Chapter 57

Even from underwater, you could hear a loud rumbling thunder. The water around you only vibrates a little, but due to your powers, the vibration was strong from within your form.

"That must be Eren..." you thought. So, it's already begun. Paradis Island's attack on Marley.

It was then reality began to sink in. Eren prompted in his letters to show no mercy during the attack but realizing now. You were in the same position you've tried so desperately to free yourself from.

You were killing civilians...children. 

"...." Your mind flashed to those kids. They're probably dead now. So why...? Why did you feel so terrible?

Porco...Pieck. They were heading right this way to your area. Right into a trap that could most likely kill them both.

"..." Part of wish it didn't. Even if this doesn't kill them, they'll be put out of commission for a while.

It's just about time now.

Your mouth opened as rumbling vibrations were let out. An ability you read to be "echolocation", which allowed you to feel presences you wouldn't be able to see from underwater.

You haven't been training it enough for you to see locations in a large range, but just enough to see from around the port. 

You sensed incoming war ships closing in towards the ports, these ships would have been a problem if you all didn't come prepared. Out of all the large ships, you were able to sense a tinier boat floating alongside them.

"Armin..." you thought. He's awaiting your signal.

Your eyes drifted towards the port, being able to sense figures approaching the area. That must be Porco and Pieck approaching. They sensed your vibration after all. hesitated. There was really no going back from this. Porco and Pieck could die from this. Were you really going to live with that?

"Shit!" you cursed. Were you seriously having a conscious now!? Now is not the time! You already chose this path the moment you were asked. So now why are you having second thoughts!?

Is it because of the thought of killing innocent civilians? The thought that Armin is about to shed blood? Or the thought that you feel guilty for betraying those you once called friends?

You closed your eyes and just decided to pull the trigger. Letting out the signal.

"Armin...we got 'em" 

And with that, you swam away fast from the area.

As you got farther and farther away, the waters began to shake and rise. An explosion could be heard from above as you felt the pressure of the water pulling and pushing at you. 

The Colossal Titan has just launched its attack. 


Moments before your signal was let out, Pieck and Porco were approaching the docks, hearing the loud horns from the war ships entering the area.

"Hey Porco..." Pieck asked.


"Do you think...that vibration we felt before. Do you think it was her? Sprout?"

"You still call her that?"

"Never exactly got over it. And neither did you either."


"You think it's her too?"


"So we both know that this is a trap."

They both slowed down their pace, Porco continuing to stay silent as Pieck caught her breath a bit.

"So if we're right and it is her. We—"

"We kill her." Porco said firmly. Pieck laughed almost in amusement.

"We both know that won't be easy. She has always been strong." she replied.

They both remained quiet, Pieck's eyes shifting downwards.

"It'll be nice to see her again..."

Once she let out those words, they felt the vibration that was there before. They stopped in their tracks, this one was stronger than before!


They could feel it was definitely you, but this vibration they were able to feel differently. Under a serious tone, they could feel desperation. Almost like a warning to flee while you can.

Porco and Pieck looked at each other before Pieck's eyes flickered towards beyond the port. A bright light was growing larger and coming towards them.


It didn't take long for them to be engulfed by the explosion.


"Y/N!" Hange called your name as you entered the driving area of the blimp.

"Glad to see you made it out okay."

"Yeah..." They didn't notice a shift in your tone and went back to focusing on the guiding lights from below.

"Y/N..." You heard Armin's weak voice say your name. You looked at him, your expression went soft for a moment.

"Are you okay? You didn't get hurt, did you?" He was checking to make sure you got away before the explosion happened.

"I'm fine. Thank goodness though. Honestly, I was actually scared I wasn't going to make it out in time." you replied.

Armin raised an eyebrow, almost in amusement. You were being funny at a time like this. He doesn't know why but he feels like he's known you way better than he did when you first met. Now, he's able to tell that you were not okay.

"Pieck and Porco..."

"What?" Armin asked.

"The Jaw and Cart Titans...did you see them? Are they...dead?" you asked, your voice becoming quiet.

"I...I think I saw them. They were in their titan forms and badly burned. I think they managed to lay flat to avoid death, but they were still pretty bad."


"Y/N...I'm—" he stopped himself. Not sure if he should apologize. Do you still even consider them as friends?

You let out a sigh. It had to be done.

Just then, your eyes widened. You felt the sensation of titans approaching. Titan shifters.

"No fucking way..." you mumbled out. You took off running.

"Y/N?" Armin asked. Hange noticed the commotion.

"What's going on? Did something happen?" They asked. 

"Y/N!" Armin ran after you. You were frantic and he was worried. 

"Opening! Is there an opening!?" You asked some of the soldiers on board.

"What's going on!?" Armin was beyond confused. You turned to him.

"It's not over..." You didn't elaborate further as you jumped off the blimp. 

Armin called out for you, still not understanding. It was then from afar, he saw something approaching the blimp. Jumping from building to building.

His eyes widened. The Jaw Titan. And the Cart Titan following from behind.


The chances of surviving that explosion were highly unlikely. If they weren't fast enough, they both could have died!

Maybe it was the warning from your vibration that saved their lives, letting them act quickly. Transforming moments before the explosion hit them and laying on the ground when they got engulfed.

Porco got the worst of it as he used his body to mostly protect Pieck from the explosion. Pieck's titan was badly burned, and her body felt weak. Porco was in between life and death as the ringing in his ears grew louder when he started the destruction around him.

Pieck was calling out to him, trying to keep awake as best she could. He didn't know what did it for him, seeing the destruction and knowing the deaths of hundreds of civilians around him. Or the fact that you, who they once called friend, has led them into a death trap that could have killed them both.

It was enough anger and desperation for revenge to motivate him, gain enough energy to move his titan form and run back into the city. Pieck followed behind, despite being badly injured herself.

