Chapter 41

A/N: (Skipping episode 4 because it's just Alice explaining the 'Midnight Club' and I was trying to find ways to put Madelynn in, and at first, I was gonna have her listening to Alice's explanation but it just didn't seem like a good idea. So if you need an explanation of the Midnight Club, the episodes are all on Netflix. This chapter is the episode right after, season 3 episode 5! Enjoy!!)


"So basically what you are saying is that all of our parents played G&G in school. They formed a group and played around the school, got mysterious invitation's to a party where one of them murdered their principal accidentally instead of murdering a classmate." I say to Betty while sitting down on the window seat of her bedroom. She had called me over as soon as she had visited Jughead and told him what she found out.

"Yeah, it's crazy Mads, and now Jughead's playing the game," Betty says making me look up shocked. 

"Wait what?!" I ask completely caught off guard. "He's playing the game, it's dangerous," I say looking over at him. "How do we stop him from playing?" I ask her concerned, taking out my phone to write some notes down about what Betty told me.

"I tried everything I could think of Mads, he's got Fangs, Toni, Cheryl, and SweetPea playing too." She informs me making my blood boil.

"He has my boyfriend and best friends playing that devil spawn game? " I ask feeling myself seeth with anger. I remember something that made me completely stop in my tracks. "Wait Betty you said that one of our parents killed their principal, who were all of the parents?" I ask writing down notes. She tells me all of the parents' names, Penelope Blossom, Sierra McCoy, Tom Keller, Hiram Lodge, Hermione Gomez, Alice Smith, Marty Mantle, Daryl Doiley, Fred Andrews, and my own Father. "So which one of them is a murderer Betty?" I ask her after writing all of their names down. 

"I don't know, normally I investigate with Jughead but he's not listening to me, he's convinced that the game is the big mystery but I think the game is part of the whole mystery." Betty says making me nod in agreement.

"Betty, Jughead has a point the coincidences are something we need to keep track of but we can leave Jughead to try to figure it out while he plays the game," I say making her look at me slightly confused. "I'll help you investigate, I can use some of my pull as Student Council President," I say smiling. "First we should meet with the kids of the Midnight Club, see if their parents will confess," I smirk as Betty and I start forming a plan.


I walk down to the Blue and Gold to meet with Kevin, Josie, and Reggie. I walk inside and see Betty sitting around with them. They all turn and look at me. I smile at them, setting my bag down and going to sit by Betty.

"Thank you guys for coming, we have to talk to you about something," I say softly making them all look at me confused. "I ask that you hear Betty and I out, keep an open mind, and save your questions till the end please," I say with a small smile.  Betty starts explaining everything she told me to Reggie, Kevin and Josie. I can see the looks of disbelief on Josie and Reggie's faces where Kevin looks to be believing me. Betty finishes and I look at the three of them. "Any Questions?" I ask with a small smile.

"Wait so you're telling me that my mom was a rule-breaking anti-apartheid activist in high school?" Josie asks crossing her arms looking at us as if we've finally broken.

"And that she and my dad were together back then?" Kevin asks. Betty and I give twin nods.

"I don't buy it." Reggie cuts it making me roll my eyes. "There's no way my old man hung out and did like cosplay with a group of lame-ass nerds," Reggie says making me snort. Kevin and Josie look at him offended and I glance at Betty.

"Okay, it's true Reggie," Betty says and goes to say something else but is cut off by Josie.

"And you want us to find out what exactly?"Josie asks us. Betty wrings her hands out nervously. 

"Our suspicion is that whoever was running the game back then is running it now." I cut in with a frown on my face.

"Which is why we need to stop them before it gets any worse.." Betty says ominously to us.

"Wait what are you trying to say?" Kevin asks confused.

"That one of our parents might be responsible for what happened to Dilton and Ben?" Josie asks in disbelief making me nod and play with my ring. 

"Maybe," I say softly. "And that's why you can't tell them that you know about their Midnight club, okay?" I say with a panicked tone. "You have to be careful and subtle when you ask them what they know," I instruct firmly. The three of them look at each other for a minute before nodding. 

"Okay we'll ask but if they don't tell us anything then that's it okay?" Josie says speaking for the three of them.

"Totally," I say with a small smile. "If we had another way  I would totally go that route, but our options are very limited right now," I say. We give them a couple of more insights before they leave to go to class.

"That went well," Betty says to me once we are alone. 

"It did but somehow I feel like the answer is right in front of us and we just haven't found it yet. " I say suspiciously. Betty nods in agreement, and we dive into searching the internet.


