Chapter 39

It's been a day since Archie's been sent to Juvenile Hall. I was currently working a shift at Pops with Veronica. We've both been rather quiet today, waiting for results about Archie. While Veronica is getting coffee for Fred, Mr.Keller, and my father; I place a muffin infront of each of them and then return to cleaning the counter. Fred comes back in from taking a phone call.

"I just got off the phone with the warden at juvenile hall," Fred says sitting down. "He says that Archie's been processed. " He says to his two friends then turns to Veronica and I. "He's okay." 

"Thank God." Veronica mutters handing them their coffee. I nod in agreement with her. 

"Yeah. I got a line on those three thugs that gave false testimony against him." Fred says to Mr.Keller and Dad. Dad grips his coffee cup tightly.

"I'm friends with the sheriff over at Shadow County," Mr.Keller says making me sigh. "They found the remains of a campfire in the deep woods." He informs the four of us. I scoff making everyone turn to me.

"Archie's in jail, and these cretins are basically camping," I say angrily, my fingers itching toward the knife that I keep in my shorts underneath my uniform.

"Not for long," Dad says to assure the both of us. "We'll make damn sure of that." He says making me smile at him, sending him a grateful look.

"Meanwhile, I'll keep the home fires burning at Riverdale High," Veronica starts determined."So everyone knows my Archiekins will be back in time for homecoming and everything will be just as he left it." She says determined. 


I walk down to the Blue and Gold room to talk to Jughead and Betty about making a new column in the paper for local job advertisements and other stuff since we are looking for waitresses at Pops and Fred is looking for part-time help.  I open the door and hear Jughead and Betty talking.

"Animal bones were in a circle," Jughead says quietly. "The tree had markings on it. There was a winged totem with a skull and branches." Jughead finishes before he clears his throat and notices me. "Mads close the door, I'll explain everything." He says seeing my face. I nod, not trusting my voice. I follow what he says and go to stand by Betty. Jughead fills me in on what he walked in, I knew that Dilton and Ben had attempted suicide. I knew that Jughead had found them but I didn't know what happened.

"I'll let you two handle this, just let me know what you find out," I say after we discussed the weird game they played and everything else. "I came to get your signatures and agreement to have a new column in the Blue and Gold for jobs suitable for teens," I say to them with a smile.

"Of course," Betty says with a smile. "Give me the forms and I'll sign for both of us," Betty says. I give her the paperwork and wait for her to sign. A minute later she hands them back. "Do you have anything else for us  Madame President?" She says with a teasing grin.

"Yeah, here's the information for the first article, I wrote it out and SweetPea helped with the illustration," I inform them. Betty looks it over and grins before handing it to Jughead.

"SweetPea did such a good job on the illustration." He states. I smile and nod in agreement. We talk for a couple of minutes about the next edition of the blue and gold before I leave them to head to the locker room. As I'm walking in I hear Veronica and Cheryl arguing, so I quietly open the door.

"Actually, I was thinking I'd keep Archie's seat warm." Cheryl says right as I walk in. I look at them  confused.

"Why?" Veroncia asks making me sigh. 

"When JFK was shot, Jackie O didn't become president. Lyndon B. Johnson did." Cheryl explains simply as if that justifies everything. "Mads, I didn't see you come in." She says making Veronica look over at me.

"Madelynn, did you know that Cheryl was going to take Archie's V.P seat?" Veronica asks giving me a slight attitude but I decide to ignore it.

"No Veronica I didn't, I know that Principal Weatherbee gave me choices on who to pick but didn't give names just their applications and I picked the one with the best reseme. Principal Weatherbe said it was an interm position, meaning that once Archie comes back, his seat will be back to him." I say strictly. Cheryl nods in agreement.

"I need this Vice Presidency for my college applications," Cheryl says. "No offense but right now Archie doesn't need it, and he will still be able to use it when he comes back from L&L." Cheryl finishes.Veronica gives me a slight glare but leaves the lockerroom. "I'm so sorry if I put a rift between you and Veronica." Cheryl states sympathetically.

"No it's completely okay Cheryl, I think that Veronica is focusing on the wrong thing, I'll talk to her later." I say making sure Cheryl knows it's not her fault. 


After school, I head with Cheryl and Toni to the Apartments that are almost done. I see SweetPea and Fangs working with Uncle Fred.

"Hello!" I say with a big grin. The boys turn around along with Uncle Fred. I walk over and give each of them a hug before giving SweetPea a peck on the lips. "How's the apartments coming along boys?" I ask. Fred gives me a big grin.

