Chapter 3

Hey yalls.

I know it's been forever... I'm sorry *tear slides down face ... I never meant to hurt or abandon you for so long. I'm sorry Jeff. I said I'm sorry! Why you do this to me? You know what, I don't care because I'm here now *pulls ya into hug.

AND scene.

Now on with the real story.



"Mmmk then I'll just get her number." I shrugged.

"MINE!" Jason growled and pulled me to him.

Dude. What. The. Fuck.


"Get the fuck off of me!" I push off Jason. "Yall are so fucking weird, I mean who's next, Mason?" I jump over Jason getting out the booth. "I gotta go." I straightened my clothes and walked out of the diner.

I hopped into my car and locked the doors. They sat there dazed for a moment before running outside. Grayson tried to open the door to the passenger seat but it wouldn't budge.

"Dude, open the fucking door we said sorry." Grayson continued to pull at the door. But did they really say sorry. A word that means nothing to me.

In response all I did was start the car. That should be enough for my answer other than yelling a simple 'no'. Grayson looked around before looking dead at me his eyes growing darker.

"As your Alpha I command you to open this door." his voice was firm. His eyes were fierce daring me to disrespect my Alpha. Well I won't.

I saw Jason and Mason's eyes widen. Their eyes darted back and forth waiting to see what will who say next. I cracked the window on the passenger side a centimeter and looked Grayson dead in the eye.

"Well, as your friend I say no."

I put the car in reverse and I backed up slowly leaving them dumbfounded. I was about to pull off when I saw the red head running to my car. I stepped on the brake and rolled my window down a little bit.

"H-hey umm you forgot your Pepsi." a light pink appeared on her cheeks as she hand me my takeout cup.

"Thanks Red." I put the drink in the cup holder then looked at the girl.

Her blush got darker." N-no problem." she looked down.

"Hey, you should look up always." and she did and looked right into my eyes. "Wanna know why?" she nodded. "Then I won't be able to see those eyes, those beautiful eyes." I smiled as she giggled.

"Thanks." she smiled.

I smiled. "Welcome beautiful." I winked, she blushed. Then I looked at her clothes. She was our of the apron and I could see her figure. Oh how I wish she was mine. "Hey, do you by any chance go to the school two blocks down?"

"Yeah," she nodded slightly "I was heading that way now."

"Oh, really." I rolled down the window a little more "Do you have a ride?" I asked hopefully.

I have this ... gift is what some call it. I can read your emotions and sometimes thoughts if I looked hard enough. Usually most girls who try to get with me are sluts, no need to sugarcoat it. Others I get with have been hurt and are desperate, so I make them feel loved.

Like if you scrolled though my contacts right now, 80% are girls I have 'talked' to. Now me reading this girl, she's insecure. She hasn't been hurt but neither has she been loved. She is definitely not desperate. She just hasn't been seen. She now had on glasses and her hair in a messy bun, unlike before in the dinner when she had her hair down and she was wearing possibly contacts.

"No. I usually walk." she shrugged.

I did a dramatic gasp with my hand on my chest. "WHAT?! A lady with such class and elegance shall not walk the streets where savages crawl."

She laughed. Like a real laugh. I'm not sure of it was the face I made or the act but she found it funny. By the time her laugh had subsided she had tears in her eyes and somewhere in the middle of her laughter I joined in.

"Your a funny guy." She wiped the tears away with the back of her hand.

"Thank you my dear lady." I did a little bow. "Now, my dear lady," I unbuckeled the seat belt and got out the car. I stood in front of her and got on one knee and took her hand in mine. "will you let me do the honors of taking this fair lady to school?" I smiled and looked her in the eye.

She had this amused look in her eye.

'Or dust.' my inner wolf suggested.

'Not now idiot' I replied.

'Okay dipshit' I heard before I cut of the connection. He sounded angry... we'll talk later.

"As you wish kind sir." she did a little curtsy.

"It's an honor madam." I laughed then she joined in. "Come on lets go." I stood up and walked her to the passenger side. I opened her door for her and closed once she was inside.

As I walked to the other side of the car I saw them looking at me. Well glaring at me actually. I glared back harshly, narrowing my eyes slightly.

I got into the car and that look was wiped off when I saw the girl.

Her bag must have spilt all of its contents on the backseat floor. She was bent over the console butt in the air.

'That ass is nice.' I licked my lips.

'What ass? The nonexistent one on her? All she got is back. Paper got more ass than her. Like-' My wolf insulted her.

'You trippin just like the triplets. Talk to me when you're not being an ass.' I cut off connections with my wolf.

"You need help back there?" I stared at her ass.

"No, I'm almost done. Thanks for the offer though." she continued grabbing stuff.

Her ass is bigger then most girls. Her jeans strained against it.

Me being me decides to just touch it because looking wasn't enough. My hand touched and squeezed it receiving a gasp from her.

"What are you doing?" she tried getting up but when I squeezed her ass again her arms gave out.

Sensitive. I like.

"Well, I'm gonna need you to get in the backseat. I'm going to take you somewhere private." I smacked her bottom.

