Chapter 47

The shooting of Hiram Lodge was something that affected all of those in Riverdale along with Hiram's decisions before his downfall. Let's start with Archie Andrews, my godbrother. He was going down a dangerous path now that he and Veronica hit the wrong town called splitsville, he's been solving his issues with a bottle; something that will undoubtedly trouble him later. The fact that Reggie and Veronica had a rendezvous did not help at all, making his resentment for Reggie grow from everything that happened to him to "stealing" his girlfriend, he was about ready to spiral.  Archie was losing himself, decisions he made years ago were changing, anger was festering and he needed an outlet but in a town like Riverdale, outlets had limitations and set backs.

Veronica was not taking her father's hospitalization well at all. From breaking up with Archie after accusing him of attempted murder, to taking a beat from the speakeasy to help keep her father's illicit affairs afloat, asking Jughead to find out who shot the Man in Black. She was being pulled in different directions, with Reggie being the forefront of her ideal partner, someone she could scheme with, without worrying about things she worried about with Archie, like his heart and his moral compass. Dealing with mob life and her old adversaries were ready to swoop in like the ides of march.

Jughead was in his element, besides hiding a dead body and investigating the attempted murder of Hiram Lodge, he was also angry with me, his darling little sister. Finding something scandalous about your sister while investigating her murder board doesn't help a growing argument that had been stemming for weeks. Dad's new position as the Sheriff of Riverdale came at the best/yet worst time. Any other shooting or attempted murder would have the Serpents as suspect #1 but with Dad in office; he was investigating those in Riverdale who would actually do the crime, though the bar on who would want a shot at Hiram Lodge was pretty set, myself included. He was trying to hide what happened to TallBoy, with bodies dropping like flies in a town like Riverdale; everything had a way of connecting back to the original problem. 

Betty was on her own investigation, also visiting her father; something that two months ago would have scared her. The murder of Clifford Blossom was on her mind and with her rage for her father growing, she used it to her advantage, playing innocent daughter as she investigated the dark Blossom deaths. Having her instincts, she got led to Penelope Blossom, someone who at one point in a twisted way, acted as my mother, someone who could never do me harm. Investigating a murderess was hard, especially one in mourning along with going to her cousin Cheryl Blossom for some form of truth. 

I however had a lot going on, from running the speakeasy during Veronica's time of mourning, helping hide a dead body and being on standby for not one, not two but three investigations; I was having issues with being tailed and followed by the Gargoyle Gang , someone wanted me involved in that twisted game, for why I was not ready to find out. 

"I consider you four inner circle," Veronica starts glancing at Reggie, Smithers, and me as we meet in her speakeasy.  SweetPea raised an eyebrow from his place behind me. "Smithers my former doorman, Reggie my jacked jack of all trades, and Maddie, my best friend, business partner, and only person my father appears to be scared of." She smirks at me s Reggie and Smithers share a look. "Of course Sweet Pea you are a newer addition but your the muscle, the brawn, the brother I always wanted," She grins causing him to smile back. 

"Love you Ronnie, are we here because of what happened Earlier?" I question her with a small frown, referring to her firing her dad's only capos. 

"Yes, Our enemies are sensing weakness and we need to show strength," Veronica starts off. 

"If I may," Smithers interjected, glancing at us. "There was a moment back in the trenches when our numbers were greatly diminished, we knew the enemy would storm the barricade at any moment," He tells the story. "I collected the helmets from our dead and propped them a top of our bayonets, high enough so that they would be visible to our enemies and give them pause." He continues, using his hands to tell the story. Veronica and I shared a look. "Sometimes it's not about how things are, it's about how things appear to be." 

"Smithers you just gave her an idea," I smile at the older man, he was such a kind and loyal person. 

"We're gonna need your bus-drivers hat," Veronica smirks, a calculated look in her eye as she glances at the four of us. 

"Did anyone else just get chills?" SweetPea chimed in as he brought drinks over causing everyone to chuckle before we settle down to make the plan. 

Meanwhile, as I was getting my inner Tony Soprano on, Betty and Jughead had stumbled into a sticky yet sweet veiled haven, shined brightly on by red light. With the news of Hiram Lodge having a mistress being revealed, they were on their way to find and confront the blonde bombshell who had captured the attention of the mob boss. Walking into Penelope Blossom's sex club wasn't on their list but apparently to each their own. Not only did Betty's investigation get furthered as she confronted her murderess aunt but Jughead got information on the starlet blonde bombshell. 

