Chapter 35 (Rewritten)

Old Quick Author's Note: Merry Christmas everyone! Now here's your little surprise~!

Warning: RIP Headphone users at the end. 

I'm just kidding, that's not the surprise. Only part of it. Here's an update for y'all for your Christmas gift. And because I'm bored out of my mind and felt like writing today. 

*Narrator's POV*

"I'm going to kill you!" Eren yelled while furiously trying to punch the hell out of Reiner, which didn't help the situation. 

You soon passed out due to shock, Ymir continued to stare down at your unconscious body. 

Smoke began to erupt from where Reiner cut your fingers, looks like you were going to be okay. 

Reiner finally managed to knock Eren out. Bertholdt looked over at your past out form. 

"You didn't have to do that. Cut off her fingers." Bertholdt said.

"She's fine. She's going to be fine."

He then noticed smoke coming from your hand. 

"See, she's already regenerating. Better for her to be knocked out than conscious. If she decides to transform on us, she'll cause us trouble. We both know that." Reiner explained. 

Bertholdt still looked unsure. 

"Like I said. She'll be fine. Just wait and see. Help me pick her up, will you?" 

"...She was important to me too." He spoke before going to your form. 

Bertholdt hesitated before picking up your unconscious form, whimpering slightly in your sleep. 

Once they were packed up, they flew off, making sure to avoid any titans along the way. 



Your head is throbbing. 

What's going on? You...passed out?

You heard faint voices as you slowly came to. A flash of light was seen in your blurry vision as you felt your body get carried onto something. 

You managed to open your eyes just as much to see what was going on a little bit. But it was hard to hear everything since all you heard was ringing. 

You could hear faint yelling, some were familiar. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw something zipping towards your direction. 


"REINER! PROTECT US!" Bertholdt yelled and you felt your body moving again, much quicker this time. 

In one swift movement, you were surrounded by darkness. Which looked to be Reiner's hands shielding you from Mikasa's attack. 

The quick movement also caused your head to spin even more, you gagged and but held in your vomit. 

Bertholdt noticed your noises and judging by his facial expression, he looked a little concerned. Probably because they're still expecting you to grow your arm back, which wasn't happening. 

"Shit, she's starting to come to." You heard him mutter. 

You felt your body get jerked around again. 

"Eren! Quit that!" You heard Bertholdt say. 

Looks like Eren's awake. 

You slowly looked up to find Eren thrashing around from Bertholdt's back. You both made eye contact, his facial expression changed from that of anger to quick relief. 

Guess he was worried about you when you were passed out. 

"Good luck trying to cool that hot head. That's what I hate about him too. We can deal with him together if you decide to come out."

That voice...Jean?

"BERTHOLDT! GIVE THEM BACK!" You heard Mikasa yell. 

"All this time. We were sleeping under the same roof, we shared our feelings together. But all this time, you were sleeping next to your next victims." Jean said. 

"Is that what we're all to you!? What were you thinking!?" Connie asked. 

You felt Bertholdt shaking and heard him breathing loudly. What's up with him?

"Let's just focus on cutting their heads off. They're humanity's threat now." Mikasa said. 

"YOU THINK I WANTED TO DO THIS!?" Bertholdt snapped. 

It was all quiet, all that was heard was your weak whimpering and rough breathing as you tried to deal with the pain of lost arm. 

"What kind of person would do all of this for fun!? And yeah, you all despise me and want to kill me. That's fine, I won't fight back. But believe me, when I say this, I meant everything back when we were soldiers. Connie, Jean, I really did believe we were friends. Please...someone help us..." his voice cracked as he broke down. 

You didn't know if you should pity him or not take any of his bullcrap. 

It was quiet for a moment until Mikasa spoke. 

"Give Eren and Y/n back."

Looks like Mikasa isn't taking his bullcrap. 

You felt Bertholdt flinch. 

"I can't. At least not in this state."

At this point, your body was waking up more quickly. You started to wrap your head around the situation and try to find a way to escape. 

Can you transform? Probably, maybe if you bit your tongue hard enough--

"TITANS APPROACHING!" You heard someone yell. 


Just then, you felt yourself get tumbled around. What is happening!?