After school, after Rivervixens practice, a student council meeting and working a shift at Pops,. I make my way home and I walk in the house, to see Jughead sitting at the table writing on his typewriter. He looks up and nods at me before going back to his work, a g&g book next to him. I scoff and roll my eyes, putting my bag into my room and checking over the board that I made before sending Betty a picture of it.I walk back out and join my brother at the table with my calculus homework. 

"How was school?" Jughead asks me without looking up from his work.

"Fine, I had a student council meeting and Rivervixen practice," I say writing out my equations. "The student council got approval for an lgbtq+ club along with a new photography club that isn't attached to the av club."I say to my brother who nods. 

"Did you talk to Betty today?" Jughead asks after a moment of silence, giving me a glance. I nod as I concentrate on my homework.

"Yeah we're working together on a side project as well as articles for the paper, we also started putting together our portfolios for college ahead of the curve," I say with a small smile. He nods and we go back to our work. A couple of minutes later our door is slammed open by Toni and Cheryl.

"Jones we have a problem," Toni says coming in with Cheryl. She leans against the chair and I see Cheryl with an arrow in her hand I let out a groan.

"Your boys went off the deep end and went into the arsenal." Cheryl states holding up said arrow. I look at Jughead completely confused on why someone would do that and then I make the connection that it has to do with that stupid Griffins and Gargoyles. Jughead slams his fist and stands up looking at the two girls. He grabs his serpent jacket and throws me mine with a frown. I quickly slip it on and walk outside with the other three. I see Sweetpea and Fangs doing some roughhousing. They stop when they see Jughead, Toni, Cheryl, and I.

"What's going on here fellas?" Jughead asks before turning to Cheryl and Toni. I stare at my boyfriend for a moment, this being the first time I've seen him since he started playing G&G with Jughead.

"Toni and I were in her tent having a rendezvous.." Cheryl starts but Toni who looks pissed off, cuts her off and grabs the arrow. 

"When this arrow shot right through it, three feet to the left and I'd be missing an eye right now." She spits out annoyed making me gasp from the information given.

"Yeah well." Fangs say not looking sorry at all. "We were practicing our aim for the next quest." He says making me roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"We wanna go off-board, take G&G to the real world," SweetPea says making me scoff under my breath at how stupid my boyfriend is acting.

"We heard other groups are doing it." Fangs adds in making me laugh.

"So if other groups were killing their friends over the game would you?" I ask rhetorically making Jughead give me a glance and clear his throat.

"Tough," Jughead says fixing his sleeves. "I'm the Game Master so I decide when we go off-board." He finishes making SweetPea look at him with an angry expression.

"You're Serpent King, Jones, isn't that enough?" SweetPea says. "We're your foot shoulders in life and we have to be in the game? Down in the mud, taking all the risks?" He asks with pent-up anger making me let out a small laugh at how ridiculous he sounds. Jughead ignores it and instead starts walking near the big tree where Cheryl's target practice is set up. 

"SweetPea we are not starting this again," Jughead says before looking at Cheryl. "Cheryl notch an arrow," he instructs sternly. I look at Toni who is just as confused and uncomfortable as I am.

"Jones wait what are you doing?" Toni asks. Jughead leans on the tree and puts a soda can on his head making me gulp nervously. 

"Go ahead, Fire." Jughead says to Cheryl who stands there confused. I glance at Toni and then at the two other boys.

"He's not serious is he?" Fangs whispers making me look at Jughead scared.

"Fire Deadeye!" Jughead says in a raised voice. Making Cheryl raise her arms and fire her bow. It goes straight through the soda can. Jughead pulls it out of the tree and hands the bow to Cheryl while throwing the can at SweetPea.

"SweetPea if you have something to prove, stand against the tree," Jughead says with a glare.

"You're crazy," SweetPea says in disbelief making me laugh out loud. He glances at me but my glare keeps him from saying anything.

"No, I'm Game Master, which means it's my game and my rules," Jughead says pointing at his chest.  "You guys wanna go on a quest? Wanna prove your badasses. You guys will get a chance when I say so. Don't defy me again." Jughead says before walking back to the trailer. everyone glances at me with a worried look, seeing the 

"How about instead of focusing on a fake fantasy game you focus on real life, including your girlfriend," I say rolling my eyes at him. 

"What do you mean?" SweetPea asks.