In other news, Archie got himself a new adversary as he cut off his other friends. Drowning himself in the bottle caused a riff between Veronica's ex-beau and her current jak of all trades. Josie quite literally saved his hide before giving him a rude awakening. Not only did he get a cold shower but he got a reality check as well. 

"Collecting for Lodge," Veronica states as the three of us walk toward this random man on the docs who Hiram did business with. I didn't understand why she needed SweetPea and I with her but she said it was for protection and that she needed someone with her. 

"Where are Nico and Leo?" The guy responds, glancing over my figure once, causing SweetPea to glare at him and he takes a step back. 

"No longer in our employ," Veronica tells him with a stone-cold face. "I'm Veronica, I'm sure you know my father, Hiram Lodge," She introduces herself, glancing to the shadowed figure in the car that made him look shocked. 

"Mr.Lodge doesn't like to be kept waiting and neither does Veronica," I cross my arms over my chest. 

"Who are you?" The worker questions confused. 

"This is my business partner and an intricate part of Lodge Industries, Madelynn Jones along with my...cousin Oliver, you'll be seeing us from now on," Veronica states, holding her hand out and smirking as he hesitantly hands over the money. After checking it was still there, she handed it to SweetPea who stuffed it into his jacket pocket. "Great, same time next week," Veronica winks at the guy before the three of us walk back toward the car. After SweetPea opens the door allowing me to slide in and then opening the door for Veronica, she turns toward the back seat. 

"Good job, Man In Black," She says to Reggie, who had Hiram's signature hat on.

"Oliver?" SweetPea questioned with a furrowed brow causing me to giggle. "Do I even wanna know how you knew my government name?" He questioned. 

"Nope," Veronica smirks before motioning for Smithers to start driving. 

With Betty Cooper on any case, it was bound to be solved sooner or later, add in a slightly psychotic and creepy coroner and you have leads resurfacing that was meant to be deep in SweetWater river. When Dr.Curdle Jr pulled Clifford Blossom's autopsy report, he found traces of poisonous pufferfish venom in it, revealing that not only was Clifford Blossom dead when he was hung but that Betty Cooper had finally nailed a murderess on the head. 

Josie McCoy was taking my godbrother off his spiral while my Uncle Fred was working quite hard. Who knew Josie McCoy would be Archie's voice of reason lately? I certainly didn't, but with her advice on giving him an outlet for his fueled anger that didn't involve drinking more than my Dad on a bender, it might be a match made in Heaven. However, an epiphany he made might be working against his future love life.

Veronica however after our trifle with mob life; was continuing her journey of taking over her father's accounts while he was down. She confronted Madame Mayor herself, Hermione Lodge about the shady dealings that not only Claudius Blossom was in but her own father's involvement with fizzle rocks. Turns out the Mayor was using a smokescreen to shut down the prison with the drugs and was sidelined by her own husband. However, Lodge women are nothing if not persistent and perhaps selling off Hiram's assists in full would heal them from the pain, trauma, and bullshit Hiram Lodge put them through.

Betty's meeting with Riverdale's Red Dhalia Penelope Blossom revealed not only that Cheryl's mother hated men and thought of them as a toxin but she was keyed in onto just what happened to her all those months ago. With runoff water becoming the cause of seizures due to Claudius Blossom's illicit affairs, Hal Cooper pillow talked about all the murderous deeds that Betty had done for the sake of justice, and a threat backfiring, my friend Betty Cooper found herself in a stalemate. 

Jughead however discovered that Hiram Lodge certainly has a type, and props to them if they can help further his agenda. After being threatened with a gun as he picked up an egg that lead to half of our problems, he found out that not only was Hiram's ex-mistress a water inspector but she faked the reports on Sweet Water River, just like Penelope Blossom confirmed.

My boyfriend SweetPea had uncovered something game-changing as well. Not only did he find out that Sheriff Minetta of all people was alive but he was having an affair with Hermione Lodge. She was going to use him to pin Hiram's murder on my dad, who she recently appointed Sheriff. Hermione Lodge had him fake his death with the help of Curdle Junior. 

"I'll kill her," I murmur to my brother as we walk down the abandoned halls of the sheriff's office. Jughead nodded in agreement. 

"Dad we need to talk to you," Jughead states as we walk through his office door. Dad shakes his head as he picks up his keys. 

"There's something going on at the hospital," Dad shrugs us off before I grab his arm. 

"No, you can't go there, Dad!" I chime in. "It's a setup, Jughead figured it all out!" I tell him. 

