5K SPECIAL 🌼 first kiss

thank you so much for 5k. i honestly don't know what else to say other that i didn't see that shit coming. will you was basically written on a whim and well i'm surprised it well got 5k. thank you again and enjoy. also this is the song that i imagined them dancing to, you can play it while reading this.

7 : 3 0 P . M 🌼

NAMJOON closed the dark red curtains of his otherwise brightly coloured apartment. walls an eggshell white and decorated in simple yet pleasantly aesthetic art he had bought in past art fairs. he smiled softly as he turned around to admire his work.

his two small grey couches were all pushed to a wall, under his flat screen which was nailed to the aforementioned. there were christmas lights hung up in a wiggly pattern, splashing red, green, and white. fake candles dotted the the parameter of his living room space, creating a soft and romantic air. the room glowed softly, and all that was missing was jimin. and it would be perfect.

namjoon jumped at the sound of knocking, with a giddy smile on his face, he turned around and walked to the door. he opened it and smiled brightly at the person at the front. it was none other than jimin, with his sweet smile and honey eyes, looking like an angel.

“hey.” namjoon breathed out.

“hi, can i come in or is it not ready yet?” jimin asked, reaching up to run a hand over his bright orange hair 

“yeah, of course you can. step inside.” namjoon opened the door wider for jimin, letting the petite boy step inside. jimin looked around, a smile making its way up his plump soft lips.

“you did all of this?” jimin asked, breathless. and a little more in love with namjoon than what he already was. he turned around to face namjoon, who nodded sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. “i love it, it's... no one ever done this for me.”

“i'm glad you like it, i wanted to do something special. i didn't have money to splurge on although so this is the next best thing.” namjoon walked over to the coffee table and turned on the television, soft piano music playing in the background.

jimin looked at namjoon with heart eyes when the taller male had his back turned to him. “so... mister namjoon what surprise do you have planned for this night.”

namjoon turned around to face him and gently grabbed his small delicate hands, “ah, it's a surprise mister park jimin.” the words rolled off smoothly off his tongue like sugar and honey, his deep voice softer than usual. he gently swayed side to side before letting go of one hand and led him to the kitchen slash dinning room.

“sit down, don't worry. i had help with the food, so no poisoning in this date.” namjoon grinned, dimples pressed onto the sides of his plush cheeks.

“oh, i hope not.”


jimin laughed as he tried to escape namjoon's hands, squealing as he felt two hands on his hips, pulling him back. namjoon wrapped one arm around his thin waist, leaning over and then grabbed the controller out of his hands.

"you picked the song last time and the time before, let me pick one for once." jimin pouted and namjoon couldn't say no for he was, as his friends say, whipped. jimin squealed happily as he quickly searched up the song, turning up the volume before setting the controller down. he held his hands out with a teasing raise of his brow,  a flirty but at the same time shy smile playing at his pretty pink lips.

namjoon walked over to jimin, placing a hand on his waist and another on his shoulder, pulling him close. he felt so soft and small in his arms, delicate and all too real. his heart fluttered and thumped loudly against his chest as jimin rested his head delicately on it. they began to sway slowly to the music.

it was clumsy at first, they couldn't figure out which way they both should move. yet it was sweet too. all around. sweeter as they soon got a feel for themselves, it was slow dance and it felt almost intimate as they looked into each other's eyes. almost at the end of the song jimin had the strongest urge to just capture namjoon's plum coloured lips into his own.

that's what he did.

namjoon was taken off guard, stumbling back but nevertheless he kissed jimin back. he moved his hands down to his waist, holding him closer. my god, were his lips so soft and he could just kiss him forever but he had to breathe.

they pulled away for a second as they stared into each others eyes. jimin breathed out a soft chuckle, smiling bashfully and he got on the tips of his toes to kiss his cheek.

"i am looking forward to more kisses."

let me just say that i love this book and i just love minjoon, thats why i have three drafts and a shitton of ideas for this ship.
