Chapter 12

I am downstairs with Fred working on homework and we can hear the boys playing video games all the way downstairs. 

"They're sure okay with this whole arrangement." Fred says to me handing me a cup of hot chocolate. I look up from my chemistry book and smile at him; taking the hot chocolate.

"Yeah; I'm okay with it too. It's been nice to be around people that ask about my day and stuff; thank you for the hot chocolate." I say smiling at Fred. Fred smiles back at me.

"What was it like living with your dad without Jug ,JellyBean or your mom?" Fred asks me. He looks at my facial expression. "If you don't mind me asking." He adds.

"No, its fine Mr.Andrews; it was okay. Dad wasn't making money that much so PopTate gave me food on the house and jughead would sneak some of his paycheck from the Drive-In into my wallet. Dad would always make sure I was okay but it was lonely and sad when he would come home buzzed." I say to Fred. He nods slowly.

"Do you miss living with him?" Fred asks. I smile.

"Yes and no. I miss seeing him all the time but I know that this is better for him so he can get better without worrying about me. " I explain. Fred nods and smiles at me.

"Let's go tell those boys that its late; something tells me if we don't say something that they will just stay up all night and not let you sleep." Fred says to me. We both laugh and I pick up my books before we head upstairs.  Fred knocks on the door before opening it. 

"Hey guys; getting pretty late." Fred says as he opens the door. I step in from behind him.

"And woah it smells ripe in here; crack open a window!" I say covering my nose. Fred looks at me and laughs. 

"I got it." Archie says smiling at me before going to open the window. Fred turns his attention to Juggie.

"Settling in Jug?" Fred asks Jug. Jug smiles.

"Oh yeah its like Archie,Madelynn and I are roommates in a college dorm." He says smirking at me and Fred.

"Great what does that make me; the RA?" Fred asks as I walk past him and put my backpack on the floor.

"No; your like the fourth roommate." I add as I jump on the bed next to Juggie. Juggie wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. We all laugh and then Archie, Fred and Jug talk about the SoDale project while I zone out. 

"Night guys." I hear Fred say. I look up and see him looking at all of us.

"Night Dad." Archie says as his dad closes the door.

"Night Mr.Andrews." Jug and I say at the same time.  The door shuts and I push jughead off the bed on to the floor. 

"Hey!" Jug says to me. Archie and I laugh. I smile at them and then my phone goes off with a text. "Who is it?" Jug says going to look over at my screen. 

"No one." I say locking my phone; it's just Betty asking about Blue and Gold pictures." I lie quickly. The boys both nod and get ready for bed. Archie shuts the light off and I get under the covers of the bed. I then unlock my phone seeing the message from SweetPea. I start texting back and forth with him; god I miss him.

I smile when I read the last text. I text him back that I am going to meet up with him soon. That I'll sneak over to the Southside and he says to just tell him when and he'll pick me up.  I text him goodnight and turn off my phone going to sleep.

------Next Day-----

"Wake up loser!" I hear someone say. I wake up to Archie shaking me awake. "Maddie!" He says again. I swat his hand away.

"I'm awake loser!" I say to him as I sit up. He laughs at me and I go over to my bag. I pull out a black skirt, grayish sweater, black knee high socks, Burgundy boots and a Burgundy scarf. 

I go to the bathroom and get dressed in my outfit. I then quickly curl my hair and do my makeup.

I walk back into the bedroom and see the two boys aren't in there. I grab my bag and phone; running downstairs. I see the boys eating breakfast with Fred.

"Thank you for Breakfast Mr.Andrews." Jughead and I say at the same time. We chuckle at each other as we eat our breakfast. Fred smiles at us.

"It's not a problem kids; now get going before you are late." He says shooing us out the door. We all laugh and start walking to school together. Betty meets up with us and we walk to school. We all walk towards the lounge when I interrupt the group.

"Alright I'm gonna go to my locker; I'll see you guys in the lounge." I say to them. They all smile and nod. Betty and Archie head into the lounge; Jug sticks back for a second. 

