2:52 P.M

🌼 2 : 5 2  P . M

JIMIN had his legs wrapped around namjoon's waist, arms resting around the older man's neck and his head pressed against his shoulder. his eyes were closed, his breathing even and slow, but he wasn't sleeping. his hat was pulled over his head, covering his dark brows and fluffy blonde hair, tuffs of light golden strands sticking out adorably, tickling namjoon's neck.

jimin was just resting his eyes but namjoon thought he was sleeping as he was walking to the elevator. glad it was fixed, not wanting to carry a grown ass man up four flights of stairs. namjoon was sure he would have collasped after the first two flights. the tall male pressed on the up button, waiting for the doors to slide open and when they did he quietly stepped inside. humming softly to himself as he pushed the four button.

jimin opened one eye, not fully opening it but enough to see namjoon through his lashes, the corner of his lips quirking into a smile. he wanted to take a picture of the man, wanted to take a picture of every moment where the air was still and it was just the two of them. he wanted to take a picture of the small adorable curve of his nose and the fullness of his lips, the dimples on his cheeks- just everything. 

"namjoon, you're so captivating." jimin murmured, nuzzling his face into the juncture of his neck, feeling the warmth radiate from his tanned soft skin. jimin sighed happily, pressing a kiss to his neck.

namjoon heard, blushing a dark rosy colour as goosebumps were freckled across his skin despite being warm. "so are you jimin." he softly spoke, walking out of the elevator. 

jimin smiled, a pink dusting his features, "you know what that means?" he asked. 

"what?" namjoon questioned as he kept walking. 

"we're perfect." jimin hummed happily. 

i don't know how to feel about this, I'm sorta proud??¿¿¿
