5:09 P.M

🌼5 : 0 9 P . M

JIMIN stared at the screen, the movie, it seemed so familiar but he couldn't remember where he saw it- but it gave him these nostalgic vibes. the intro was quite short, with the characters singing in the background. he snuggled closely into namjoon, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to recall the time when he first saw this movie.

"we watched this on our second date." namjoon answered, as if he read jimin's mind, the boy looked up at him, namjoon's face bathed in the white artificial glow of the laptop, colours dancing on his skin ever so gracefully that jimin nearly forgot how to speak as he admired.

jimin jutted out his bottom lip, the memory coming back to him as soon as he looked back at the screen, his nose scrunching up as he stuffed his face into his chest, a small whine erupting from the back of his throat. "you'll never let me forget that, would you?" he sighed, his soft cheeks dusted in a rosace blush.

namjoon shook his head, resting his chin atop of jimin's head. "you were so shy when i first met you- remember?" he sighed happily, squeezing jimin's bicep gently. "we were watching this movie, and then i leaned closer to you, i think i was going to rub the cheese dust out of your chin and then somehow you spilled your drink onto my lap." he recalled, talking in a soft soothing voice, the smile on both their faces slowly widening at the memory. "you thought that i was going to kiss you." namjoon chuckled, poking jimin's chubby, reddening cheek.

jimin rolled his eyes, "you were!" he huffed, gently slapping away at namjoon's hand.

namjoon leaned closer, cupping both of jimin's cheeks. "and i will." he pressed his lips against jimin's pretty pink ones, softly kissing him. jimin wrapped his arms loosely around his neck, moving his mouth ever so lovingly against his boyfriend's- his.

a/n;  fljafjlk can't wait for 6 pm