"Don't be too long." Jughead says to me. I nod and smile at him. He heads in with a nod in my direction. I go over to my locker and open it up grabbing my morning books and putting my afternoon books away. 

"Hey babe." I hear from behind me. I recognize Reggie's voice and stay facing my locker. 

"What do you want?" I ask not giving him the satisfaction of looking up. 

"Why am I blocked on your phone? Why did you break up with me?" He asks raising his voice with each word. I slowly close my locker and turn around. 

"Because Reggie; you cheated and lied. I don't like cheaters or liars. Now leave me alone." I say sternly clutching my book to my chest. My answer seems to anger him and he starts to move towards me, making me back up against the locker. "Seriously Reggie; get away from me." I say to him. He pins my wrists to the locker so I can't move. I squirm around and try to get away.

"You are mine Madelynn; no one elses." Reggie says putting his one  hand on my waist. I try prying out of his grip. 

"Leave me alone Reggie. I will break your arm." I say lowly. He just laughs and moves his hand back onto my waist.He starts attacking my neck.  "JUGHEAD! ARCHIE!" I scream. Reggie quickly smacks me across the face and I scream again.  Juggie,Archie,Ronnie,Cheryl,Betty and Kevin all run out and look shocked. I have tears streaming down my face. 

"Let go of my sister Reggie." Jughead says as him, Archie and Kevin walk towards Reggie. Reggie laughs. 

"What are you going to do about it Wednesday Addams?" Reggie asks my brother. My brother walks up to Reggie and punches him in the face making Reggie drop my arms. I look shocked at my brother. Kevin grabs me and pulls me towards him and the girls. Archie and Jughead each give Reggie a couple punches. 

"Now if you bother my sister again; I will end you Reggie. I'll make sure Archie is there too." Jughead says in a threatening tone towards Reggie. Reggie just smirks and looks at me.

"It's okay; I don't want to go near a Southside slut like Madelynn Whore Jones anyway." Reggie says smirking at me. Jughead goes to throw another punch but I break free from Kevin and run up to Reggie; punching him int he nose. I throw another punch and  Archie scoops me up as I try to keep punching Reggie. Archie puts me down next to Kevin who holds me in a tighter grip. I cross my arms and roll my eyes.  Reggie just runs away after that. 

"You're not a whore or a slut Madelynn." Jughead says watching Reggie leave. He turns back around and Kevin lets go of me.I go and hug my brother. Archie hugs the both of us then we all have group hug. Cheryl stands on the outside and I look at her. 

"Bring it in Cheryl!" I say. She rolls her eyes but hugs all of us. We all pull away and Betty looks at me.

"Are you okay Maddie?" She asks putting a comforting arm on my shoulder. I nod my head.

"I'm fine but I don't wanna stay here for the day; I'm gonna go to Pops." I say grabbing my bag. Jughead looks at me and crosses his arms.

"You shouldn't skip school Madelynn." Jughead says sternly. I look at him and roll my eyes.

"I'm not staying here and dealing with that douche, Jughead. So either you let me go in peace or I kick your ass and then I go." I spit out, growing angry. Archie looks back and forth between us.

"Just let her go Jug; she just needs to cool off." Archie says taking my side. Jughead sighs and drops his arms.

"Fine. You text me every hour on how you are and if you aren't at pops by the time I get out of school; you better be at the Andrews; no where else." Jughead instructs. I nod my head.

"I understand Juggie." I say hugging him. He hugs back and kisses my head.

"Oh Mads; Polly's baby shower is tonight; don't forget about it!" Betty says. I nod and smile at her.

"At the Pembrooke." Veronica says. I nod and smile.

"I will see you guys later." I say smiling at them. They nod and I exit school starting to walk towards pops when I get an idea. I pull out my phone and send a text out.  A couple minutes later I hear my phone chime and I look at my text.

I roll my eyes and send a couple more messages back and forth with sweetpea. He decides that he will meet me at the border in ten. I get to the border and see his bike pulling up. 

