Chapter 33

I wake up to Jughead shaking me awake, from another nightmare. The same one I've been having since Midge died. I shove myself into Jughead's arms and he comforts me.

"I know you barley slept but it's Midge's funeral and Cheryl dropped by with what you are supposed to wear. Get out of bed boo." He says gently. I nod and get up with the help of Jughead. He kisses my head. "After you get dressed, Dad and I will have breakfast ready." He says to me with a gentle smile. I nod and he leaves the room. I look at the outfit that Cheryl left and I put it on feeling upset. I pull up my socks and put my sneakers on, then I put my cape over my black RiverVixen outfit. I sigh and put on makeup, putting on a dark lip. I leave my hair down, wavy with the hood up on my cape. I walk out to the main room and see my dad sitting there. I sit down across from him and Jughead puts food infront of me. I eat quickly then, the three of us head to Midge's ceremony at the graveyard. I see Cheryl and bid goodbye to my family, meeting up with her.

"Hi, Cheryl." I say sadly pulling her into a hug. She hugs me tightly and Toni comes over to join us. I pull away from Cheryl and Toni pulls me into a hug.

"I just can't believe she's gone Madelynn, thank god the Black Hood didn't take you too," Cheryl says with tears streaming down her face. I hug her tightly, tears streaming down my face. We hear Mrs.Klump finishing her speech and the three of us go to join the rest of the RiverVixens. I walk over and join Cheryl in the front so we can sing the song we dedicated to her.

"When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark."  I sing with tears streaming down my face. Cheryl holds my hand while I sing and I look over at Midge's casket.

"At the end of the storm, there's a golden sky, and the sweet silver song of a lark." Cheryl sings squeezing my hand as we look out at everyone who came to support Midge.

"Walk on through the wind. walk on through the rain." I continue staring at my dad and brother.

"Though your dreams be tossed and blown."Cheryl sings on then we both look at each other and the rest of the Vixens who will be joining us to sing the end of the song.

"Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone". All the RiverVixens harmonize as Cheryl and I take the lead singing. "You'll never walk alone." Cheryl and I finish. I start crying when we finish and Cheryl takes my hand before taking a sharp breath.

"I also feel it is my duty to say that Like the Furies of Ancient Greece, who ceaselessly pursue blood atonement when a crime's been committed," Cheryl says with a stone-cold glare. "The Vixens and I vow that we will not rest until those responsible for the murder of our sister Is rightly punished," Cheryl says glaring at Sheriff Keller making me sigh. The ceremony finishes and I put a rose on Midge's grace and I walk over to Moose. He gives me a sad smile and I pull him into a tight hug. He cries on my shoulder and i keep hugging him till he pulls away with tears running down his cheeks.

"Sorry Mads I just-" He says, but I cut him off before he can finish.

"Moose, don't apologize. You are grieving it's okay." I say giving him a hug. "I am so sorry Moose,"  I say crying. He sighs and pulls me into a hug. I give him a hug back and then I hear my dad calling. "If you need anything, Moose, text me okay?" I ask him. He nods and I leave him be, going over to my dad and Jug.

"Hey kiddo," Dad says kissing my head. "Jug said you guys are meeting up with Archie, Jug and Betty so I'm gonna leave you with your brother okay?" He says gently. I nod sadly and He kisses my head, whispering something in Jughead's ear before leaving. Jughead looks at me with a small smile and gives me his hand.I take it and sigh as we walk over to the rest of the group. Betty and Veronica give me hugs and we head over to Pops in Betty's car. We get there and go to our usual booth, I sit near the window next to Jughead and Betty sits on the end of us. Everyone orders food and Jug looks over at me.

"Mads, do you want anything?" He asks gently making everyone look at me. I shake my head and he sighs softly. "Mads, how about a strawberry milkshake, you don't have to eat anything but at least get a drink okay?" He asks. I nod shyly and he orders me one. Veronica reaches across the table and squeezes my hand. "I have a theory." Jughead says looking at all of us. "it's a copycat killer." Jug adds making me sigh. I zone out trying to block out any BlackHood talk. My milkshake is placed in front of me and I just stare at it. 

"What if Mr.Svenson wasn't the Black Hood?" I blurt out quietly making them stop talking and stare at me."I know we were there when he died, I remember pointing a gun at him but the BlackHood that I saw hit me, had different colored eyes and was slightly taller than Svenson." I say making Archie nod in agreement. Jug gives me a look and I can tell he was thinking it to. 

"He cut off his own finger and sent it to me," Betty says to me. I sigh.

"Maybe the real Black Hood cut it off because he was working with Svenson," Archie says defending what I'm saying. I give him a small smile.

