12:40 P.M

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🌼 1 2 : 4 0

THE cold air bit at their skin, leaving it numb, cold, and the softest shade of red. jimin had his small gloved hands stuffed into the pockets of namjoon's jacket that he snatched up. namjoon had an arm around jimin's shoulders as they walked to the location only namjoon knew, the older male had insisted on them walking instead of driving. 

"joon, where are we going?" jimin asked once more after a few minutes of walking. they came to a halt in front of a cozy looking restaurant.

"we're here but this is not your surprise~" namjoon flicked jimin's small red nose.

the younger male scrunched up his nose, covering it as he stuck his tongue out. namjoon laughed a little with jimin, opening the door for him.

"joonie, why won't you tell me?" jimin asked as they walked inside, the warm and delicious smelling air soothing their cold bones. namjoon pulled out his wallet and turned to look back at his boyfriend, "well because it's a surprise, they're suppose to remain a secret." namjoon leaned down to press a kiss to his flushed red cheek, "now what do you want to eat?" he asked. 

"uhm." jimin looked at the menu, "well i would like kimichi with pork and rice..." he looked for anything else that he would like, clutching onto namjoon's arm as he got on the tips of his toes to get a closer look and namjoon stared down at him with a smile on face, absolutely in love. 