One of his legs had been burned off from the explosion, his skin darkened, and his face practically melted off. His body was aching, yet he continued to chase after the blimp once he spotted it.

"You think you can escape on that!? After everything you've caused!? Not happening!" Porco yelled before jumping towards the blimp.

However, he got a rude awakening when his over leg was sliced off from a soldier who happened to be in the area.

"Shoot!" he thought. And he received another when he heard your voice call out.

"Mikasa! MOVE!" you yelled from above. She obliged and left the area quickly. Lightning struck your form as you transformed once again.

You propelled forward and attacked from above, tackling Porco to the ground.

"Porco!" Pieck thought. However, she stopped upon seeing your form. She cursed herself from getting distracted. But it really was you...

Although you had Porco pinned to the ground, he wasted no time attacking you. The anger that has been building up was in full control, causing him to act irrationally.

You cursed as he was causing your body to move and crash into different buildings. You didn't care if he was fighting you, you just needed to take this fight somewhere else. Where there's no soldiers who might get hurt.

You let out a roar as you tried to get Porco away from your face, he opened his jaws to clamp at you, but you ended up grabbing his jaws to stop him. You were putting on your strength to at least defend yourself. 

Porco was quick to notice you weren't fighting back. Could it be that you still have old feelings?

"Well that's fine by me." Porco thought, his jaws reaching closer to you.

As his jaws approached closer and closer to your nape, your strength was weakening. Your grip slipped and Porco immediately sank his jaws into your hard armor.

"SHIT!" You cursed yourself for being so weak. You let out a roar of pain as you felt your body go limp.

"RAAAAAAHHHH!" Eren let out a roar from his form. This caught Porco off-guard. Why did he do that? Was he worried you'd gotten hurt? No, that roar didn't sound worried. It sounded more pressing. 

Porco felt your form twitch, your eyes starting to lose its color and shimmering a pinkish gold. Your body is twitching and beginning to grow hot.

"Hehe..." he heard your voice in his head.



Porco's eyes widened as he looked down towards his torso. Only to find out that he has been impaled with an arm you grew out of nowhere. He looked back up at your face, which was now steaming and mutating right in front of him. A mask forming around your eyes, only leaving your mouth exposed.

It was then Porco remembered...when fighting this titan, you should never crack through its hard shell. 

And with the founder around, he might have made things worse for himself. 

Using the arm you impaled him with, you lifted it up with Porco still on it. You slammed him towards the ground, blood coughing out from his mouth as his back hit the surface. You towered over him, getting ready for the finishing blow. You opened your mouth, your face enough to send chills down his spine.

Pieck wasted no time coming from behind and biting at your shoulder. You thrashed around, grabbing onto her neck. Pieck used what strength she had to latch on tight. So many emotions were going through her. Anger, betrayal, vengeful; she pushed her feelings aside just for this moment.

You became frustrated and let out another pained roar, scouts in the nearby wasted no time coming to your aid.

"FIRE!" Jean yelled. Spikes were hurled towards Pieck, exploding on impact.

Her grip faltered and you wasted no time backing up and slamming her against a building. You grabbed Porco's limp body from your arm and threw him as far as you could.

Which unfortunately happened to be where Eren was, who witnessed the whole thing from afar. He approached Porco with slight caution, seeing that he couldn't move. He wasted no time ripping Porco's arms off.

You then watched in horror as he then used Porco's jaws to crack into what appeared to be a hard shell. Blood gushed out from it and into Eren's mouth. That was the War Hammer Titan.

He ate the war hammer titan.

What was he trying to do!? Eat all the titan shifters who were weak!? Take advantage of that to gain their powers!? That didn't sit right with you for some reason.

To make matters worse, Eren continued to throw Porco's already limp body into the ground multiple times. To which you guessed his plan was to eat him as well. You wanted to intervene, stop him.

But would stopping him be for Eren's sake or for Porco's!?

"REINER!!!" You heard a voice call out.

That voice...Gabi?

"Help us!!!"

Reiner...he was still here!?

"Reiner!!! Help us!!" You heard Falco's voice this time.

The two of them continued to call out for Reiner. Knowing him, he probably gave up. He didn't care anymore. Isn't that what he wanted in the first place? Death?

The aching pit in your stomach grew wider as you continued to watch from the sidelines, Eren moments away from eating Porco. Ending his life. You didn't want to let it happen. But fighting Eren about it was not going to sit well with your allies watching.

"Reiner...sorry to cut your pity party short. But I need you right now..." You thought as you opened your mouth.

"SKREEEEEEAAAAAAAAA!" Your titan let out an ear-piercing scream. Enough to crack the windows on some of the surviving buildings.

Those around covered their ears, which didn't prove to be effective. Falco and Gabi's eyes widened for a second, their reality shifted, and they were someplace else for a moment. A place glowing in light.

They became distorted, not only them but everyone else who was in the area. Including Eren who stopped in his tracks. He turned towards you, wondering about your reason behind that action.

"Y/N, why would you—?" His eyes shifted behind him, seeing a bright glowing light. Reiner appeared behind him.

That call was to snap Reiner back into reality. Knowing Porco would be saved, you let yourself rest. Steam erupted from your nape as you got yourself out.

You felt someone grab ahold of your arm and pull you up. With a grunt, someone lifted you up and held onto you. You were now being carried.  

"What the hell was that all about, brat? You could have killed one of us with that attack you know." A stoic voice told me.

"Captain..." you spoke.

"Did they get away?" You asked.

"...was that your plan?" A question for a question. He knew exactly what you were doing upon observing. 

You didn't reply and he didn't try to force it out of you. He had an understanding to what you might be feeling. Everything was really complex for you right now.

The two of you arrived safely back onto the blimp. 