She sat on the backseat panting. "O-O-Okay." She stuttered.

I drove to me and the boys house.

When we got there I opened the backdoor for her to step out. I surprised her by scooping her up in my arms and she squealed.

"You don't have to carry me ya know. I can walk, and I'm sorta heavy. Maybe its because I eat to much. People do say I should diet becau-" she rambled but I cut her off.

"Darlin, don't change a thing. You're perfect." I looked her in the eyes and smiled.

She blushed and looked away. "T-Thanks."

"No problem. But I speak the truth." We reached the door and I opened it.

Those idiots forgot to lock it.

Walking in I shut and locked the door behind us and carried her up to my room. I kicked open my door and gently sat her on my bed. I kicked off my shoes and sat beside her.

"So, Red?" I licked my lips and she looked at my movement.

"Hmmm." she stared at my lips.

"What's on your mind?" I bit my lip to keep her attention there.

"You." she said absentmindedly but realized what she said shortly after. "No, I mean. T-thats not what I meant t-to say. I-" I cut her off with a kiss.

She was surprised and her mouth was open so I took my chance and slid my tongue into her mouth. I pushed her back on my bed and climbed on top of her, my mouth never leaving hers. Her hands went around my neck and my hands were on either side of her holding myself up. I separated our mouths to take a much needed breath.

"I think you meant it." I panted.

"I umm... Didn't mean to umm. Sound so forward." she said timidly.

"Don't worry I like forward." I smirked.

I got off of her and sat at the top of the bed at the headboard. "Come here." I said and patted my lap.

She nodded and climbed on my straddling my lap.

"Now where were we?" I squeezed her ass then kissed her hard.



We watched Mike drive off with that chick. We knew exactly what he was doing to. I won't lie it hurts to know that he's with another but we can't let him know the truth.

"I'm sorry guys I couldn't control myself." Jason said hanging is head low.

We were sitting on the curb outside the diner side by side.

"It's okay it's not your fault.. Plus I'm the one who went Alpha mode." I said patting Jason on the back.

"Guys, it's not any of our faults. We can't help that we're tied to him in the most possessive... delicious, intimate..."

"Mason?" I called. He seemed to be in a daze.

"Scrumptious, passionate..."

"Hey Mason?" I nudged him.

"Most beautiful way." he stared off into the distance.


He suddenly jumped up from his position. "I gotta have him! I need him now!" Mason frantically looked around.

"Soon Mason. In just 2 days. Soon." I grabbed his hand and stood beside him in attempt to calm him.

"Yeah, soon." Jason nodded and grabbed Masons other hand. "Lets head home guys."

"With no car?" Mason scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Come on bro. We're wolves. We go faster than the speed limit round here." I smirked.


We waited for his excuse.

"Fine. I got nothing." he shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay then lets go." Jason said and began walking towards the wood across from the dinner.

We followed him crossing over the street. We walked a little further into the woods to be out of site of passing cars. Then we all began to strip and folded our clothes in individual piles.

"Last one home does the laundry for the rest of the week!" I shouted shifted.

The shifted to and we raced home. Unlike the typical Alpha like my father we dont have the black fur. We have this deep brown fur that could be mistakened for black at night. We have the same color fur but different eyes. My eyes are silver, Mason's are a forest green, and Jason's an electric blue.

We raced through the woods dodging trees along the way. Me and Jason were going head and head in our "race". Leaping over a log I️ took the lead.

'Show off.' Jason mind linked me.

'I think you mean the one not doing the laundry for a week' I snickered.

As soon as that was said we heard a yelp. Skidding to a stop we turned to see Mason limping towards us whimpering.

'Bro what happened?' Me and Jason darted to Mason's side.

'I might've-' Mason groaned in pain.

'Mase? What is it? Is it broken? Has it healed yet?' Jason checked the leg Mason had off the ground while I️ kept him steady.

'No, it's just... I️ fooled ya.' Mason said.

Confused, I️ was about to question his words. But I️ soon got my answer when I️ was knocked over and Mason was darting ahead.

'I refuse to do laundry again!' He mind linked us.

Again? He had only done it once and within that one time he did it wrong. We technically banned him from touching the washer machine and dryer.

Shaking our heads me and Jason were back on our feet and heading home. We were sure Mason had made it home by now but, what was the uneasy feeling I️ felt? Why did I️ feel anger through my bond?

Jason was fine but- Mason?

I'm guessing Jason felt it too because we both pushed ourselves to go faster. We reached home within seconds and the sight before us was slightly comical, but horrid.



Heh. Heh. Been a while. A long while.

So sorry for the disappearance.

A lot of stuff has happened.

I️ moved. ;-; A whole state away from my friend. I️ think I've finally fully adjusted to this place. But at the same time I️ miss my bestie. But don't worry it's like she never left me (giant donut pillow provided by her on my bed)

I️ talked to her a bit ago and she asked about Wattpad and when she heard I️ haven't touched this book her words were, "You're lucky you're a state away or I️ would drag you by your two front teeth."

Heh. Heh. So much love ;-;.

But yes I'm back, Vote & Comment. Tell me what ya think!

