Chapter 40

I groan as my alarm blares out Baby I by Ariana Grande. I look around SweetPea's trailer where I stayed the night prior since I know my Dad and Alice Cooper have been having a secret 'romance.' It's been three weeks since Ben Button died and since Ethel had a seizure. I hear the door open up and I see SweetPea come into the room.

"You look like you're thinking hard baby girl," SweetPea says coming to his bed and kissing me on the forehead, nose, and then my lips. 

"Just about this whole mess of Griffins and Gargoyles, it seems odd that after that initial night, we haven't heard anything," I say frustrated.SweetPea sighs, sliding into bed with me, pressing kisses on my bare shoulder. 

"You'll figure it out, I'm sure Betty and Jughead are already starting to work it out," SweetPea says to me. "Did you hear more about the farm from Alice and Polly?" He asks knowing I asked them about it.

"Yeah, they wanted me to go to 'confront' the demons of my past," I say snorting making SweetPea snort aswell. "God, it sounds like a fucking cult," I say making SweetPea nod in agreement. We lay there for a minute, basking in each other's company, before I get out of bed, to get a shower before I have to start the day.

"What's on the agenda for today?" SweetPea asks as I gather my clothes from the floor, putting them in the dirty clothes, not even bothering to put my pajamas back on. 

"Meeting Veronica at Pops before school, along with Betty. I told them you were coming, they said they could use your opinion. We usually meet up once a week for girl-chat." I say giggling at the expression on SweetPea's face.

"Alright, what time are we meeting them, it's already 7." Sweets says making me gasp and run into the bathroom. "I'm assuming 7:30?" He asks from outside the bathroom door.

"Yes babe," I say smiling as I quickly shower. After racing through my shower, I throw on my undergarments before coming out to SweetPea's room in my underclothes going to his dresser to find my clothes. I feel arms wrap around my waist, a hard toned chest against my back, and hot breath against my neck. I feel kisses being placed and I let out a soft sigh. "Sweets, we can't.." I murmur as he continues to attack my neck, we have a prior engagement." I say giggling. He lets out a dramatic sigh, spinning me around and planting a peck on my lips before letting me go.

"Fine, but you owe me." He jokes wagging his finger. I chuckle and pull out a pair of blue skinny jeans, a brown sweater, and a leather jacket (not my serpent one). I grab a pair of socks and get dressed rather quickly, before throwing on my white converses. I put my blonde locks into a ponytail with pieces framing my face. 

"Alright, I'm ready, let's motor," I say smiling at him. He nods and we go outside, climbing onto the bike, wrapping my arms around his waist, backpacks in the compartment. He drives to Pops quickly, North and Southside alike both passing through. We get to Pops and SweetPea parks the bike, helping me off. We go inside and see Veronica and Betty sitting in the booth, breakfast already sitting there for us. "Hello B, V.," I say smiling. SweetPea waves as we sit across from the two of them. 

"Are we late?" SweetPea asks unsure. "We got here as soon as possible." He says apologetically.

"It's fine, we just ate waiting for you, I just got here," Betty says smiling at us. Veronica pulls her paperwork and looks unsure at us. 

"I'm in trouble here guys," Veronica says. "I'm up to my eyebrows in bills, Pop's is hemorrhaging money," Veronica says stressed out making me sigh. I take a look at them with her, noticing the pattern of bills.

"Well, how far along is the speakeasy?" SweetPea asks Veronica who glances at us guilty."Is it close at least?" He asks. Betty, SweetPea, and I look at her confused.

"V, what? What is it?" Betty asks Veronica who takes her glasses off, smoothing out her hair.

"The speakeasy is ready, it has been for a while now." She says making me sigh and reach over, gripping her hand.

"Why haven't you opened it?" Betty exclaims shocked. I share a small look with SweetPea, realizing it's probably about Archie.

"I've been waiting for Archie," Veronica says trailing off, clearing her throat, noticing the sympathetic looks we are giving her."I just...I wanted him o be there, dancing with me on opening night, apart of it all." She says wistfully.

"This is what Archie didn't want," SweetPea says gently. "For you to put your life on hold I know that you miss him Veronica but he will be out soon and he'll be upset if he sees that you let yourself fall into your own prison while he was gone." He says firmly, chastising her gently.

