Chapter 23 (Rewritten)

"Uh..." You thought. 

Eren was staring deep into your eyes. You didn't know how to describe the look he was giving you. 

You and Eren stared at each other in complete silence for a few moments. You were in a trance. 

His eyes are really pretty... 

Suddenly, you realized what you were doing and reacted immediately. 

You headbutted him in the face and shoved him away. 


You yelped as you immediately went to cover his mouth to keep him quiet. 

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry." You thought while rubbing his hand. 

You went to go check the damage you've done. You sighed in relief, it wasn't bad. His nose wasn't bleeding. 

"What the hell is your problem!?"

"What is yours!?" You mirrored his look. 

'You were gonna kiss me!'

"What!? Why the hell will I kiss you!?" Eren went quiet for a moment. 

" that what you thought I was going to do!?" 

It went quiet again before Eren started to laugh. Laughing like that was the funniest joke in his life. 

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You started shushing him to be quiet. 

"You should have seen your face!" He stopped laughing and gave you a playful and teasing smile.  

"You actually thought I was going to kiss you!? I don't like you like that. If there was a titan reaching for either you or the horse, I'll save the horse!" 

Your eyes narrowed as your cheeks grew red from embarrassment. This asshole...

You started hitting at him, he began to laugh even more. Knowing you were embarrassed. 

Eren's laughs echoed in the stairway as you continued your antics, you were fuming. 

"Ow, ow, ow, ow! Okay, okay! Stop! I'm sorry!" 

You gave him one last smack on the head before turning your back. You were tired and still annoyed. 

You know what, you're glad he's sleeping in the cellar tonight. 

You hope he catches a cold down there. 

"Wait, but seriously. Do you like me?" He asked. 

"..." The look of disgust and annoyance on your face was enough to answer that question. 

"Pfft--!" He looked like he wanted to laugh again. 

Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance, 

"Armin could never make fun of me." You thought. 

You heard Eren trying to hold in his laughter, you grew more annoyed. You wanted to piss him off too. 

'Jean would never make fun of me.' You signed, that was a total lie. 

"Huh!? Jean!? You like Jean?!"

You pretended to get embarrassed and looked away. Sure Jean was, good looking in some way. And it was obvious he had feelings for you and Mikasa. But you were still mad at him about the first encounter you two had. 

"Seriously!?" The tone of his voice changed. 

You hid your smirk as Eren was now looking at you like what you just told him was the most ridiculous thing he ever heard. 

"Why him!? Have you forgotten what that horseface did to you!? You can't seriously like him!? He lost his chance with you after treating you like that!" He leaned closer to you as he said that. 

You were surprised. Eren was both angry and you sensed...jealousy?

"What are you two doing!?"

Both you and Eren jumped as your eyes met Petra's. 

"You guys are supposed to be going to bed! Don't let the captain catch you two!"

"R-right! Sorry!" Eren sat up. 

"Goodnight, Y/n!"

You waved at him as he left. 

You turned to Petra who was smirking at you. 

"What were you two doing?"

You rolled your eyes and walked up the stairs. 


It was now the morning and Captain gathered everyone in the squad of what was going to happen today. 

You could feel the tension in the room and wasn't comfortable standing near your squad mates after what happened yesterday. Hange could sense your nervousness and offered to sit next to you on the table. 

Captain continued and drew on the chalkboard. He wasn't the best artist, which was understandable. It was plan with how they were going to carefully allow Eren to transform without causing any harm.  

"You'll be severed by the arms and legs but you'll survive. In fact, they might just grow back lizard style. Creepy little bastard."

"Wait, I'm not sure if my powers will work. I mean, they might..but I don't think it'll be good to take a risk."

Levi glared in Eren's direction. 

"Oh, I get it. You'll only on board with this if there is no risk involve what's so ever."

"A-ah, n-no."

"Then be prepared. We're all in the same boat. If you go on a rampage, you could kill all of us. That makes us even."

"Yes sir...Seems fair to me."

"Just be clear, I have the go ahead, right?" Hange asked, their glasses gleaming. 

"Go ahead in what?" You thought. 

Captain turned to her. 

"We can't afford not to run tests. In other words, you're good. Just make sure you keep him from going crazy."

"Oh, trust me. I have just the plan."

"Hmm..." You were nervous.

You weren't so sure about this. 


You patted Eren's back comfortingly as you gave him a sad look. Long story short, his transformation didn't work and to top it all off, Captain wasn't happy about it. 

"You mean to tell you that the bite wounds are on your hands show no sign of healing?" Captain asked. 

"None sir."

"No offense, but you're not much good to us in this form. If you can't transform, our plan to go to Wall Maria will go up in smokes. Get it together, and yes that is an order." he angrily stormed off. 

"Yes sir..." Eren nervously replied. 

You don't know what to think of Captain. He scares you, but at the same time he's nice to you. At least, you think he's nice to you?

Since Petra walked off to talk to Levi and the boys were having a somewhat serious talk. I was left alone with your cup of tea. You swished the liquid around in your cup, staring nervously down at it. 

You felt eyes watching you, you looked to your right to see Eren taking a few glances at you while talking with the older men. Of course, he would be watching you. 

"He still mad about yesterday? Or is it because of what happened today?" 

You let out a shaky breath and lifted the cup up to your lips before sipping it slightly. The warm taste of black tea fell upon your tongue. 

Eren dropped his spoon and was going to pick it up. You hitched your breath as your heart began to pound. The sensation ran through your body like you were being pushed. 

But this time it was stronger. 

Something wasn't right. Something was about to happen!

You reached out to stop Eren, but it was too late. You heard Eren let out a sharp gasp before you saw a bright flash of yellow light. 