"That fucker hit you?" Sweets says getting off of his bike. He comes over and gently grabs my arm and sees the prints from his harsh grip and the bruise forming on my cheek. "Oh Mads." He says pulling me into a hug. I hug him back and gently cry on his chest. He pulls away and wipes my tears. "Shhh; you are too beautiful to cry." He says to me. I blush and look into SweetPea's eyes. He places a kiss on my forehead. We walk over to his bike and He get's on; and then I get on.

"Where to princess?" He asks me. 

"I don't care." I respond. he smiles and I wrap my arms around his waist. He drives me to the bar.  He parks and we get off the bike.

"I figured you might need to see him." Sweets says. I smile and hug Pea.

"Thank you ba-Sweets." I say blushing and quickly covering up that I almost called him babe. We walk inside with Sweets arm around me. We get stares and Dad looks up quickly. 

"SweetPea you should be in school." He says looking back down before his eyes shoot back up. "Madelynn what are you doing here? You should be in school!" HE says sternly standing up and coming over to us.  He notices my face and his expression changes. "What the hell happened to you?" He asks me. 

"Reggie.. Jughead said I could leave school for the rest of the day; I lied and told him I was going to pops but I texted pea and we ended up here." I explain quickly. Dad nods and pulls me into a big hug. I cry and he rubs my back.

"I miss you honey but this is for the best right now." Dad says. I nod as we pull away. "look you can hang out for a little but you need to get to Pops by the time school gets out or else Jughead will flip." Dad says caving in. I smile and jump up hugging him again. He hugs me back and spins me around.

"Thank you dad."  I say as he sets me down. He smiles with a tear in his eye.

"You're welcome now SweetPea?" Dad says turning his direction towards my best friend. SweetPea looks up and nods.

"Yes sir?" He responds. He looks up to my dad so the fact that my dad is even talking to him is impressive. 

"Take care of my little girl; if anything ever happens to me. Make sure she is taken care of; whatever it takes." Dad instructs sweets. SweetPea nods.

"Of course FP; your daughter is one of the best things in my life." SweetPea says to my dad before looking at me. I smile and blush and my dad grins. 

"Alright you two kids have fun; I am gonna go back to my meeting." Dad says kissing my head and shaking Pea's hand.

"Can I get you a drink Mads?" SweetPea asks me. I nod and smile. He leads me to a seat before going to the bar. He comes back with two soft drinks. "Is Pepsi okay?" He asks me. I nod smiling.

"It's my favorite." I say as he takes a seat next to me. He smiles at me with a grin. We sit and talk for awhile about Jughead, the serpents, my dad, me living and the fact that I live with the Andrews. 

"That's crazy though; the three of you in that room. "  SweetPea says after I finish telling him about my time spent at the Andrews so far. 

"Yeah; but the Andrews have been nice to me and Jughead. Mr.Andrews and I often sit in the kitchen doing work; him with his business plans and I with my chemistry homework. Jughead and Archie usually play video games or are out with their girlfriends." I explain as I finish my Pepsi. 

"That's good though, I'm glad that they took you in to help you and your dad. I'm glad you are safe." SweetPea says. We smile at each other. "So Mads; what did Reggie exactly do to you?" Sweets asks me. I sigh.

"He asked why I broke up with him then after I told him why he basically said I was his. He smacked me across the face and pinned me against the locker. I screamed for Jughead and Archie. Jughead came out and punched him in the face then him and Archie beat him up a little bit. Reggie called me a whore and a Southside Slut." I explain sniffling. Pea looks mad and cracks his knuckles.

"Why won't you let me kick his ass? You don't deserve how he treats you. I'm glad you aren't with that douche." Pea says getting angry. I grab his hands and rub his knuckles with my thumbs. 

"I don't want you to get hurt by being blamed. Reggie's dad is a very successful man in Riverdale he will get you in a lot of trouble; being a serpent doesn't help. I care about you too much to let you get your life ruined because of me and my ex-boyfriend drama." I say to SweetPea. He smiles at me.

"I'm glad you care so much about me Jones."  Pea says with a playful smirk on his lips. I smile and then my phone starts going off. I groan when I see a text from Jug. "Who's that?" Pea asks me noticing my expression.