"You need to focus on yourself for a change. As your friend, I'm saying, open the damn speakeasy." Betty says making me chuckle and nod in agreement. We fall into silence after, just eating our breakfast. Betty looks up at me, clearing her throat. "What about the apartments?" Betty asks.

"Should be finished soon," I say with a smile. "Uncle Fred has had... a lot of time on his hands besides visiting Archie, " I say before we lapse into more conversation. Veronica talks to me about showing Kevin and Josie the speakeasy afterschool, she asks me if I'll sing sometimes, but she wants to hire Josie as her official singer.


A couple of days later I find myself at the Serpents Tent City taking photos with Cheryl and Toni. Toni had me posing on my motorcycle while Cheryl was sitting in the recliner chair with Jughead's crown graffiti. 

"You look gorgeous," Toni says snapping pictures. "So Madam President, how are things with the apartments?" She asks while we continue to take pictures.

"Well, things are going good, we'll be finished within the month. Are you guys excited about the speakeasy?" I ask while we switch positions.

"Of course, it's good for date night, have you picked out your outfit?" Cheryl says kissing my cheek for a photo. 

"Out of the millions of dresses you sent?" I ask rhetorically giggling. "Of course I have," I say smiling. We go to take another photo but Toni glances in the opposite direction and we see Veronica coming up.

"Serpettes, Serpent Princess, have you guys seen Jughead?" She asks clutching her bag on her arm. "I have a problem with his name scribbled all over it." She states smiling at me. 

"You mean True Detective?" Cheryl asks making me chuckle and sit on the side with her. "He's busy canoodling Nancy Drew no doubt."  She says. "We still have our princess with us so how can we help?" She asks. Veronica glances at me and I smile at her.

"Penny Peabody paid me a visit," Veronica says making me glare at the ground. The air immediately tenses at the mention of the name.

"That Viper Bitch showed her face on the Northside?" Cheryl says taking her sunglasses off. 

"Followed shortly by Sheriff Minetta." She states making me look at her in realization and she nods. "My fathers clearly puppeteering them and I want to call them off, but I need leverage against him." She says making us three Serpent Girls smirk and look at each other.

"Blackmail material you mean," Toni says putting an arm on Cheryl's shoulder.

"Antoinette Topaz you are speaking her language," I say chuckling making everyone giggle.

"I know Jughead's been keeping tabs on the Southside," Veronica adds. 

"He has, for instance, we know that the Ghoulies have set up shop in the basement of the white wyrm, which your father owns," Toni says making me smirk and pipe up.

"SweetPea and Fangs think it's been turned into a Jingle Jangle lab," I say deviously. "Lucky for you Toni used to bartend there and I know all the ins and outs from sneaking away from my father piss drunk," I say giggling. 

"Alright, so how do we get in?" Veronica asks making Toni and I smirk at each other. 


"This is not the idea I had, SweetPea is going to kill me," I whisper to Cheryl as we wait for the Ghoulies to leave the basement. Toni smirks from where she's standing across from us with Veronica. We snuck into the old Whyte Wyrm and are hiding out, waiting to get evidence. Toni snaps a picture of them in their hazmat suits.

"Okay, we move quickly and quietly." She whispers as the Ghoulie's leave. We sneak into the Jingle Jangle lab quickly and I gasp at what they turned our bar into. Toni starts taking a whole bunch of pictures.

"Looks like Sweets and Fangs were right," I whisper to Veronica who nods. "Does anyone else feel like James Bond or Charlie's Angels?" I ask going to keep a lookout for everyone.

"Yeah looks like the Jingle Jangle business is booming," Toni whispers before taking more pictures.

"This should be plenty of admissible evidence for blackmail, Veronica," Cheryl says sternly. We finish up taking photos and hike our asses out of there, avoiding getting caught. We sneak back to the southside hangout and we see SweetPea and Fangs sitting in the chair.  Veronica bids us goodbye, heading to go back to her father.

"Well well well, what have you ladies been up to?" Fangs ask smirking. We avoid looking him in the eyes and SweetPea looks at our black outfits and Toni's camera. 

"Who'd you three spy on?" SweetPea asks. We avoid eye contact. "Were you guys in any danger?" SweetPea asks after we don't answer the first question. 

