Chapter 4


I unclipped her bra and flung it to the side. We were down to nothing but our jeans. My mouth trailed away from hers. I trailed kisses from her jaw to her neck. Her pulse quickened against my lips.

I brought my left hand up to her chest and touched her right breast. It was soft, warm, and firm.

She threw her head back and moaned, "Ah, yes please."

Her hips jerked when I pinched her nipple. The friction I felt between us made me groan. My hand had a tight grip on her ass, massaging and squeezing the flesh. But soon everything stopped.

I didn't hear the front door open. I didn't hear the hard thud of feet coming up the stairs. But I couldn't possibly miss the growl that came from behind my door before it was kicked open.

"What the fuck!?" I yelled. The girl left my lap instantly. She halfway hid behind me while covering her chest.

Mason stood at the door panting heavily. Anger came from him in waves, I felt it. His eyes connected with mine for a split second, forest green, his wolf.


The growl that rumbled from him shook me. I was in shock, he was across the room in seconds grabbing the girls ankle yanking her off the bed. She screamed clawing at the floor.

I blinked then shot up to my feet. I raced after Mason as he dragged her down the stairs. He didn't seem to care that he could possibly kill the girl. Her head connected with the bottom step and her screams stop.

"MASON I SWEAR TO THE FUCKING MOON GODDESS, STOP!" I reached them at the front door. I roughly grabbed his shoulder.

"Bitch brought it on her self." His voice was deep, rough, and cold. His eyes were darker than the forest green of his wolf. They were black. His canines were extended.

He intended to kill this girl.

He ripped the front door open and stalked outside. "She dared to touch what's mine." He was on the front lawn close to shifting. His body was shaking.

"We won't even in your room Mason! CHILL!"

My words only angered him more. Dropping her legs he picked her up and held her above his head. He looked as if... he was gonna throw her???

'YES THROW THAT HOe.' My lovely wolf Issac decided to come through.

I didn't have time to respond because the girl woke up and screamed once again.

'Not trying to be mean or nothing but... can he knock her out again?...' Issac said

It seemed that Mason, or his wolf wanted to do just that when she tried getting way. She thrashed in his arms screaming. She kicked her legs and flailed her arms. Her leg accidentally hit Mason's face and it must've been a reflex, but he bit her leg. His canines extended I'm sure.


I ran and jumped launching myself at his back. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my left arm firmly around his neck. He growled around the calf of the girls leg. She had given up on screaming and resulted to crying.

"Mason I swear to fuck if you don't let her go I'll never talk to you again."

He released her with a grunt and she fell limp to the floor on her back. I got hopped off his back and went to the girl's side.

"Fuck, Red? Can you hear me?" I shook her.

Her eyes were closed, her chest heaving, and her body shaking. I looked back at Mason and glared, he rolled his eyes.

Oh hell nah.

"I think the fu-"

Jason and Grayson emerged from the woods. A wolf, pack member I assume, next to them. The wolf shifted and was indeed a pack member, the symbol of our pack was on his skin. With out a word he picked up Red and with a silent nod towards Grayson left.

Jason was the first to speak.

"That was... interesting?"

My eyes snapped to his then to Grayson's. I flipped my eyes from one to the other before glaring at them. "So, you guys watched?"

Grayson nodded sheepishly and Jason turned away.

"Did you enjoy the show?" I said through clenched teeth.

They were smart enough to know not to answer that question. I stood up and my eyes threw daggers at each triplet. I shook my head, sucked my teeth, and turned away from them.

"You guys are dicks."

I stalked inside slamming the door behind me.


We watched him walk off like an angry little puppy, cute. But him being angry with us, not so cute, but cute cause it's him. Even though his anger is cute just when it's not with us. I mean it can be-

'For the love of God shut the fuck up Grayson.' My wolf Alec growled out.

'You shut the fuck up. You know he's cute.'

'Yes I do, but you sound like a fucking idiot.'

"I'm sorry guys." Mason said before I could reply to my wolf. His head was down, shoulders slump, and he released a sigh. "I fucked up, I swear I didn't mean to, something just snapped and I couldn't control-"

Jason quickly cover the mouth of a rambling Mason, "It's fine bro, we understand."

I nodded in agreement. "I'm sure I would've lost it too. Seeing that and not being able to justify your reason as to why you couldn't help but want to cut a bitch." I sighed walking over to my brothers and slapped them both on the back. "Soon bros, soon."

Soon as in 34 hours 48 minutes 23 seconds. But I mean, who's counting?


It was now 8:57pm and dinner was almost ready. Jason decided on making spaghetti since that's his 'specialty'. In reality it's the only dish he knows how to make without burning.

Our Mikey hasn't been down since the incident. We heard music from his room. The songs were the exact ones he played when he felt angry. Angry lyrics for an angry boy.

We were all anxious for our next encounter with him. Would he speak to us? What would he say? How long will he be mad at us? Should we go to him before he comes to us?

Nothing has made my head spin more than he has. No one has made my heart this heavy. I have a strong belief that I can't blame the mate bond on this either.

I abruptly stood from my bed and walked out of my bedroom, Mason so into his game that he didn't notice. I made the short journey down the hallway and stood in front of Mike's door.

With a deep breath I raised my hand and knocked firmly.

The music was shut off but no movement was made to the door.

I knocked again, I heard him sigh.

I stood there for about a good 1 minute and 34 seconds before I heard him finally stand from his bed. He took his time opening the door and I was met with his annoyed and bored face.

"Um.. dinners almost ready." My voice gave away how nervous I was.

"Okay." His voice was short and clipped.

"Yep.. and I ohm came to speak to you."

"I can see that." He rolled his eyes.

"Look, lose the attitude. We're sorry. We said that. We meant that. We're sorry to upset you but not that we did that to that girl. You'll understand soon why we did it, but we truly had our reason."

"Okay. Is that all?" That bored look was still in his eyes.

"No, it's not." I pushed him into his room, stepping in I closed and locked the door behind me.

"What the- look Gray, it's whatever now get out I'm done talking." Mike went and turned his music back on.

"I'm done talking too." I rolled my shoulders. "Let's take some action."



Heyo remember that time I said it's been a while? Well om it's been a while again. I haven't forgot this book I've just been extremely busy. I'll update  as soon as I can and no more disappearances that last for months.

Welp, please Vote & Comment, tell me what you think!

~Skylar ✌️
