulled Levi towards me. I snapped a picture of the two of us. 

"Hey! What the hell!?"

A little momentum!

"Don't you dare send it to anyone!"

I shook my hand. I'm not that mean. 

We stayed for a little while before heading back. 

Levi's birthday is tomorrow. I wonder what I can get him. 

*Time Skip to the next morning*

Okay, just the last finishing touches. And...there!

I stared at the gently wrapped present in front of me. My present for Levi is complete!

Now all I just need to do is give it to him.

"Y/n! Y/n! Are you awake yet!? Come on! It's Christmas!" Eren barged into my room to see me sitting on my bed, still in my pajamas. 

" are awake. Good. Let's go open some presents. Mom got a lot this year!" I hummed slightly and took Eren's hand. 

He excitedly led me down and was met with a bunch of presents. 

I sat on the couch and watched Eren and Mikasa open theirs, Carla smiled and made her way towards me. 

"Don't you think I forgot about you, dear. Here." she handed me a medium-sized sack that was bundled with presents. 

My shocked face made her giggle. 

"Go on, open them. They're for you. You are part of the family now."

I felt myself gush. Part of the family...

Christmas day went by smoothly and soon I was dragged out of the house by Eren and Mikasa to go somewhere. I didn't know where they didn't tell me. 

"Y/n. Wait out here for a second. We need to do something really quick." Eren smiled and ran inside, Mikasa trailing behind him. 

I was confused. What are they up to?

I heard nearby footsteps behind me. 

"Oh. They dragged you here too."

I jumped and nearly dropped the present I was holding. Levi was standing there. 

"What are you waiting out here for? It's freezing." he took off his scarf and wrapped it around me. 

My face was plenty warm and not from the scarf. The door opened. 

"Oh, Levi. You're here! Okay, you guys can come in now."

Levi and I looked at each other and raised an eyebrow before intertwining hands. 

We both opened the door and was immediately surprised by party poppers. 

"SURPRISE!" we heard. 

I opened my eyes to find all our friends there. I was confuzzled. 

"What the hell is all this!?" Levi asked. 

"Just a little surprise party for the both of you. Since it's your birthday and all, and for Y/n. Since it's your first Christmas without your grandparents, we wanted to make it special for you." Hange explained. 


"A simple text would have been enough," Levi complained. 

"Oh shush up! It's a party to celebrate how old you're getting." 

Although Levi was annoyed, I was grateful. 

"Mikasa and Eren planned all this. So thank them instead."

Without even a chance to lose, I hugged them tightly. Best Christmas so far!

The party went by smoothly until I noticed Levi standing by himself. This is my chance!

I walked up to him and gripped the present nervously. 

"What do you want?" he asked. 

I held out the present, my hands shaking. 

"For me?"

Obviously. Just take it!

He took the present from my hands and I covered my eyes in embarrassment. I hear him open it up and became even more nervous. 

I opened my eyes to find him holding the present I gave him. It was a homemade sweater I made for him last minute. Since he was complaining he was wearing out of sweaters to wear. 

I also attached a note, because well...I can't talk. 

"You brat..." he ruffled my hair. 


He gave me a small box.

"I got this for you too. You better like it. It wasn't cheap."

I carefully opened the present and I nearly broke down into tears. 

It was the necklace I was eyeing at the mall. That necklace that reminded me so much of my grandma...

"So now we're even," he says. 

"Oooh, ~ Levi~ Guess what you two are standing under~!" Hange yelled. 

I looked up and nearly peed myself. 

Mistletoe...Who even put that up there!?

"Dammit, shitty glasses. I know you're the one who-eh!?" 

I kissed him on the cheek. 

Hange squealed and took a picture. 

"Sooo cute~! I'm posting this on social media!"

"I think the fuck not!" 

Hange ran away with Levi chasing after her. I giggled faintly. 

Happy Birthday, Levi...

Author's Note: Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Prepare for a little present tomorrow!