"Not really, no one saw us and we got in and out of the Wyrm rather quickly," Cheryl says not realizing she gave a location but then as she notices SweetPea's face. "It wasn't dangerous at all." She adds on. SweetPea looks at me.

"Babe, isn't it time for us to go home?" SweetPea asks. I nod uncertainly and glance at my friends. 

"I'll see you guys at Veronica's tomorrow," I say smiling before taking SweetPea's hand. We walk to his trailer and he opens the door, pulling me inside. He looks at me, not completely mad, just more annoyed. "What's wrong babe?" I ask. 

"You could've gotten hurt if the Ghoulies had seen you." He says annoyed. "They hurt you really bad last time, you could've died." He says staring me in the eyes, backing me up against the wall. "Was it worth it?" He asks. I let out an inaudible nod. He presses his body against mine and kisses me on the forehead.

"Babe, we needed that information about Hiram so the speakeasy is protected when the serpents are working there," I state. I feel the press of his body against mine, holding back a moan from how good it feels. "The information will also help me solve what I told you about, and help us bring Hiram down, once and for all," I say smoothly. 

"Well next time you should tell me first, so Fangs and I can be waiting outside, just in case." He says sternly before trailing kisses down my neck. I nod and tilt my head to the side, allowing more access. "Or I'll be forced to take drastic measures."He says smirking, lifting one of my legs against his, running his hand up and down my thighs. 

"Yes sir." I breathe out smirking. He chuckles and lifts me, carrying me to his bedroom, throwing me on the bed.


"Are you ready babe?" I ask SweetPea while looking over my appearance in the mirror. I feel arms wrap around me and I see him in my reflection.

"Yes beautiful, you look good," He says pressing a kiss to my cheek. I smile and turn around, pecking his lips. "Cheryl and Toni are out front." He says, handing me my bag. I smile, letting him lead me outside closing up his trailer. We see Cheryl and Toni sitting in the car talking. SweetPea opens the door for me and helps me into the backseat.

"Good evening beautiful ladies," I say scooting over for SweetPea to get in. He kisses me on the cheek, sitting next to me. Cheryl looks at us approvingly.

"You two look great, those colors look great on both of you."Cheryl compliments, putting the car in drive. We thank her and talk quietly as we drive to Pops. Cheryl parks and the Valet comes over, opening the doors for both Cheryl and Toni. SweetPea opens the door for me. SweetPea holds my arm in his, leading us behind Cheryl and Toni.We get inside and we see Reggie allowing people in, walking over to us.

"Wow!" Reggie says to us smiling. "Welcome Ladies, gentleman." He says smirking at us. "Right this way." He says leading us to the entrance for La Bon Nuiet. SweetPea guides me through, allowing us to stay at a close pace to the others while he kisses my temple.  We walk into La Bon Nuiete and I smile at how amazing it looks.

"Hello Ladies, SweetPea," Kevin says coming up to us. We all say Hi and he walks past, going to talk to others.  Veronica comes over to us looking stunning in a purple dress.

"How are you guys doing tonight?" Veronica asks smiling at us. Cheryl takes out her phone and takes a picture of Veronica, who posses. "You guys look gorgeous." She says to us three ladies and then she glances at SweetPea. "You look dapper." She adds smiling.

"Doing good," SweetPea says. "Thank you, Veronica, the place looks great," SweetPea says giving her a hug. 

"Vee, your Bar is amazing," Toni says to Veronica who smiles and thanks to her.

"Finally a Lodge does something good for this town," Cheryl comments making me giggle and nod in agreement. 

"Well I couldn't have done it without my favorite power couple, and of course my best friend in the entire world," Veronica says looking at the three of us. "Madelynn, thank you so much for getting us a good deal and getting the serpents, this speakeasy is both of ours, and I was wondering if I could put you down as co-owner?" She asks me. I nod, giving her a huge smile.

"Veronica, of course, it makes sense, we got Pops together, and I'm not going to own the apartments anyway," I say revealing my new plan which makes everyone look at me shocked.

"What do you mean?" Toni asks confused.

"Technically Uncle Fred owns them, I wanted him to have another business and he agreed, he and Dad are in charge, I just donated some money and came up with plans," I say smiling. 

