Chapter 27 (Rewritten)

"Alright, we seem to be far away enough." Eld said as you all came to a stop. 

"What should we do now?"

"Let's focus on getting Eren and Y/n back to the other scouts. We can leave the horses here to make it there faster."

As the older squad mates talked about what to decide next, you were staring up at the large and tall trees above. 

"Y/n! Come on, we're heading out." Eren called. 

You turned around and gave him a small nod before preparing your gear. 

You all then took off, flying through the woods of tall trees. Although you were safe, but your guard wasn't down for some reason. Something still isn't right. 

"Thanks to you Eren, we can be able to figure out who that mysterious titan is." 

"I didn't do anything." Eren replied solemnly. 

"But you did believe in us. That's what matters." 

"Oh quit acknowledging the kid, Petra. All he did was whine and complain the entire."

"Oh shut up." You thought. 

"I guess surviving was a success for the two of you, but I don't count that until we get back. Our expedition isn't done until we reach back to the walls."

"Alright, we got it." Eren replied annoyed. 

"And just because you survived doesn't hide the fact of you whining the entire time back there."

"You really don't have no room to talk. Oluo. I do recall you and Petra pissing your pants on your first expedition and crying like babies. I got to hand it to the kids, at least they weren't like you guys when you started out."

Your eyes widened. 



"I'm just telling the truth."

"They're going to lose respect for us now!!" Petra wailed. 

"Is that true?" Eren asked. 

"I don't recall pissing my pants that day, not ever actually." Eld replied. 

"Let's not forget who has more kills than you!" Oluo shouted. 

"Doesn't change the fact that your a Mr. Piss-My-Pants."

"Eld! Keep focus! We're almost there!" Gunther yelled, he turned towards us. 

"Also, I never pissed my pants either." he added. 

You stared at them in slight amusement. 

It gave you some relief that your squad mates weren't serious all the time just because they were older. 

But now at the subject, you definitely had an idea who that mysterious titan was. 

But before you could mention, the sharp sensation came back.

Shit...Annie was here!

Just then, a fast figure flew in front of you all. They had their hood over their head, so we wouldn't see their face. Your squad mates grew confused. 

"Hey! Who are you!? Did you come to check on us!?" Eld asked. 

No response from the stranger. You felt yourself become uneasy. 

Wait...oh no...

You gotta get out of here, NOW!!

But your reaction was too late. 

In one sharp movement, the stranger moved and headed straight towards Gunther. Taking you all off guard. 

"Gunther!?" Petra yelled. 

"Gunther! You alright!?" Eld called out. 

You saw Eren speed forward, which you followed quickly. 

"No, no, no. Please be alright..." You thought. 


 Your eyes widened at the scene in front of you. Gunther was hanging by a tree tangled in his gear, his neck slit opened. 

"Gunther...?" You thought in utter shock. 

"GUNTHER!!!" Petra yelled. 

"Don't stop! We keep moving!"

Thoughts continued to process. Gunther just died. Annie just killed him! 

A sudden flash came from behind you all. The female titan appeared once more. Your eyes widened. 

How was she able to free herself from the wires!?

"This time I'm killing that thing!" Eren shouted. 

"No! Let us handle it! You two focus on getting out of here!" Eld said. 

"No way! We're not letting you fight that thing alone!" 

"Do you not trust us again!?" Oluo shouted. 

"Don't you two have little faith in us?" Petra asked. 

'In a case like this, no!'  You signed. 

If Gunther died this easily, what makes you think they'll survive this!?

You all went quiet. You couldn't answer. This was up for Eren to decide. 

"We believe in our squad!" Eren shouted. 

'But I don't!'

"Y/n, please!!" Petra begged.


They're all idiots. 

You nodded your head, you wanted to let them know to be okay. But you had a feeling that wasn't going to happen. 

Eren and you sped off, but you couldn't help but look back. 

You wished you didn't. 

Petra managed to slash at one of it's eyes and Eld took the chance to slice its nape. But it quickly backfired as the female titan regenerated her eye fast and bit down on his figure, crushing him completely. 

"ELD!"  You thought. 

Petra tried her best to keep her distance, but the female titan caught up to her fast. Your eyes widened. 

"No! Petra please! Please fly up higher! Fly higher! You can't die! Not you too!"  You thought frantically. 

But your pleas weren't answered. The female titan gave her a harsh kick towards a tree, crushing Petra in the process. You felt your heart stopped. 

"PETRA!!" You thought. 

"PETRA!!!" Oluo shouted. 

"You're dead meat now!"

In that moment, your mouth opened. You wanted to scream, but your voice became choked. 