"Hermione and Minetta, Dad he's alive," Jughead whispers causing Dad's jaw to drop and he closed the door."The two of them plotted together to kill Hiram Lodge," 

"What?" Dad questions in disbelief. 

"They were going to finish the job tonight and put it on you," Jughead informs with a small glare. "Dad there's a lot you need to know, I just got back from the coroner's office."  Jughead finishes with a frown. He fills him in with everything that he found out, as I glare at the wall in anger. "You need to arrest them," Jughead insists. 

"I can't do that," Dad insists with a frown. 

"Yes you can Daddy, you're the Sheriff!" I insist with a small frown. "They're clearly trying to murder Hiram Lodge," I add.

"No, no they didn't." Dad shakes his head with a small frown. "I shot Hiram," Dad admits causing us to look at him in shock. "Hermione came to me, she wanted it done and I wanted revenge. Do you really think I forgot about Maddie and you and Riot night? When that son of a bitch almost got you killed, had your sister r-raped!" Dad raises his voice slightly, glancing at me with heartache. I hug my father to calm him down. "I've been biding my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity." 

"But if you and Hermione tried to kill Hiram, why did she appoint you sheriff?" Jughead questions confused. 

"Payment, it was my payment and I was too naive that the office of the sheriff would protect me in case Hermione got an itch to double cross me, "Dad frowns as Jughead turns away from us. "Guess I was wrong," Dad was kicking himself as he ran his hands through his hair. 

"Well, it's a good thing you have us wonder twins in your corner," Jughead smirks. "We have a confession to make about Tall Boy," he continues, turning toward Dad as I shuffle back, knowing he was about to blow up. "Maybe there's a way we can solve both of our problems but will need Mrs.Cooper's help." Jughead insists with an inquisitive look before spilling everything to Dad. After that, Dad demands me to spill as well. Dad was furious by the time we told him everything and I wasn't surprised that he looked as if he could use a stiff drink, his two kids were a part of murder investigations and had been covering a dead body; something all too familiar for Riverdale. 

"I'll text her, Jughead, Mads you both are grounded; I hope you know that," Dad sighs, taking out his phone. 

"Why am I grounded!?" I question with a grumble. 

"Because I said so," Dad responded causing me to roll my eyes. That was always the typical parent response that or 'do as I say' another phrase my father liked to use. "Now help me get ready for my interview with Alice and Jughead you are going to go and do what you need to," Dad demands, glaring at both of us.

"Whatever," I mumble under my breath as we all break apart to do what Dad instructed. I start helping him get ready, straightening his collar, brushing his hair back, and even adding light makeup to hide the bags under his eyes. "Uncle Fred is going to be so concerned when he realizes what we did, he'll know it was you," I whisper as I finish up his face. 

"He won't know and if he does, Serpents take care of their own; same with family," Dad looks me in the eyes, stopping me from moving. I nod in agreement, giving him a kiss on the cheek as the door opens, revealing Alice and her camera. 

"Hello FP, Madelynn," Alice smiles at us as she barges in. "Thank you for the opportunity FP, and congratulations on your new position!" Alice beams, giving him eyes that make me want to vomit. She starts taking the tripod apart and setting up her camera. 

"Thank you, Alice, for all of this," Dad pats her shoulder as he stands, sending me a slightly amused glance. "I need to go debrief the deputies and such, so I will be right back but my daughter will help you with anything you need," Dad kisses the side of my head before leaving me with the she-devil. 

"How's school going Madelynn?" Alice questions, making conversation as she starts messing with camera settings. 

"It's going okay, keeping busy of course," I respond as I straighten out Dad's desk. "How's the farm going?" I ask to be polite, not actually caring about the farm too much. 

"It's quite well, I think you should-" Before Alice can convince me to join the farm, Dad came back into the room with a small smile. We start finishing up before Dad starts to test levels with Alice. I sit in the back of the room, surveying as they start talking and soon enough, the door opens revealing Hermione Lodge herself. 

"FP, Alice," She glances at them with a question in her tone, darned in a trench coat. She looks in my direction, eyes widening slightly. "Madelynn," She nods in greeting, seemingly scared of my presence. 

"Hermione," Alice smiles, giving her a grin as she pins the mic to Dad. 

"What's going on here?" Hermione questions, trying to gain control of the situation, not expecting Dad to have had company I'm assuming. 