It felt like Reiner was getting attacked, but also trying to avoid whatever threat was near you all. All his movements were making it hard to comprehend what was happening. 

Everything seemed to calm down until you heard another familiar voice spoke. 

"You're really going to leave your friend behind?" 


"Annie is right now being kept underground. Where they're torturing her. As soon as they heard her screams, they realized she can heal herself. But she can't get that far. They're being extra careful not to kill her. But they might be inflicting pain on her right now."

God...why are all your friends acting so creepy!?

But whatever Armin did, it seemed the tick off Bertholdt a lot. 


You heard a slice and Bertholdt fumbled back. Which made Erwin, who came out of nowhere, slice Eren free and was caught by Mikasa who was down below. As for you, Bertholdt still grabbed ahold of you. 

"Y/n!!" You heard Mikasa call out. 

"We'll handle it! Get Eren to safety!" You heard Armin shout. 

He was not letting go of you! You began to fight back, but to no avail. 

"Dammit! Hold still!" Bertholdt cursed. 

"LET HER GO DAMMIT!" You heard Jean say from above. 

Bertholdt grabbed ahold of you, hissing as his hands made contact with your hot hand. Your fingers still slowly regenerating from moments before. 

He finally got a hold of you. You continued to squirm around, not daring to go down without a fight.

"Reiner! Help me out here!"

A large hand came into view and your eyes widened as Reiner's giant hand managed to get a hold of you. You continued to thrash around, but it was no use. His grip was tight, and it only got tighter. 

He was going to choke you out! But you were not having it. 

He killed your grandparents. He betrayed you and your friends. He took your fingers!

With no warning, you bit down hard on your tongue. 

Your body glowing bright yellow as a flash was seen and heard. 


Reiner had no time to react as you were transforming. 

"-!? RAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Reiner roared in pain as his arm exploded right in front of his eyes. 

Everything seemed to have happened in slow motion as everyone at the scene grew in shock of what just occurred. 

You managed to only transform a titan arm, large enough for Reiner to lose an arm and let you go. You tugged hard, falling towards the ground. 

It was then a memory flashed through Reiner's brain. 

"Do you think we can even do this?" A young Bertholdt asked. 

"I told you already, we can do this. Even if it's only the three of us." A young Reiner replied. 

It grew quiet...

"Do you think she's still alive?"


"She could have survived you know. What if she's here. Waiting for us."

"She would have gotten the job done if she was. We would have heard from her or something." Reiner argued. 

Silence again. 

"I doubt it, but it could be possible..." A young Annie replied. 

"Wait! You really think so!?" Bertholdt exclaimed in surprise. 

"Don't get your hopes up though."

Reiner didn't say anything, but he hoped that he might see you again as well. 


"Y/n..." Reiner thought.

Why...? Why choose to be with them after everything you all been through. Even in the end, he couldn't make you remember. 

"Y/N!!!!!" Armin screamed, rushing towards you. 

He managed to catch you, but the explosion from above sent you both flying back onto the ground. 

Everything became a blur as the two of you tumbled, Armin shielding you as best he could from any impact you two faced. 

Finally, you both landed. You grunted in pain, but you weren't too badly hurt. 

Armin groaned, opening his eyes. They widened as he quickly towered over you. 

"Y/n!? Are you alright!? You--" He gasped, still not completely composed from the fall. 

You nodded. 

Armin sighed in relief. You were alright.

For the most part...

Your eyes widened as you quickly sat up, checking to see if Armin was alright. 

"I'm okay! I'm alright..." He calmed you down. 

"Y/n...your hand! What...they did this to you!? Why? Why did they capture you anyways?" 

You just shrugged; you weren't sure yourself. 

"They...they must know you were a titan shifter this entire time...Something is definitely behind their motives..." Armin mumbled. 

As much as you wanted to listen to his words, this was not the best time. 

You both heard a loud roar come from afar. A roar that was full of anger. 

Wait...was that...Eren?

And just like that, a whole bunch of titans arrived at the scene. Attacking Reiner in the process. I watched in absolute shock as multiple titans began to climb up onto him. 

Did Eren do that? How?

"Was that Eren!? He managed to summon titans!? But how!?" Armin exclaimed. 

You heard multiple footsteps coming towards you and your eyes widened. Titans were approaching your direction. 

