6:59 P.M

🌼6 : 5 9 P . M

JIMIN smiled through the tears streaming down his face in thin, light trails, his chest filled with happiness, so much happiness he was overwhelmed with the feeling. he felt like he was in the clouds, head fuzzy with cotton balls as the word threatened to scream past his lips.

"yes, yes i do want to marry you."

namjoon grinned, slipping the ring into jimin's finger gently before jumping up to his feet and lifting jimin up, spinning him around. "oh my god."

jimin laughed, wrapping his arms around namjoon's neck, pulling him close, pressing their forehead together, noses barely touching. "let's go home."

namjoon pulled away, "wait." he turned around on his heels, running towards yoongi, tackling him into a hug. "thank you. you were right, i had nothing to worry about."

yoongi laughed, patting his back, "i know. now celebrate with your fiance."

namjoon smirked, "i will~"

yoongi rolled his eyes, laughing as he turned around, calling for seokjin to put on another song.