"And Svenson would've let himself be mutilated?"Veronica asks looking at Archie and I like we're crazy.

 "Look, all I'm trying to say, is the real Black Hood could still be alive," I say defending myself quietly sipping on my milkshake.

"I looked into the Black Hood's eyes, they weren't Mr.Svenson's eyes," Archie adds. "Besides Madelynn saw someone with green eyes same as me when I saw who shot my dad," Archie adds. 

"Betty, how do we know that Chic had nothing to do with Midge? This is the same guy that killed someone in your kitchen using a lamp." Jughead says to betty who looks annoyed.

"Yeah, well, Chic did that for a reason.To protect my mom.He didn't even know Midge, what motive would he have to kill her? " Betty defends. I nod in agreement.

"Yeah he didn't even talk to Midge backstage, he spent it trying to get in my pants," I grumble making Jughead look at me sharply. "Can we stop talking about the black hood and talk about the fact that I should be dead right now?" I say upset making everyone look at me. Archie and Veronica stare at me shocked. 

"Madelynn Liberty Jones, you stop that right now," Archie says sternly making everyone look at him. "You are so lucky to be alive. If you hadn't tried to stop him, we wouldn't even have confirmation that the BlackHood was the one who killed Midge." Archie says taking my hands.

"Archie I begged him to not kill me and told him to run," I say crying. Jug puts his arm around me, pulling me close to him. "If I hadn't begged him to leave, he would've been caught," I say. "I could've helped Midge's murderer be put behind bars," I say sobbing.

"At what cost Mads? Your life. I'm glad you told him to run, I'm glad you aren't dead." Veronica says. Everyone else agrees and I sigh.

"I shouldn't be here. I was the one who was supposed to be on stage for that scene. It should've been me! Kevin wanted me in that scene but I gave it to Midge." I say crying. Jughead pulls me onto his lap and rocks me back and forth, Betty grabs napkins for me. 

"Stop Mads, I'm gonna call SweetPea, I'll be right back," Jughead says. He places me on the seat and gets up, then Archie pulls me over to him like how Jughead had me. 

"Shhh little bear, I've got you," Archie whispers in my ear. "Don't be guilty. I was guilty when this happened to my dad, don't it's not your fault." He whispers quietly. Archie kisses my forehead and Jughead comes back in. 

"SweetPea said he'll be here in 15 and dad said you aren't going to school for the next couple days just so you can take a break. He also called mom who didn't answer, but what else is new?" Jug says making me giggle at the end. I sit on Archie's lap as he continues to comfort me and then I hear Pops door jingle and SweetPea and Fangs come in.I get off Archie's lap and run over to Pea. He wraps me in a tight hug and I wrap my legs around his waist and he tightly hugs me. He puts me down and goes over to Jug.

"Thank you for calling me Jughead," SweetPea says to Jug. They do some bro-hug along with him and Archie. "Hi Veronica, Betty," SweetPea says. They exchange hi's then Pea looks at me. "Alright baby, let's get you home for some rest." He says gently. I nod and give my brother a tight hug.

"I love you bubba," I whisper quietly. He kisses my head and hugs me tight. I hug Betty and Ronnie, then Archie. "Bye Big Bear," I say whispering. Archie kisses my forehead and then I go over to Pea. Jug and Fangs talk quietly then Fangs, Pea and I leave Pops. We walk outside to Fangs' car and I get in the backseat with SweetPea.  We drive to Pea's trailer and Fangs drops us off, saying he'll be back later. Pea and I go inside and Pea shuts his trailer door.

"Baby, Jughead told me what you said." SweetPea starts off sternly. I look at him upset. He picks me up and carries me to his bedroom, sitting me on the bed. He sits across from me on the bed giving me a look. "I know you are upset but babe this isn't your fault, stop blaming yourself." He says gently. He kisses me gently and I kiss back, crying. He sighs and pulls me into a hug. I hug him tightly and he lifts me onto his lap, I wrap my legs around him, crying on the crook of his neck. 

"I love you, SweetPea, so much,"I say crying into his neck. He rubs my back gently and kisses my shoulder. He holds me for a couple of minutes and then I pull away. 

"I love you Madelynn." He says kissing me gently. I kiss back and he puts his hands on my hips. I look in his face and bite my lip, as I stare in his eyes. He looks at me and puts his thumb on my lip. "Stop biting your lip." He whispers in a stern tone as he looks in my eyes.

"S-sorry Pea," I say making him chuckle. He kisses my lip and I release my lip from my teeth. I kiss him again and we kiss for a couple of minutes before I pull away. "Can we cuddle and watch movies, all I want to do is relax. I've been so stressed lately and I'm tired."I say tiredly. Pea nods and fires up his laptop. Fangs comes in about twenty minutes later and the three of us watch movies for a while and then my dad calls me.

