I was tagged

NOT AN UPDATE!! (Sorry! One should be posted by Monday..)

Hi Ris here, I was tagged by Aviina22
I think I'm a day late, but I've had a busy week with graduation. Okay I suck at talking about myself but here we go. :)

1. Hi :) I'm Marissa but Ris or Rissa for short.
2. I'm 17 and I recently graduated high school, May 18, 2020 :D (FREEDOM)
3. I enjoy learning new languages and cultures.
4. My favorite color is green.
5. I play a decent amount of video games. (Like GTA5, Fortnite, uncharted, etc.)
6. I love music a lot. I listen to a variety of genres and languages. From Kpop to like heavy metal.
7. I paint pretty often and like to draw a bit. I have talented artsy friends too.
8. I'm extremely forgetful at times. Like honestly it's terrible.
9. I Om really like donuts so feel to bring me some.
10. I like to travel and want to go out of the country someday (whenever ms. Rona would like to disappear). I've been to some states like New York, Florida, etc. Born and raised in North Carolina.

Time to Tag 28 people ٩(^‿^)۶
(sorry in advance❤️)

Now, the part I've been waiting for. My wonderful dad jokes (^∇^)

Knock Knock.

Who's there?


Amos Who?

A-mosquito bit me!

Okay okay second part, this ones good I swear.

Knock Knock.

Who's there?


Andy Who?

And-he bit me again!

I have more dad jokes where that came from 😉💀

Spoiler time~

I was suddenly awaken by someone shaking me, "Gray! Gray get up its Michael!"

My eyes shot open and connected with a hysterical Mason. His eyes were flashing from his normal brown to a deep forest green, almost black.

I could feel my wolf pacing within. I quickly sat up, barely missing Mason's head. "What is it Mace? What's wrong!?" I hopped out of bed and grabbed Mason by the shoulders trying to get him to focus.

He struggled to spit out what he was trying to say. Involuntary growls shot from him making him harder to understand. The words that came from his mouth were choppy and undecipherable.

He was a mess.

I was getting impatient as the uneasiness built up within me. My wolf pushing forward.

What's wrong?

Heavy footsteps dashed up the stairs and were in front of our bedroom door in seconds. My head snapped towards the door meeting Jason's fierce electric blue eyes.

"He's gone..."

With a ferocious growl Mason shifted in front of me.....

~ Simple spoiler for a future chapter. ;) ~


Hey It's Ris,
I don't know if I mention this before or if you noticed but I'll be writing this book until the end or at least until Sky is able to return.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading a bit about me even though it may be kinda boring. I hope I get to learn a bit about the people I tagged or my followers/readers in general. If you weren't tagged but still want to do it feel free to do so and just tag me so I can read it! :)

Lastly, about that Q&A? 👀 I plan to introduce a couple more characters , but should I do one?

Please vote and comment, let me know what you think!

Until Next Time,

- 👋 Ris

P.S A repeat for myself and you, expect an update Monday. :)