"Well how about the fact since you've started this goddamn game, I haven't seen you besides school and even then you are off playing with Jughead," I state crossing my arms over my chest. "Don't you see how sick and twisted this game is?" I ask rhetorically looking at all of them.  No one says anything making me roll my eyes, and storm back into my house.


A couple of days later after school, I head to the school after hours to meet with Kevin, Reggie, Josie, and Betty. They had all used the weekend to talk with their parents. I walk into the room and notice I'm the first one there so I make a pot of hot chocolate for all of my friends using the mini setup that Betty and I keep in the room during our late-night writing sessions. I set the pot down and retrieve four cups from the cabinet as the door opens. I see Betty, Reggie, Josie, and Kevin walk in.

"Hey guys, hot chocolate while we talk?" I ask. They all nod gratefully and I pour the cups, handing them out. I hand out all the cup sand give "Alright so what did you guys find out, Kevin, Josie?" I ask. They start explaining that they found out nothing which makes Betty practically explode. 

"So they said nothing? " Betty asks resigned. "Admitted nothing?" Betty asks annoyed. Josie sighs and seats herself against a small table whereas Reggie takes a seat in a desk chair and Kevin staring straight at us, arms crossed. 

"All they did was lie and act like they knew nothing about G&G." Kevin admits with a scorned look. 

"Bury the lead Kevin," Josie says putting her head in her hands. "They also announced they're getting married." She says with a disgusted look on her face. 

"Oh seriously?" I ask confused.

"As what a smokescreen?" Betty adds in giving me a meaningful look.

"I have no clue," Josie mumbles from her place, face buried in her own hands. Reggie snorts and looks at us.

"You think that was a crazy reaction?" Reggie asks with a chuckle. He takes his sunglasses off revealing a black eye. "This is what I got when I asked my dad about that stupid game." He says with an annoyed look. We all let out simultaneous sighs, "Why are our parents being so cagey about something that happened 25 years ago? " Reggie asks Betty and I. "What aren't you telling us?" He asks us and we both look at each other before staring down at the ground. I go to speak but nothing comes out as I'm interrupted by a frantic Veronica.

"Guys whatever this is, has to wait," Veronica says clutching her bag to her as if it's going to leave her side. She looks shaken up, out of breath and ready to vomit. 

"What's wrong Vee?" Betty asks reaching out to comfort her. 

"I saw Archie." She says making me gasp. "He's caught up in some diabolical teen fight club, and I need to break him out before he dies or kills someone." She says on the verge of being hysterical. "And you all have to help me. " She says, setting a plan in motion.


We meet in La Bon Niuet after Veronica dropped the bomb on us, ready to help out our brother, friend, and boyfriend. Veronica gets us all drinks and we sit at a table with a map out, to mark down our route. Veronica and Betty mark out where things are while we start forming a plan. 

"Thank you all for coming." She says. I squeeze her hand to show my support and she gives me a thankful glance. "As you all know, Archie is stuck behind bars," Veronica says with a sullen tone. "His life is in danger." She says with a frown. "Before we get started, I want to acknowledge that yes, we are flying by the seat of our pants here but as much as possible we must follow the plan." She says sternly leaving no room for argument.

"The slightest deviation." I state quietly gaining everyone's eyes on me. "And Archie could wind up dead," I say with a small frown. With that statement, we dive through the plan, from Josie, Kevin, and Reggie making soda can fizz bombs to where Betty and I will be positioned. We talk about putting extra precautions in place so that our plan is ironclad, we then leave la bon nuiet, focusing our plans for tomorrow. I don't get much sleep that night, instead I stay up and add the connections to my murder board that I didn't see before.


I meet up with Betty outside the run down, Seaside recreation center. She smirks at me as I come off of my bike, Serpent Jacket tightly on, and my brass knuckles on my hand, and my pocket knife in my pocket with another in my bra. 

"Morning Bets," I say walking quietly over to her, avoiding suspicion. "It's a lovely day to conquer great evil is it not?" I ask in a low tone making her chuckle.

"Of course it is, you remember the plan?" She asks. I give her a small nod. We watch Veronica and Reggie get into the fight club after having a little bit of difficulty with the bouncer. We sit on the sidelines observing as the plan goes off without a hitch, Kevin gets in easily as well. Once everyone is inside, Betty and I start with our part of the plan. Betty goes to Warden Norton's car and pulls out the belt while I crawl underneath and slash his front tire, crawling underneath the car to avoid cameras. I crawl back out and Betty and I run back to our bikes, to complete stage two. 

