Not an Update (2)

Hii, it's Ris :)

This hiatus is almost over, I promise~ Okay so a couple of things, I've been revising a couple different versions and I'd like to know what you guys would like to see.

I must admit- one thing I'd like to revise is their relationship. It's kinda hard for me to write about incest.. T-T i also don't quite know where Sky was going with that, but i don't mind toughing it out, and just writing it.

I'm pretty sure that's why I struggled updating though😭💀

Now, it can still be boyxboyxboyxboy but I'd prefer to either make them all just best friends, or I can keep them as brothers but their may be a giant change in mates~ Michael will still be someone's mate though~

comment here for: no change just keep going

comment here for: make them best friends

comment here for: mate change/more mates

The next thing~ once a good amount of you respond to what changes you'd like to see, I'd like to know if you just want a completely new book, or just continue this one, I don't mind doing either or maybe even both in the feature. We don't have to decide now, let's decide on the direction of the book first!

Thank you for your extreme patience! 💛

Until next time,

