Chapter 5


"Let's take some action." Grayson said stalking towards me.

"Nah I'm good." I plopped myself onto my bed.

I closed my eyes and bobbed my head to the jams intending to ignore Grayson. Then I felt my bed dip. I crossed my arms and legs. I felt Grayson slide up on the bed beside me. I swear to the Moon Goddess if he try's somethi-

"I really am sorry." He said in a small voice.

His voice so quiet that I wouldn't have heard him if my sense weren't heightened. My door cracked open revealing Mason and Jason. "We're sorry too." Jason said stepping in the room.

"Especially me, I should've controlled myself better." Mason lowered his had.

"It's fine guys, I can't stay mad at my best friends." I shook my head. "We're practically brothers, you guys know me better than this."

"Soooo... forgiven?" Mason said with hopeful eyes.

"Of course."

I barely took a breath after my words before I was attacked. Grayson wrapped him self around my left side. Mason flung himself onto my legs while hugging them, the top of his head lightly pressing into my stomach. Jason flanked my right side mirroring Gray's position.

"Well then, might as well just say fuck having legs with your gigantic ass laying on them." I wiggled underneath Mason.

"Hey! Don't be mean, I'm as light as a feather." He smirked and pinched my thigh.

"Oh yeah yeah and water grows on trees." Grayson said rolling his eyes.

We all stopped and looked at Gray. Then we looked at one another and busted out laughing.

"That makes no since dumbass." Jason said chuckling.

"Oh damn, that sounded so dumb you made the angel, Jason himself curse." I laughed.

"Even I'm not that dumb" Mason shook his head laughing.

"Guys it wasn't suppose to make since. It wasn't even that funny." Grayson whined like the big baby his is.

"Exactly. It wasn't funny but, it was so dumb we can't help but laugh." I said ruffling Grayson's hair. I then turned to Mason. "Now thot be gone, I know the foods ready, I can smell it." I wiggled my legs under Masons heavy body.

"Don't-" he groaned.

Did I knee him in the gut or something? "Mason I suggest you get up to avoid further damage." I struggled harder under him trying to free my legs.

"Mikey I don't think you should continue that." Jason advised.

"Well get his ass off me, I'm hungry." I didn't stop moving my legs.

I heard Masons breath grow heavier. Did I really hurt him that bad? "You o- shit! Mason what the hell."

His hips jerked against my leg. He lifted his head and his eyes were darker and glazed. He had been biting his lip so hard that he drew blood.

"Oh, fuck." He groaned and laid his head down right on my crotch.

Masons face, was in my crotch.

'I want to stuff his face.' Issac said, he sounded in a daze. His voice came through filled with lust. I instantly shut him off not having time to respond.

"Guys!" I frantically looked between Grayson and Jason and they seemed to be in shock. "Grayson and Jason!" They snapped their attention to me with wide eyes. "What the hell? Help me!"

"Shit." Grayson said.

They sat up quickly and got into a kneeling position on the bed. Jason on my right and Grayson on my left. They reached for Mason's arms to pull him off of me but Mason had other ideas. He caught us all off guard by grabbing his brothers through there pants.

"Mason snap out if it- ahn!" I jumped when Mason rubbed his face on my cover crotch.

"Mason, isn't here." He snapped his head up and his eyes were that forest green. "It's Derek love and I must tell you, you are quite the tease." A smirk grew across his face as he ground himself against my leg.

I felt heat rush to my face, my body felt strange. It was confusing and I don't like being confused.

"Look Derek, can you just not right now, I'm hungry and this just ain't right. We can forget about this right now and carry on." I gulped.

I looked to Grayson and Jason for help only to see an extremely pained look on their faces. Jason's eyes were shut tight, his teeth clenched. Grayson mirrored this same expression. My eyes lowered to there crotch, no homo, where Mason had a grip that made it seem impossible for them to even think about having pups.

"Actually, I'm quite hungry too Mikey." The smile on Mason's face was mischievous.

"I'm sorry Mason." I muttered before I raised my right fist and swung, hitting him dead in his nose.

"What the-"

My hit caught him off guard. He released his brothers and I took this chance to kick him off. He landed on the floor with a hard thud. Mason slowly stood a low growl left his lips.

"Big mistake little ma-"

Jason and Grayson hooked the arms on either side of Mason, Grayson's hand covered Masons mouth preventing his wolf, Derek, from saying something stupid.

"We are extremely sorry, Mason is too I'm sure. We're going to go calm him down." Jason said struggling to keep Mason under control walking towards the door.

"It's fine, my fault." I waved them off.

They nodded and left slamming the door shut. I got out of bed and locked it sighing. We've been a real mess lately.

I took a step away from the door and that was when I felt the discomfort in my pants. I looked down and cursed. I was hard, very hard. It's a natural reaction. I mean, his face was all over that place. Any guy would react the same, right?

'Wrong.' Issac's voice seemed to echo in my head.

'Shut up. You've been weird lately and more of an asshole than usual.' I moved to sit on my bed.

'You're hard over you best friend.''

'It's natural, any guy would've gotten hard if someone rubbed on their dick like that.' I said quickly.

'No that's what you want to believe. Any other guy would most likely be repulsed. You on the other hand wanted him to suck you.' I could practically feel Issac smirking.

'I did fucking not, I'm not gay and he's my best friend, like a brother. You were the one who said you wanted him to stuff his face. If anyone's gay here it's y-'

'Have you forgotten we are basically the same person? We are one. Whatever I feel you feel. Whatever you want I want. You wanted him and I voiced it. You're just asking yourself questions that you already know the answer to. So tell me Mike, would any guy react the same way?'

I didn't respond. I shut him off. He was lying. Any guy would react the same. I'm not gay. We aren't gay. My mate will prove to me just that. This is nothing but the body acting naturally.

Red made me hard too.

That was before the only thing between Mason's mouth and your dick was the material of your pants.

I couldn't explain what was wrong with me. I couldn't explain why I was leaning against my headboard with my hard leaking cöck in my hand. I wouldn't be able to tell you that I was thinking of Red or any other girl.

As of right now this may be a lie but, I'm not hard for Mason I refuse to believe I am.

"Fuck, what happened?"

I pumped myself once, twice, then released a deep groan. My release coated my hands.

'Ha ha gaAayyy' my lovely wolf voiced his opinion.

'Fuck off.' I rolled my eyes and cut him off.

I got out bed and headed to my bathroom. A long hot shower is just what I needed right now. I deserved a long one after today.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the the chapter. I'd like to thank and dedicate this chapter to my bestie who helped me write this chapter and the one before. She's been keeping me on track even if she's a state over. THANKS BOO ILY JustLovelyDarling . (Her new account since she lost her password to her old one Oof.)

But please tell me what you think:)

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Until next time,

~Skylar ✌️ and Ris 👋