Betty and I go to meet Kevin in the woods, driving our motorcycles quickly to the grate where the tunnel leads. We see Kevin who jumps up happy to see us, although he looks shaken up. 

"Kevin!" We say at the same time with relief. 

"There's a lock we didn't know about." He says making me smirk at Betty, pulling out my bag of goodies. I walk over to the grate and start to inspect it while Betty stands on guard. "but look Joaquin was just here." He says making me gasp and look up at him. "and I have to go after him." he says making Betty and I look at him with disbelief. 

"We've got this." Betty says. "but you can't go after Joaquin what about Archie?" Betty asks the question that I was about to. 

"I'll be back, I promise," Kevin says before sprinting away after Joaquin. I sigh and start to pick the lock while Betty stands on guard. As we're picking the lock a bloody and gross hand touches the grate, it's Archie. I let out a sobbed gasp and start picking faster.

"Archie," Betty says coming over to help me. We get the lock picked and we throw open the grate and help Archie out. Archie's panting and bloody, bruised.

"Betty, Maddie," he says gasping as he lays out in the grass. "What took you so long?"He asks with a small smile.

"We could ask you the same thing brother," I say with a tear streaming down my face. 

"Are these clothes for me?" Archie asks gripping the serpent jacket and pants that we had grabbed for him. I notice a spot of blood and gasp going to take a closer look.

"Oh my god Archie, your bleeding," I say with a frown. "Here put pressure on it." I say placing a spare cloth from my jacket on it, pressing down gently but firmly. Kevin comes back and we put her and Kevin on one bike as a distraction whereas I take Archie on my bike, driving him to the bunker. Veronica, Reggie, and Josie meet up with me and help me get Archie into the bunker. Archie falls face-first into the bunker and I go down the ladder after him, and see my brother and the teen serpents. "Jughead help us," I say quickly. Jughead snaps out of his thoughts and grabs Archie into a hug before he and the others help him up and onto the bed. Toni and I start cleaning him and healing his wounds while Cheryl gets the others. 

"There you are all patched up," Toni says with a small smile. "Do not make any sudden movements," Toni says placing the bandage tightly on his stab wound from Joaquin. 

"I won't, thanks Toni," Archie says in a hoarse voice. Everyone stands around, looking at each other. Veronica steps towards Archie and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Who did that to you, Archie?" Veronica asks. Archie tells them what he told me, how it was Joaquin and that he thinks Warden Norton made him do it. Kevin has a look of disbelief on his face whereas the serpents have murderous looks because Archie is one of us, so Joaquin broke the serpent code.

"Guys where the hell am I?" Archie asks making me giggle. Jughead smiles slightly and looks at Archie.

"You're in Dilton Doiley's bunker." Jughead answers. 

"The only people who know it exists are in this room," I state strongly making everyone look at me. "Right now it's the safest place in Riverdale for you, I promise," I say folding my arms and leaning against Kevin for support.

"Dilton Doiley has a bunker?" He asks making everyone chuckle. He then notices me looking slightly exhausted "Why does Maddie look so exhausted?" he asks making everyone look over at me, concerned looks on their faces. I chuckle and smile.

"We'll catch you up to speed later, after you've had some rest." I state making Veronica nod in agreement.Veronica finds a branding on his hip, Archie tells us its from Warden Norton, that he did it while he was tied down to a bed. Everyone looks uneasy and those in relationships seek each other for comfort except SweetPea and I. SweetPea and Fangs were fluffing a pillow where I was in Kevins arms. 

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Veronica asks making everyone form a small circle so we can hear her."Since my father saw me, I need to go home and do damage control." She says making me sigh."Someone needs to stay with Archie at all times," She says worriedly.

"I'll take the first-" I start to say but Betty cuts me off with a stern look and starts talking.

"No Madelynn, you have been running around nonstop for the past week. Between the Midnight club, student council meetings, river vixen practices, and working doubles at Pops, you've slept maybe 12 hours this week and I know you didn't sleep last night."Betty butts in making everyone look at me concerned. Betty then looks at Veronica. "Don't worry V, Jughead and I will take the first shift." She says in a no-argument tone making me huff. 

"Now equally important, everyone in this room is part of a pact," Veronica says with a steel undertone to her voice. "From this moment on, no one knows where the bunker is. No one was involved with the breakout and no one is aware of Archie's location." She states sternly. "To the grave." She finishes making everyone look around and nod. Everyone starts to clear out and I see SweetPea trying to catch my attention but I ignore it and go home to sleep.