"Perfect Timing, we're about to start the interview," Dad glances at her as he sips his water, a look in his eyes that lets her know that he's got a couple of tricks up his sleeve, a look I inherited from my father. 

"Alright FP, let's check the levels," Alice says as she puts a headphone up to her ear, and motions for me to help her hold the one camera. 

"You wanna just start talking?" Dad confirms, slightly nervous since he hated public speaking. 

"Yeah," She nods, giving me a look to press record. 

"Well Madam Mayor, I am pleased to announce that we caught the man who shot your husband," Dad turns toward a speechless Hermione. 

"You did?"Hermione questions rhetorically, not looking too happy in the eyes but she had a smile on her face. "Who was it?" She questioned after a moment, eyes locking on me for a moment. 

"Gerald Petite," Dad answers glancing at his notes. "You might know him as Tallboy." He reveals causing Alice's eyes to widen slightly as she shares a look with me. "It seems Hiram kept him alive in a secret cabin in the north to carry out odd jobs for him," Dad informs, using the story that Hermione did with Sheriff Minetta and him. "Can you imagine that?" Dad questions rhetorically with a gleam in his eye, pissed at the situation. "Tallboy resisted arrest, it got violent and unfortunately I was forced to discharge my sidearm, he died on the way to the hospital," He finishes, glancing at me to grab him more water. Hermione breathed in deeply, glancing at him with a small frown. 

"Well, thank goodness it's over," Hermione says with a small chuckle. "And so neatly, too." She practically grimaced. 

"You know I would love to interview you next Hermione," Alice turned toward her with a beaming smile, obvious to any tension in the room. "Get your perspective as Mayor and wife of the victim, of course." She nodded with a small smile. 

"That's a great idea, Alice," Dad chimed back in. "It's important that the Mayor and I both go on the record about what happened and present a united front," Dad smirks at her. "Don't you agree Madam Mayor? That we should be on the same page?" Dad goads slightly causing me to smirk at my Dad, extremely proud. 

"Yes, I think we are," Hermione tightly says before going to sit for her interview. Dad comes by me and I give him a slight hug, glaring at Hermione from over Dad's shoulder. 


With Veronica on the other side of her mom's less-than-stellar business expenditures. She was on the move and after I told her I couldn't go out because I was grounded, she relayed her plans to her future beau Reggie Mantle, they were planning on going into prison and stealing her father's entire drug empire and then burning it before her mother could get a hefty sum for her own affairs. However, before they could go a call from Archie changed everything, leaving Reggie to handle the drug heist on his own.

Contrary to Reggie's first thoughts, it wasn't a booty call. Archie had called her with worry, he was visiting her father when someone came into the room to end Hiram's life. Archie saved him and shot the perpetrator, while Veronica thought Archie was apologizing for his behavior, in reality, he had been going to get rid of Riverdale's Man In Black, an eye for an eye. He however instead allowed him to live another day, shooting Sheriff Minetta who had attempted to come and end Hiram's life for his beau Hermione Lodge. 

Jughead and Betty both finished part of their investigations. Betty going to visit her father and keep him updated, especially with how she was playing his heart and mind, different strings that he was creating. He was hopeful for a relationship and Betty was very good at playing the grieving girl. 

Veronica's mother found out about Veronica and Reggie burning the drugs and was furious. Not only did she pay off Governer Doiley with drug money but now a buyer was coming to Riverdale for no drugs and no money, scaring Hermione. 

Speaking of Madam Mayor, she came to my brother after leaving Hiram's bedside. She confronted my brother who called her out on everything, from her involvement to why she did it. Jughead had everything except one little thing, the fact that it was in part revenge for her husband taking shots at her before she was elected. She demanded my brother keep her secrets or else she would bring my father down with her, something Jughead was not risking. 

However, this left Jughead in a bind on what to do about Veronica but luckily the dark veela herself solved that issue for him. Giving him his payment and informing him that both Hiram and she were good with the fact that this was Tallboy's fault; she left his office with a statement 

"It's Riverdale," Veronica had said to my brother, a sentence that had multiple meanings and was a center for Jughead's work. What did Veronica mean when she said that you might ask? Well, there are many things relating to two words, the first is that Riverdale was a town of secrets. Not only small ones like whose with who but bigger ones, the kind that tears families apart or puts lives at risk. Often, we find ourselves in situations with bigger secrets that can hurt our loved ones, our Riverdale citizens. Riverdale may have been known as the town with pep but it was also a murder town. A town with drugs, crime, and other entities that were meant to be secrets, but hey it's Riverdale.