(Dad: D, Madelynn: M.)

D: Hi honey. Where are you Mads? Jughead said you left Pops with SweetPea and Fangs.

M: Hi Dad, I'm at Pea's trailer, he just wanted to calm me down after I broke down at Pops, I'm sorry if I worried you. 

D: No honey, don't apologize. I just picked Jug up from Betty's, I'll stop by and pick you up okay? I have some stuff to tell both of you, and I have to call your mother and JellyBean. 

M: Okay dad, I love you.

D: I love you too. I'll be there in 10.

M: Okay bye dad.

I hang up the phone and Pea looks at me. "My dad will be here in ten, he has news for Jug and I. I'm a little scared to hear it though. He sounded a little, upset." I say sadly. PEa nods and we cuddle for a couple, talking with Fangs before my dad texts me and says that he's here. Pea walks me to my father's truck and I get in next to Jug who has blood on him. "Bye Pea," I say kissing him quickly. He kisses back and says goodbye to us before heading inside. Dad drives us back to our trailer and we go inside. 

"So Dad what do you need to tell me?" I ask as Jug and Him sit with me in the liviing room. Jug and Dad look at each other.

"You know how I went to Riverdale High in High School?" Dad asks. I nod. "I kinda sorta hooked up with Alice Cooper, then Smith during that time and she got pregnant. She had the baby and dropped it off at the Sisters to raise him because she didn't want to be a teen mom." Dad says making me gasp and Jug looks at him confused.

"So Chic is my brother?" I ask disgusted. "Ew, he flirted with me," I say about to throw up. Dad shakes his head.

"The boy um 'Chic' that Betty thought was Charles, isn't. Your real brother is believed to have been murdered by him." Dad says air quoting Chic. I nod and Jug nods.

"So Betty, Jughead, JellyBean, Polly and I all share a sibling? So we all share a Brother but aren't related to each other?" I ask confused. Dad nods again. "Since this Charles person isn't alive, it doesn't really change things but thank you for being honest," I say smiling at dad. "I'm sorry you are just finding out now, wait is that why Hal and you don't get along?" I ask Dad who nods again. I sit there for a minute processing everything. Jug sits in silence with Dad and then we just talk about other stuff. Dad leaves to go, call mom. 

"Jug, isn't it a little weird? You and Betty share a brother, you guys aren't related but still." I say sighing.

"It's hard to process but Betty and I agreed that it's not like he's alive so it doesn't change things. It's less weird than the Blossom family." He says making me nod in agreement. "Are you feeling better from earlier?" Jughead asks me. I nod. He then fills me in on everything that happened with Chic.

"I can't believe he tried to pull a knife on you," I say to Jug. "What a creep, thank god you and Betty investigated otherwise who knows what would've happened," I say kissing Jug's cheek. he nods and pulls me into a hug.

"Right now, I'm just grateful that you are alive," Jughead says. I nod in agreement. "Seriously Mads, you're not allowed out of my sight anymore," he adds sternly. I sigh and we sit there for a moment before Dad comes in. 

"Your mom and Jelly want to speak to you two," Dad says making both of us look up shocked. Jug goes first and talks to Mom about Betty and stuff. Jug comes back in and hands me the phone.

(G:Gladys, JB: JellyBean, M:Madelynn)


G: Oh honey thank god you are okay. I'm so sorry you've been going through so much. 

M:It's okay mom, I'm fine. Just happy to be alive.

G: I'm happy your alive.I'm sorry that I'm not there, JB and I are gonna visit soon.

M: JB?

G: That's what Jelly is going by now. She wants to talk to you.

I hear the phone being passed to someone else.

JB: Mads?


JB: I miss you big sister

M: I miss you more little sister, how are you doing?

JB: I'm okay, it's weird being the only child here. I do good in school though

M: You better, us Jones's are smart.. I mean Jug's a little..

I hear Jelly laugh in the background.

JB:How's daddy?

M: Better, he's alot better. How's school?

JB: Besides being smart, I like doing stuff after school like helping mom out at her job.

M:That's good JB, I love you alot. I hope I see you and Mom soon, it's lonely being the only girl.

JB: I'll make mom come and visit. We miss you so much. 

M: I miss you too, I gottta go. Bye JB.

JB: Bye I love you Mads.

M: I love you too, tell Mom I love her. Take care of yourself.

JB: Alright, bye Mads.

I hangup and look over at Jug and Dad with tears coming down my face. Dad and Jug come over and we share a group hug. We sit in silence for a couple minutes then Dad starts cooking dinner while Jug and I clean up around the trailer. We eat dinner and we relax the rest of the night, going to bed after we had ended up watching 3
