Chapter 6

WARNING: Om folks, we getting explicit.


I woke up to the sound of clattering in the kitchen. Mason lay dead asleep next to me and Grayson half way on the floor knocked out.

Must be Michael.

I yawned, sliding off the bed. I struggled to lift Grayson but with a grunt he was on the bed. I pulled the sheet over my sleeping brothers before leaving the room. I gently closed our bedroom door even though I knew they wouldn't even flinch. They slept like bears.

I heard another clang and a soft curse came from Michael's mouth. I slowly made my way down the stairs and turning to my right looking in the kitchen.

There stood Michael on his tip toes trying to reach above the cabinets.

Yes above the cabinets. 

Call us cruel but, we put the pans Michael likes to cook with out of his reach so he has no choice but to struggle or ask us for help. Michael wasn't short, but he was shorter than us. He could barely reach the top shelf of the cabinet on his tippy toes. So one can only imagine how hard he struggled for the top of the cabinet.

I leaned against the kitchen archway and watched as he jumped trying to reach the top. My eyes drifted down to see his attire. He wore a graphic tee and a pair of basketball shorts.

And I must say he looked good.

His shirt raised slightly as he jumping with effort. A glimpse of his side had me biting my lip. I nearly lost it when I saw his ass jump in his shorts. I couldn't resist and a small groan left my lips startling Michael.



As I jumped trying to reached the top of the damned cabinets, I heard a groan. I turned so fast I nearly gave myself whiplash. Landing on my butt I saw Jason standing in the archway of the kitchen.

"For fucks sake Jason, stop being so silent, how long you been standing there?" I shook my head.

"Just came down." He entered the kitchen walking towards me.

I hummed in response. He now stood in front of me with his hand out. I looked up about to reach his hand when I realized how close I was to his... lower half. I gulped averting my eyes grabbing his hand.

He pulled me up with little effort.

"Well you know the drill, get the pans." I was about to sidestep him to move out of his way but he had already closed me in.

We were close, real close. My back presses into the counter, a centimeter between us. His body heat made it feel like we were touching.

"Which pans?" He looked down at me.

"T-the one I use for eggs and the one I use for bacon." I gulped.

"The black pan set or the red ones?" He felt around above the cabinets.

"Doesn't matter." My breath got caught in my throat when he moved a step closer.

We were now pressed together. I'm sure he could feel my heartbeat banging against my rib cage. Feeling the heat radiate from his body made me heat up. I could feel a blush rising to my cheeks. I don't know what's wrong with me, maybe I'm getting sick...

'Cough cough me too,' Issac, my wolf, faking a sniffle he continued. 'sick of your bullshit.'

'Fuck off Is-' my sentence abruptly ended when Jason stepped closer.

"Hold on Mike, Gray put the egg pans in the back again." He began taking down pans to get to the ones in the back.

Meanwhile his thigh rested lightly against my crotch. I took a deep breath.

"Let me move out the way for a second Jason." I patted his shoulder.

"You aren't in the way I almost got them anyway."

"No really move, I'll just go get the ingredients out of the fridge." I gulped.


'Does it take this long to get a pan? If you ask me Mikey he likes this position and you don't seem to mind it either.' Issac's words echoed in my head.

"Jason. I said move." My voice was firm.

My attempt to side step him backfired when his thigh pressed harder into my crotch. A whimper unknowingly escaped my mouth.

"You alright Mikey?" Jason looked into my eyes a small smirk on his face. He had the pans next to us on the counter. "I got the pans for you."

"Thanks, n-now move." My throat felt dry and my body hot, I was semi-hard and I had no idea why.

"I can't move." He licked he lips.

'He can lick me.' My wolf purred.

"W-Why not?"

"You're holding onto me, I literally can't move." He gestured to my hands that gripped onto his shirt

My grip was so tight the my knuckles turned white.

"Oh." I stared at my hands that were still clutched tightly around him.

I wanted to move, but I couldn't. Something was telling me to stay right where I was. It was unsettling how right it felt to be in this position with him.

"Well, are you gonna let go Mikey?" Jason placed his hands on top of my hands that clutched onto his side.

The skin contact shocked me and my hips jerked against his thigh.

My breath caught in my throat, it felt good.

"Michael," He brought his lips right beside my ear. "what are you doing?"

"I- I don't know." My cheeks were on fire.

Jason slid his hands to my waist. He moved his thigh higher between my legs, the pressure and friction made a sound come from my mouth.


"Shh. I'm just going to help you out and then we'll go on with the day, okay?"

I didn't get to respond. Next thing you know he's picking me up and my legs instinctively wrap around his waist. I buried my face into his neck.

What the fuck am I doing? I can't let this happen. But I made no move to stop it.

'You about to get that ass smashed with consent homie.' Issac suddenly said happily. I bet he was prancing around too.

I'm pulled away from my thoughts when I feel Jason plop down on the couch with me straddling his waist. His large hands were warm and slid up and down my thighs. I lifted my head from his neck and briefly made eye contact before averting my eyes.

"Jason we can't." I made a move to get off his lap.

"You're right, we can't leave you like this." Suddenly his hand was grabbing me through my shorts.

"T-that's not what I meant." I gasped and my eyes closed.

"Mhm" he rubbed me firmly but slowly, and I felt every bit of it through the thin material of my basketball shorts.

My hips moved on there own rocking against his hand as I panted. His other hand, previously on my thigh, drifted to my lower back where he drew small circles. I need more. I began to whimper and grind harder on his lap.

"M-more, please more, I-I want." I'm pretty sure I started to drool.

"When'd you become such a whiny baby Mikey?" He teased, his voice rough.

I felt his eyes on me, watching me become a mess. All trace of embarrassment was gone and the need to release was the only thing on my mind.

"Jason p-please."

That's all it took for his hand to slide into my shorts and grab my painfully hard member. He squeezed slightly as his thumb ran over my leaking tip. I was so close, I quivered in his arms. I just needed something more anything. My whines, moans, and whimpers were endless. I'm pretty sure I was close to crying.

"I-I need something more, please J." My voice didn't even sound like my own.

"I got you baby."

Without another word his other hand slipped into my shorts from behind and rubbed my ass. My breath caught in my throat.

"Wai- ahn"

His finger barely brushed my hole before ropes of cum shot out cover his hand and shirt. I groaned, mindlessly thrusting and shaking in his arms as I rode out my orgasm.

"Fuck." My hazy mind is instant cleared and embarrassment fills my features.

My wide eyes met my best friends hooded ones.

What the actual fuck did I just do.

'He just made you his bitch like a real one and hulk smashed that ass. Pleath spare me I'm just a hole.'  Issac wantonly voiced out.

'Not now Issac.' I barely payed attention to his nonsense and cut him off.

How I'm the hell am I gonna come back from this?



Skylar had this chapter sitting here and I offered to finish it and write a few chapters for her. I hope you enjoyed, sorry for such late updates we're working on it.

But anyway y'all comments give us life please keep them coming.

Vote and Comment, tell us what you think. :)

Until next time,
- Skylar✌️and Ris👋
