Chapter 33 (Rewritten)

You were able to find where Krista and her group were staying at. Which turned out to be a tower in abandoned ruins which already crumpled to the ground. There were titans everywhere and puffs of smokes made it harder to see things. 

You landed somewhat gracefully on the ground after you sliced your way through titans, other soldiers walking in. As you do, you see a somewhat huge evaporating titan. Your eyes widened. 

It doesn't look like any other titan you've seen around here. Could it be...?

You ran closer to find Krista hunched over a body, a body that seemed awfully familiar. 

Wait a minute...Ymir!?

Of course, she would be a titan shifter too. Her sensation was strong, just like Eren and the others. 

You watched from the background as Krista and Ymir spoke softly to each other. You couldn't hear anything they were saying, but you did hear one thing. 

" Historia. Historia Reiss."

Historia? That's her name?

It definitely suits her. 

You saw Ymir stop moving and became worried. You quickly walked over and knelt down. Her eyes were closed yet she looked peaceful. 

Your eye widened. Is she dead!?

You quickly checked for a pulse, luckily you were able to feel one. 

You let out a sigh of relief. She was alive. 

You turned towards Kri-Historia. She gave you a slightly confused look. 

You gave her a smile. 

"Don't worry. She's alive and well." 

Although you couldn't tell her that, she seemed to understand and petted your hair. 

"I'm guessing you're trying to tell me she's alright, aren't you? Well, thanks for the comfort I guess."

"You guess? Better be grateful because that's all you're getting from me." You thought while huffing a bit, making Historia chuckle. 

You made it back to the walls safely, with Ymir being lifted up there. Historia was still worried, so you tried to comfort her the best way I could. Even though you told yourself you wouldn't. 

"Y/N? Where are you?"

You heard someone call you and made your way towards the voice. Turned out it was Eren. 

"There you are. I got worried for a second."

'Clingy or something?' you signed. 

"The hell? Can I not be worried?" he asked. 

'Not saying that. I find it clingy...and cute.'

Eren looked away in embarrassment. 

"Yeah, whatever."

You noticed Bertholdt and Reiner standing behind you. Your body tensed as you knew they were planning something. 

"Eren. Y/n. Come here for a second."

That sounded more like a demand than a request. 

"Uh...okay. Sure."

You however, remained still and watched as Eren began to walk towards them. He looked at you. 

"Y/N?" he asked. 

Luckily, Reiner and Bertholdt can't understand sign language. 

'Something's off.'

He glanced at the two traitors before looking back at you. 

"Now that you mention it. Yeah, you're right."

'Come on, Eren. You can't be this stupid! My senses were right about Annie!'

Eren lowered his voice. 

"I'm not. But, we should see how this pans out."

You looked at him like he was crazy. 

"Is there a problem?" Reiner asked. 

"Nothing. We're coming!"

"Eren--! Dammit!" you thought before following after him. You still kept your distance though. 

"Listen to me carefully. I'm the Armored Titan and Bertholdt is the Colossal Titan."

"Reiner!" Bertholdt said in disbelief. 

Your eye widened. Did he just say that so freely!?

You were surprised he just admitted it, it was not surprising that he was one of the traitors. But what really made you emotional was how Marco found out. 

Marco...what made you find out? What did they do to you?

Not only Marco, innocent people as well. Eren's mother. Your grandparents...

You regretted not killing them back then the moment you had suspicion. 

"We were the titans that took down Wall Maria. It was all us."

"Reiner, what are you doing?" Bertholdt asked. 

He's right. What is he trying to do?

"Eren...Y/n...if you come with us. We won't attack any more walls. Kill any more people."

"Wait, what!?" you thought. 

Like hell you're going anywhere with them!

You took a step back and looked at Eren, who rightfully hasn't said anything in a while.  

"I don't know what's going on with you Reiner. But you're starting to worry me." Eren said. 

You looked at Eren in a slight shock. How could he be so oblivious to this!?

"I know it's sudden. But come with us, now."

"Where? Where are you going to take us?"

"Our hometown. It's not as far from here. Just come with us without a fight and no one would get hurt."

"Y/n, you'll get to see home again. Be back where you truly belong."

Home? Truly belong?


NO! What is he talking about!?

"Reiner, she doesn't remember!" Bertholdt said. 

"Eren! Can we move now!?" you grabbed onto Eren's arm. 

"Hey, Reiner. Listen. You're probably tired."


Eren then took ahold of your hand and squeezed it. You were confused for a moment until you got the message. 

It was gentle and reassuring squeeze. He was trying to tell you that's everything's alright. It was then you remembered Hange's prior conversation. 

They had a feeling Reiner and Bertholdt hold suspicion, warning us to be wary and try to lure them in. 

Of course, how could you forget?