Armin wasted no time and reacted quickly, grabbing ahold of you and running off. He couldn't use his ODM gear since there was nothing to launch onto. 

Meanwhile, you were silently panicking from the inside. 

Armin with what speed you have, please pick up the pace. 

He finally launched his odm gear, but the height wasn't far enough to escape the approaching titans. 

As they approached, the fear inside you started to grow. 

"Stay away from us! Don't come any closer!" You thought. 

Was this it? Were you and Armin going to die to the hands of mindless titans?

There's gotta be something you can do. You don't have your ODM gear, what you need right now is a distraction. 

Long enough for Armin to get to safety and you hopefully someone to save you afterwards. 

You began to wiggle out of Armin's grip, catching him by surprise. 

"Wait--Y/N!! NOO-!" Armin screamed. 

But you already made up your mind. A bright yellow flash surrounded your form, luckily Armin wasn't caught in it. 

The pure titans in front were either thrown back or burned, but the others continued to run at you. 

You roared as they began to surround you, Armin could only watch in horror as he realized what you were doing. 

He couldn't leave you here!

You readied yourself, fighting back from the pure titans approaching you. But something happened when you made contact with one of them. 

Your mind went blank started seeing things. 

Memories...not yours but someone else's. 

You grew confused as you practically relived this person's memories and seeing them...feeling their emotions...their fear when they turned into a titan!?

Your eye widened. 

What was that sensation?


So many emotions washed over you, the more titans you touched. The more memories you saw, relived, felt their emotions. 

It began unbearable. 

You didn't know what was even happening around you, you tried blocking out the fear, the screams. It began to hurt. 

You wanted it to stop!

Just then, someone grabbed you and brought you back to reality. 

"Are you trying to get yourself killed here!?" a scolding voice said. 

You both looked to see Captain Levi giving you his usual scolding glare. You never been so relieved. 

"Y/n! Are you alright!?" Armin called. 

"She's alright!"

Once you all were far enough away from the titans, you settled to the ground. Your body was shaking as you held onto Captain. 

"Y/n...?" Armin asked. 

You looked at him, your eyes getting glossy with tears. So much had just happened and you were overwhelmed with emotion. 

You let out a choked sob before wrapping your arms around Armin, burying your head into his neck as you cried. 

Armin was taken aback before hugging you back slowly. 

"Y/n..." He wanted to cry too. He rested his face in your shoulder. 

He was confused. What happened in there? 

Armin and Captain said nothing, Armin trying his best to comfort you. 

You managed to calm down, but it didn't erase what you've just witnessed. That just ability your titan has over?

Captain Levi broke the silence. 

"What happened with Reiner. Did you cause that, L/N?" He asked. 

You nodded again. 

"You're going to need to report that to Hange once we get back. Erwin is going to need to know about that as well."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Armin asked. 

"None of your concern as of right now, cadet." Captain replied.  

Armin helped you out. 

"Everyone would be glad you're safe. Eren and Mikasa would be happy to see you." Armin tried to life the mood. 

You gave him a weak smile, failing to mask what you were feeling. 

*Time Skip*

You awoke a few hours later in a room you were familiar with. You slowly sat up and rubbed your hair. 

Memories of what occurred came tumbling back. From Reiner and Bertholdt, all up to this point. 

You remembered when Reiner cut off your fingers. They should have grown back by now. 

You raised your left hand; all your fingers were now intact. You let out a sigh of relief. 

You closed your eyes, taking everything in. 

You met back with the group, Mikasa was relieved to have seen you were safe and sound. Eren was unconscious at the time, but you were relieved he was okay. 

Not only that, but relieved he wasn't going to question you about your relationship with Reiner and Bertholdt. 

It was bad enough that Annie was making it obvious that she knew you, putting suspicion on you that you could be a potential traitor. Now with Reiner and Bertholdt!? It wouldn't take long for them to start connecting the dots. 

You rubbed your temples, trying to calm yourself down. 

No, no, no. It's not going to happen. 

You worked too hard for all of it to be in vain. 

What happened never happened. You grew up in the walls. You aren't from their hometown. You don't know the traitors. 

You have no history with them...

You felt your mind go blank and you began to relax. 

You don't know them at all...
