4:45 P.M

a/n; double update, bc im vv excited~

🌼4 : 4 5  P . M

HOSEOK gasped, dropping his phone on to the couch and pulling jimin up, the poor man looking so confused. hoseok unzipped the bag, pulling out clothes from there and throwing them at jimin, who caught them with confusion on his face.

"in the room, in the room, hurry!" hoseok rushed jimin to the bathroom, closing the door behind jimin with a loud slam, causing the small male to yelp at the loud sound. 

"hey! break our door and i'll make you fix it and pay for it." jimin snapped, laying the clothes over the counter. he inspected the clothes closely, a pure white cotton collared button down, with embroidered patterns on the front and back. he pulled off his own shirt, pulling down his sweatpants to his ankles and stepping out of them. he pulled the white tank top then the collared button down over it. he pulled on the thick black slacks on, tucking in his shirt before zipping it up. 

he finally put on the blazer, realizing that it was warmer than it looked. "thank god." he mumbled, opening the door and stepped out only to be shoved back inside. 

seokjin sat jimin down on the closed toilet seat, pulling out a bag of make up. "just a little to cover up those hideous eyebags~" seokjin teased, wiggling a finger at jimin, booping him in the nose. he brushed on foundation, making sure it wasn't so thick and caked, just a small amount to even out the skin. he pulled out a concealer, applying it evenly on a few spots that needed it, blending it into his skin.

"i don't understand why i need makeup" jimin huffed as seokjin patted on highlight across his cheekbones, a bit on the tip of his nose and up the bridge, and a speck on his philtrum. 

"cause i need you to look like a mess after you start crying." seokjin muttered, brushing jimin's soft plump lips with gloss. 

"really?" jimin raised an eyebrow, getting up as seokjin finished. 

"really, now come on. let's hurry, i just wasted a good seven minutes doing your makeup." 

"hoseok, how do you deal with this man?" 

"i love him, i don't have to deal with it. i just live with it." hoseok sighed, looking at seokjin with heart eyes. 

"cheesy fuckers." jimin smiled softly, eyes turning into crescent moons, god he can't wait to see namjoon. 