"Jughead." I reply. I go and check my text from Jug. "Ugh he caught on that I'm not at Pops.." I groan reading  my text. 

I send back 'I'm Home.' to him. "I hope he knows what home means." I say showing Pea. Pea laughs. He then looks at me concerned. 

"Do you want me to drive you over to Pops?" He asks me. I shake my head. 

"No; I don't want to be pestered with 'omg are you okay' from Betty and 'I'll kill reggie' from Archie and my brother. I'd rather be with you. " I say rolling my eyes while talking about my brother and our friends. Pea nods then my phone goes off again. I roll my eyes and go back and forth with Jug and then I respond back.

"Why is he so hung on up if I'm here or not" I say to Pea. He looks up and goes to respond but then the doors open and in walks Archie Andrews with Kevin, Moose and Joaquin. I gasp and Pea turns around. 

"What the hell are the northsiders doing here?" Pea asks me; bitterly. I shake my head and he realizes that I should probably hide so we quickly duck behind the bar with Hogeye looking at me confused. I point towards the Northside dorks and he nods. 

Pea and I watch from behind the bar as Archie, Moose, Joaquin and Kevin walk around then Moose points out Mustang to Archie and Archie goes up to him. I gasp and stand up getting ready to walk over. Pea holds me back until Archie gets thrown. 

"MUSTANG STOP!" I yell.I run over to Mustang and pull him away from Archie. Archie looks up at me shocked. 

"Maddie?" He asks confused. Kevin and Moose look at me shocked and Pea stays behind the bar. 

"That's enough!" I hear my dad's voice interrupt. I sigh as dad comes down the stairs. "I'll take care of this." Dad finishes looking at Archie. Archie looks up at Dad and I confused. Dad pushes the three boys out of the bar.  I follow Dad grabbing my backpack; saying goodbye to Pea. 

I stand behind Dad as Archie, Kevin and Moose walk away. 

"Not you red. You stay." Dad calls sternly to Archie. Archie looks back at the guys and motions for them to go on. "What -" Dad starts to ask but I interrupt.

"What the hell are you doing here Archie? " I interrupt dad stepping next to him. Archie looks at me confused but turns to my dad.

"Looking for the thugs that trashed my dad's equipment." Archie states. He looks between my dad and I. "We figured it was the Serpents, angry for getting kicked off their land, but now that I know you're a Serpent, I'm thinking this is personal." Archie continues to go off on his little rant. "Going after my dad, his company, that is payback, right? For when he fired you? " Archie asks mad at Dad. I go to say something but dad stops me.

"Man, you've got a bigger imagination than Jughead, and that's saying something."Dad says chuckling. Archie's face looks even more mad.

"This isn't a joke." Archie says to my dad trying to be intimidating. "My dad could lose everything." Archie adds on looking between the two of us.

"My dad wouldn't do that Archie." I say speaking up. "He's a good guy. Just because my father is a serpent doesn't mean anything." I say crossing my arms.

"What are you even doing here?" Archie asks me. I groan and shake my head.

"Archie that's none of your business. You don't just come to the Serpent bar!" I say as we hear a truck pull up. I see Mr.Andrews and I look at my dad confused.

"I called him the second you stepped foot into my bar." Dad says to Archie as Fred get's out of the truck.

"Get in the truck Archie." Mr.Andrews says looking at the three of us. Archie looks at his dad before going to the truck. "Madelynn have you been here all day?" Mr.Andrews asks me.

"Yes; I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Reggie had hit me at school and I just needed to get away." I explain to him. Mr.Andrews nods and Dad looks at me and motions to the truck.

"Go sit with Archie honey; I'll see you soon okay?" Dad says to me. I nod and give him a hug. He hugs me back and kisses my head. Mr.Andrews pats my shoulder as I walk past and get in the truck with Archie.

"What the hell Maddie?" Archie says going straight into blowing up at me. I groan.

"Archie I needed to cool off after this morning; me being here has nothing to do with you or your dad's stupid business." I say. Archie looks at me in shock.