"You were a smokescreen so that it could get approved?" Veronica asks with a smirk. I nod and she giggles. "That was devious, I love it." She says making me chuckle. Cheryl and Toni leave us to mingle followed by Veronica. 

"Your brother is here," SweetPea whispers in my ear. I nod and wait for them to come down the stairs before waving them over to the table that Veronica set up for us.  "Hey Jug, Betty," SweetPea says shaking Jug's hand and hugging Betty gently.

"You two look good," Betty says hugging me after hugging SweetPea. Jughead hugs me after, pressing a kiss on my forehead. "That dress hugs you perfectly, SweetPea is going to be keeping eyes off of you." Betty jokes making me laugh.

"Tell me about it," SweetPea says laughing. "You look great Betty, " He compliments. 

"Couldn't you wear something longer?" Jughead jokes. "Older Brother watching," he says making me laugh. I giggle. 

"Shush Jughead," I say, slapping his arm lightly. Jughead and Betty catch us up on what they found out. "That's interesting Jug, I also have some stuff to tell you tonight, this isn't the right setting," I say lowly. He nods and we talk about other things such as me being a partial owner of the speakeasy, and how I'm going to visit Archie soon. I notice that Hiram Lodge is here and I nudge SweetPea and he whispers that the serpents are going to watch him. 

We all clap as Kevin makes his way to the stage, SweetPea and I moving to stand with Veronica and Reggie. "Ladies and Gentlemen," Kevin says getting the crowd's attention. "On behalf of Veronica Lodge and Madelynn Jones, I thank you one and all for coming to the opening of La Bonne Nuit." He says waiting for the applause before continuing "Now please welcome to the stage the one and only, Josephine McCoy." He says introducing Josie.  Josie starts singing her version of Anything Goes from the musical by the same title and we dance to the music, letting the night swing by.


I shut the door to the trailer after SweetPea, Cheryl and Toni dropped me off. I see Jughead and Betty looking around the trailer and I grow suspicious. I clear my throat leaning against the wall to the kitchen making Jughead and Betty jump.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask. Jughead goes to answer but gets interrupted by the door being slammed open. I jump and see Alice and Dad, the latter holding a book of some sort. "What's that?"I ask but get ignored as Dad glares at Jughead.

"Where did you get the book?" Dad asks Jughead. "Who gave it to you?" He asks making me look at Betty confused who mouths G&G making me nod my head. 

"Something.." Jug starts to say but is cut off by Betty.

"Jug, do not say anything," Betty says sternly. "Not until they tell us what they know about the game." Betty finishes making me look up shocked.

"Your looking through my stuff now really?" Jughead asks disbelieving me. "What's next going through Mads.." he mumbles making me stifle a giggle.

"You don't get it." Dad says with a crazed look in his eye. "This game is.." He trails off looking defeated."Pure Evil." He finishes. "No one ever gonna play it again." He says before walking out of the trailer with Betty and Jughead calling after him. I walk out to the porch of the trailer watching them argue. Betty, Jughead and Dad argue before Alice steps in, making Dad drop the manual to G&G in the fire.  Jughead and Betty leave after that, leaving me to deal with my dad by myself.

"Did you have anything to do with this?" Alice asks quietly after she and Dad had come back inside.

"No Ma'am, I only went to visit Ben in the hospital, I just.. I had a theory that Jughead shot down, haven't given it a thought since." I answer honestly after the stare down my Dad and I had.

"Good, if you touch that game I will send you to your mother, the game is horrible, it messes with you." Dad states. It's quiet for a moment before he looks at me again. "What was your theory?" He asks.

"Well.." I say trailing off. "I was thinking that Hiram Lodge had something to do with it, he had a secret meeting in Cheryl's garage right before Archie was arrested, then as soon as Archie's gone, this game starts? It seemed too coincidental to me," I say quietly.

"I get that, if it was more than a game it would make sense," Dad says. "Just avoid this okay? Promise me." Dad says.

"I promise Dad," I say smiling at him. I get up and hug him tightly, then he presses a kiss on my head, ruffling my hair.

"Get some sleep kiddo," He says. I nod and bid goodnight to both of them before going into my room, texting SweetPea and settling in for the night.