"Right, Bertholdt? You guys had a rough day." Eren continued. 

They were both in shock. 

He's trying to lure them in.

"R-Right! That's it! Reiner's just tired."

"If you're really the armored titan who destroyed Wall Maria. Why would be talking it out like this? Isn't this something you should keep to yourself? Not to mention you're pulling Y/n and I on a trip we don't know nothing about."

"Y-Yeah. You're right. I must be tired. Maybe I am really tired."

"Let's head back down now." Eren began to guide you all back down, but something inside you told you it wasn't over. 

"Three years. I've spent in this place. Surrounded by idiots. No wonder I'm going crazy."

"I'll give you this, Y/n. It impresses me how you were able to live such a fake life so freely."

Tension began to build up again.

"We were just kids at the time. We never knew these bastards existed. I don't know what's right anymore. But now I have to face the consequences of my actions." he began to take off his arm sling. 

His arm was steaming. Your eyes widened and you pulled Eren back. Was he getting ready to transform!?

"And carry out my duty as a warrior until the very end!!"

Oh no...

"Reiner!? We're doing this!? Right now!?"

You began to panic and tried to pull Eren back even more. 

"Eren! We got to go! NOW!!"

"Yeah. We fight now! We settle this right now!"


Suddenly, a figure came out of nowhere and sliced his arm off. 


Mikasa then turned to Bertholdt and sliced open his neck. 

"EREN! Y/N! RUN!" she yelled. 

You were about to grab Eren to run away, but he just collapsed to his knees. Unmoving!


"Eren! Get up! You can't do this! Not right now!!" 

You felt his pain, learning everything all at once is crazy. But not right now!

You tried to force him up, almost being able to succeed. 

Suddenly, the two began to light up a bright yellow as yellow sparks surrounded them. 

"EREN! Y/N! RUN AWAY!" You heard Armin yell from behind you. 

But it was too late. Lightning struck the area as cadets were flown back from the force. 

A giant hand soon grabbed you and Eren. You realized you were in the hands of the Armored Titan aka Reiner. 

Reiner slid down the wall with both of you in his grasp. Everything happened so fast.

You were being kidnapped by a titan and have no clue what to do!

Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw a bright flash and Eren take the form of his titan. Reiner's arm steamed as he stared daggers towards Eren. 

All you could is watch in slight horror as you realized they were going to fight with you still in Reiner's grip. 

You have to do something. Anything! 

Your heart began to pound. You then thought of an idea. You can transform. 

How did Eren do it again? You needed a drive. A goal to why you're transforming. 

With the emotions you were feeling, betrayal, fear, anger, resentment, hatred. 

It was enough to set you off. 

Since you didn't have anything to cut yourself, you went with biting your hand like Eren does. 

"HNGH!" You grunted as you bit down hard. 

And with that, a bright light consumed you. 

But just as you were transforming, Reiner acted quickly. 

He tackled you to the ground, mid-transformation. He then went out to attack, attempting to put you out of commission. 

You began to panic of why he attacked so quick, like he knew what consequences were going to come if he did. 

Then all of sudden, Eren attacked from behind. Getting Reiner off of you. 

You took the time to recover, watching as Eren tried to battle Reiner on his own. Although it's not possible Eren does stand a chance, at least he has Reiner distracted. 

Which means you could go after Bertholdt. The Colossal Titan. 

That is going to be a problem. Bertholdt is way taller and the only way to actually reach his face is if you had the agility to jump at that height. 

And right in a middle of a war zone, a memory came. 


You were on a training course of some sort. 

There were other people here, they all looked around the same age as you. Wearing some kind of military uniform. 

Then all of a sudden, you were on the move. The whole course was an obstacle that tested on agility. 

You were flying through the course, more and more people got left behind in the dust. Finally, you were running at full speed. 

You jumped, really high. Below you were a pit that was dug, not too dangerous that if you fall in, you wouldn't suffer any bad injuries. 

You made it to the other side in some sort of cannonball, landing almost gracefully on your knees. 


Your mind flashed an idea. 

What if...?

You managed to recover and stand up, carefully making your way towards Bertholdt. 

You began running, your footsteps thundering against the ground. You ran faster until you leaped into the air. 

Your action did not go unnoticed by everyone in the area, even catching the attention of Reiner and Eren. 

You were high enough to reach Bertholdt's face, coming in for an attack. But just as you came closer, you noticed him glowing orange. 

Your eyes widened. 

"...-colossal titan generates high heat and wind..--" Something you remembered. 


Heat erupted from Bertholdt's titan form, causing you to immediately get caught in it. 

This was on you, of course it was stupid to just attack without knowing your opponents' move first. 

Everything went black as you were being succumbed to the heat. 

Memories of Wall Maria came back to you in that moment, familiar faces flashing through your mind. 







Everything faded to black. 