The female titan kicked him too, crushing him in the process of the blow. 

You couldn't handle it, you landed on a nearby tree. You couldn't move on like this...

You looked slowly around the dead bodies around you. 

"Gunther...?" You saw his body hanging by a tree. 

"Eld...?" his dismembered body, barely noticeable, laying on the grass. 

"Petra...?" her broken body crushed onto a tree. 

"Oluo...?" his body laying by a nearby tree. 

You didn't even notice tears dripping down your cheeks. Memories of their faces flew through your head. 

But they slowly faded away as sorrow overcame you. have lost everything to titans once more. 

Can you even fight? You're the only one left who can protect Eren now!

"Y/n...?" You heard Eren say. 

'Eren! RUN!' You gestured. 


But before you can reach your blade, the female titan appeared in front of you. 

"Shit!" You quickly flew away, but the titan was much faster. 

You managed to dodge her attack, but just barely. You made a quick turn, trying to get an injury out of it, cut its nape. 

You remembered your odm training, trying to keep your distance as best as you could. 

But the female titan grabbed at the string, throwing off your course. 

"ACK--!" You felt a huge force collide towards you; your body swung. 

Blood flew out of your mouth and your body flew, aiming for a nearby tree. 

"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!" Eren screamed. 

The last thing you saw was Eren coming towards you. 


*Eren's POV*

"Y/N!! Y/N!!! Wake up! Wake up please!"

I shook Y/n's body frantically, trying to get her to respond. I then realized blood oozing from her mouth and head I slowly looked up to find a trail of blood splattered on the tree bark where she was slammed against. She must have hit her head on impact. 


Her body wasn't moving, she wasn't breathing either. 

She's dead...

It killed her...

Tears streamed down my face as I stared at Y/n's dead body in horror. 

"Y/n...Y/n, please...wake up. Please...Idiot! You told me you can handle it! You told me you're strong!! You promised me we'll fight together!!" I screamed. 

"WAKE UP! Please...!" I begged. 

She still didn't move. Didn't respond. 


"No, no, no..." I cried. 

It's all my fault. 

She knew something would go wrong. We didn't listen! I didn't listen!

"Y/n...SHIT! DAMMIT!!" I pounded my fist against the bark. 

I turned towards the female titan, unfazed of what it's done. Anger boiled inside me. 

It killed my entire squad. It killed Y/n!

Tears began to run down my cheeks as I looked at our dead squad mates. 

"I'll...I'LL KILL YOU!" I jumped off the tree and bit hard on my hand. A bright flash surrounded me as I transformed. 

I let out a roar of rage as I landed on top of the female titan, holding it down. 

I looked towards Y/n's body.  

Don't worry Y/n. I will avenge you. 

I turned towards the female titan. 

I will avenge all of you!

My fight with the female titan began. 

*Back to your POV*

You felt yourself in a calm space. You felt no pain. You felt at peace. 

Is this it...? Are you dead?

You slowly opened your eyes and found yourself...sinking? were sinking. 

The memories you had up until now came flooding back as you sunk deeper and deeper into a dark abyss. 

What was this place? 

And why did you feel so helpless?

The burning memories of your dead squad mates flooded your mind, you held back tears. 

You failed failed them all.

Now Eren...

Eren was going to get captured. 

What could you do?




A voice was talking to you. 

"Fight...for them."

Suddenly, you can faintly see them. Your squad mates...

They were so close, but you couldn't reach them. 

You could almost faintly hear their voices, telling you it wasn't your fault. 

As much as you didn't want to, you had to protect Eren somehow. 

But how can you fight?

It was then you noticed the dark abyss becoming brighter. There were glowing green strings or paths of light surrounding you. Stretching far into the abyss. 

Like you were connected to them somehow. 

Suddenly, you felt something like hands grab your head as a flash and shock of electricity went through your body, your head burning in the process. 

Your body felt like it was on fire before everything


You felt your eyes open in a shock state. You gasped for air, your heart beginning to pump. Your vision was blurry, red staining your sight. 

Your body convulsed, feeling hot and you struggled to breathe. Something was happening! 

Your body was glowing with light, and you didn't know what it meant!

You slowly looked to the side, seeing two large figures fighting. Titans...

Your vision slowly came to as you saw that Eren was one of the titans. And losing!

"Eren!"  You thought, you let out a choked scream as you couldn't fight back the burning feeling. 

What the hell is happening!?

Then it hit you, when the female titan first transformed. 

A burst of light, then lightening from the sky. can't be...

"Eren...whatever happens from here. I'm sorry..."

And with that, your body was consumed with electricity and lightning struck your form. 