You were thrown back onto the ground, letting out a gasp of pain. The flash faded and you slowly sat up on the ground. 

The smell of titan reeked the air. Your eyes widened at the sight a few inches in front of you. 

There Eren was laying on top of a giant titan arm, his own arm was stuck deep inside of it. 

The atmosphere became tense. You looked around to see soldiers staring at Eren. Either in fear or in anger. 

Oh no...Eren!

You quickly sprung up and rushed towards him. You were letting out quick and panicked breaths, wondering if he was alright. 

"L/n! Stay back! You might get hurt!" Captain shouted. You obeyed, slowly taking steps back. 

"I'm sorry, sir! I don't know how I-!" Eren stopped mid-sentence. You turned around to see what was happening. 

"The situation is complicated, now stand down." Levi calmly said. 

Levi's squad...your own squad members were standing in front of Eren, their blades drawn. All of them were glaring daggers at him. 

Your eyes flickered down to their blades, instantly felt yourself get threatened by this. You slowly stood next to Captain. Your face read deep fear and nervousness. 

"Please...please don't hurt him." 

"Eren! Who gave you permission to do that!?"

"Move that hand and I won't hesitate to kill you!"

"Of all times, why now!?"

"What was your plan behind this!? Were you trying to hurt us!?"

Your blood began to boil as sweat drops became evident on your face. Your breathing was becoming hard as you tried to keep the boiling anger inside of you. How dare they even speak that way towards him! They don't understand his situation here!

"Captain! Y/n! Step away from him!"


"I think you should step away." Captain said. 

"Why should we!?"

"It was not his intention to do this." he simply responded.

Petra looked towards you, she saw the fear evident on your face. But she might have taken it the wrong way. 

"Y/n, step away from Eren, please! I don't want you getting hurt by this monster!"

Your eyes widened in anger at what she said. 

She had no right to say that. 

You marched angrily towards her, Captain immediately grabbed your arm, stopping you from whatever you're about to do. 

"Calm down!" Captain shouted. 

 Petra stepped back in shock. 

You remained where you were, closing your eyes as you breathed angrily. 

"You don't think do you? You think throwing punches is going to make things any better?" He asked. 

His words brought you back to reality. He was right...

Your anger subsided and was replaced with hurt and betrayal with a mix of fear. Captain slowly let you go, seeing how you were calmed. 

You turned away from your squad, not even wanting to look at them. 

"Did it really happen!? Is that what I think it is!? Is that what I think it is!?" You heard Hange's shouts. 

Oh no...

Hange let out a loud gasp before squealing. 

"YES! IT HAPPENED! It actually did! HAHAHA!" They ran closer. 

"Can I touch it, Eren!? Pretty please with sugar on top! Let me touch this gorgeous thing!!!"

"W-wait! I don't think you should--wait, stop!" Eren protested. 

But of course, Hange ignored his warnings and proceeded to touch the steamy hot arm. They reacted exactly how they should. 

"OW! SON OF A BITCH! That thing it hot! This is the greatest day yet! HAHAHA!" Hange laughed maniacally. 

You all stared at them with slight concern. 

As much as you loved Hange, you questioned their sanity. 

"Think you can get out, Eren?" Levi asked. 

"U-uh, I'll try." Eren pulled and tugged until he became free and toppled to the ground. His titan arm erupting up into smoke. 

"Nooo! Why'd you do that!? I was going to get a sketch!" Hange wailed. 

You rolled your eyes a bit. You'll give her a sketch of what you can remember later. 

For now, Eren needs some support. You quickly made your way towards him. 


"I'm fine, Y/n. You don't have to worry so much. That's Mikasa's job." Eren gave you a slight smile. 

"Not the time to be joking with me, Eren." You thought. 

You helped him up and checked for any injuries. 

"Y/n..." you both turned around to see Petra approaching the two of your nervously. 

She glanced at Eren with slight fear before looking at you. 


You just shook your head, avoiding eye contact. 

"Save it..." You thought. 

You stormed off, Eren following behind you. 

Later that evening, you kept your distance from your squad mates. Even when Petra tried to talk to you. 

But you were still forced to gather together to discuss about the events that happened. 

You didn't pay much attention to what was going on because you were still tense from earlier. But from the looks of it, Levi was doing a great job calming it down. 

It wasn't until something happened that surprised the both of you. You watched as your squad mates lifted up their hands and bit them, hard. 

Your eyes slightly widened, and you became worried. Why would they do that!?


"Damn, this hurts like hell. How do you do this all the time, Eren?"


"What was that for?"

"It's our way of apologizing. We should have understood the situation better than just pulling our blades out, we're terribly sorry Eren." Petra said. She turned towards you. 

"And...I'm sorry too Y/n. Calling Eren a monster must have hurt you, didn't it?"

You nodded. 

"Well this time, we are going to have more trust in you two. And maybe in return, you can trust us more too."

She looked at you expectantly, probably awaiting a hug from you. But you're not a person who easily forgives. 

Instead, you reached out your hand and gave hers a slight shake. 

"It's a start..." You thought. 

Although you wished you could have done something a little more affectionate than that. 

Because something tells you that this will be the last time you will ever feel her warmth. 

Old Author's Note (ignore if you want): I am so sorry for not updating. I was going through some deep stress with school which left me very emotional state. In other words, I a lot. But don't worry, I'm doing a bit better now. My mom talked to me about the long stressful process of life and how things will get better if I just endure it, and that really helped. Not only her, but you guys too. Your comments on my last author's note were very supportive and other comments from this book in general brought a smile to my face. Thank you all so much for your patience and support and I really hope that I'll try to update more frequent. See you in the next chapter~!