"Are you screwing around with a serpent? How did you even get here?" Archie asks me both questions.

"No Arch; I am not screwing around with anyone. My dad's friend brought me." I explain calmly.

"Let's go; I am getting you back to jughead and he's going to own up to your dad being a serpent."Archie says grabbing my arm gently and pulling me out of the car. I groan.

"Archie stop!" I say as we run to the Pembroke where the baby shower is happening. We walk in and everyone looks at us. Betty gasps when she sees me behind Archie. Jughead looks at me mad. I sigh and go stand next to Betty.

"Archie dragged me here." I explain to Betty. Betty nods and hugs me as Archie confronts Jughead. Archie finishes confronting jug and I try to stop him from leaving. "Archie." I say grabbing his arm. He shakes me off and leaves. Jughead comes over to me.

"Go to the study; we need to talk." Jughead says to me. I nod and go to the study while Jughead talks to Betty. I sit and wait for ten minutes before Jughead comes in. "Are you kidding me Madelynn? Going to the serpent bar; lying about saying where you were going?" Jughead says coming in and starts lecturing.

"I just needed to cool off after this morning." I reply curtly crossing my arms over my chest. Jughead paces back and forth. I sigh. "Jug you can't be mad." I add on.

"I can't be mad?" Jughead asks rhetorically. "I can't be mad that you didn't tell me where you were actually going and that you couldn't listen to a simple direction. I don't want you over on the Southside anymore. Last time you walked there by yourself; you got jumped, almost raped and killed." Jughead lectures. He sighs and fixes his hair in his beanie.

"I'm sorry Jughead. I just went to go see Sweetpea; I was really upset after the whole Reggie thing. " I say admitting I was with Pea.

"I'm glad you weren't alone but you aren't allowed on the Southside for awhile." Jughead instructs.

"But jughead!" I start to protest. Jughead looks at me with a stern glare and cuts me off.

"No. Dad left me in charge of you; you are grounded." Jughead says to me. I nod knowing I won't win this argument. We sit in silence for awhile and then Betty comes in to talk to Jughead.

"Can I go home Jug; back to Fred's?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'll be home in a minute." Juggie says to me. I nod and grab my bag. I bid goodbye to Betty and walk out to the main room.

"I'm sorry for the uproar that Archie and Jug caused Ronnie." I say to Ronnie as I head out.

"It's not your fault; whatever reasoning you had for keeping this secret its fine. I understand." Ronnie says hugging me. I hug her back and then walk back to the Andrews.

I open the door and see Mr.Andrews sitting in the kitchen.I walk into the kitchen and sit across from him.

"Hi Mr.Andrews." I say to him as I sit down. Mr.Andrews looks up at me.

"Hello Madelynn. Look I wanna talk to you about something." Mr Andrews starts to say. I nod at him. "I know you wanted to see your dad but please just tell one of us. We all were so worried about you." He says sternly. I nod and smile at him.He goes and gets a mug out making hot chocolate.

"I will; I'm very sorry. " I say to him. He nods.

"It's okay; what did Jughead say to you? I know how upset he was." Mr.Andrews says handing me a cup of hot chocolate. I sigh and drink a sip.

"He grounded me from going to the Southside. " I say. Mr.Andrews chuckles. I look at him. "What's funny?" I ask him.

"He sounds just like your father. Your father was so protective of everyone around him. He told me to not go to the Southside when we were kids."Archie's dad says smiling. We smile at each other. I do my homework and then I go upstairs after Jughead and Archie talk.

"I'm sorry for dragging you to the baby shower and getting mad at you Mads." Archie says as I walk in. I go over to him and hug him tightly.

"It's okay Archie; you just didn't understand." I say smiling at him. I go to the bathroom and shower. I put on one of Jug's shirts and Archie's sweatpants before coming back into the room. I lay on the bed and close my eyes. Jug tucks me in and kisses my forehead along with Archie.

"night mads." They both say before shutting off the light. I fall asleep to the sound of Jughead typing on his laptop and Archie strumming his guitar.