"Good news is they'll be finished within the month, the electric company just has to come in an do an electric inspection then the state inspection." Fred says. I smile widely.

"Awesome, thank you so much for this Uncle Fred, thank you boys for helping with the crew." I say smiling widely. 

"It's no problem sweetheart, these good people deserve a home and it will start to provide a steady income, have you decided who you wanted to manage the building?" Fred asks.

"Probably Dad, he's probably going to need a job, since fucking Hiram fired him." I say rolling my eyes annoyed. 

"Language and I think your Dad will do a great job." Fred says making me chuckle. "I found that person we wanted to check out the money from the lock box, he says it would be easier to take it to a bank account in a different town, he suggested GreenDale." Fred finishes. I nod in agreement and we start working on a plan to get the money exchanged and put into a bank account.


A couple of days later I find myself at the Hopsital where Ben Button is being taken care of. I look down at the hallway nervously as Betty, Jughead and I go to visit Ben Button. I hold the flowers I got for him to my chest, giving Jughead a nervous tap.

"Are you sure we should do this, I know as Student Body President it makes sense for me to be here but what about you two?" I say to them.We approach the door to his room and I give them one last nervous look before Betty puts her hand on the handle.

"It will be fine." Jughead says before we enter the room. We walk into the room and we see Ben's mother sitting in a chair next to the bed.

"Hi, Mrs.Button." Betty says as Jughead closes the door. I go to stand on the otherside of Betty. "We just wanted to see how Ben was doing." Betty says making Ben's mom look at the three of us confused.

"How do you know my Ben?" She asks confused. I smile and stick out my hand, she shakes it looking a little lost.

"I'm Madelynn Jones, student body president." I say introducing myself. "Ben and I are in the same A.P classes and he used to work with my brother Jughead," I say motioning to him. I glance at Ben as I put the flowers on the table beside his bed. "How is he doing, ma'am?" I ask quietly.

"He's stabilized, but he hasn't woken up yet."Mrs.Button says sadly. I give her a tissue and I glance at Betty and Jughead.

"Do you know what happened in the woods Mrs.Button?" Betty asks going into her detective mode. Mrs.Buttons shakes her head.

"No, Ben's always been an odd duck you could say." Mrs.Button states. "Kept to himself, especially after his piano teacher was murdered." She states sadly. "This summer he became friends with Dilton Doiley." She explains to us. "It's like he became a different person."  She says before explaining his behavior. I see Jughead looking at the door. We continue talking and Mrs.Button tells us that Ethel Muggs came to visit. The door opens and Sheriff Minetta walks in.

"Jughead, Betty." Sheriff Minetta says ignoring me completely. "I don't know how things worked when Keller was Sheriff but I won't have two teenagers compromise an active murder investigation." Sheriff Minetta states. I see Jughead about to say something so I walk over and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Sheriff Minetta sir, it isn't what you think, I called the hospital and asked if I could visit Ben because as you are aware I recently became Student Body president and Ben is apart of the student body, and we are classmates. My dad made Jughead and Betty come with me because he hates me being alone." I state calmly. Sheriff Minetta nods looking like he's not going to believe me. 

"I see, Miss Jones, is that true Mrs.Button?" Sheriff Minetta asks glancing at Mrs.Button.

"Yes sir, this sweet girl came with flowers for my Ben." Mrs.Button states making me smile at her. Before Sheriff Minetta can say anything another police officer comes over to the door. She greets him before looking at him worried.

"An Adventure Scout's parents called." She says. "They haven't seen him in two days. We've got a missing kid Sheriff and he was apart of Dilton Doiley's group." She finishes making Jughead, Betty and I give each other looks. 


We get back to Betty's house and we open the door, talking about Veroncia and how worried we are about her.

"What is wrong with the three of you?" Alice yells to the three of us with Dad coming in behind her. I look at them confused.

"What's going on Daddy?Mrs.Cooper?" I ask as I look at them with innocent eyes.

"Sheriff Minetta called. He said you three were sneaking around Ben Button's hospital room." He says strictly making me scoff. "What's that about young lady?" Dad asks.

"Dad, I went as a presidential duty and since you hate me going somewhere alone Betty and Jughead volunteered to go with me." I state calmly at these same time as Jughead says something stupid making the four of them start arguing as I sit on the sidelines.Alice mentions the seizure Betty had and then Alice brings me into it.

"And poor Madelynn, who was terrified the other night when you told her and now you're going to stress your best friend out." Alice says making Jughead turn to me.

"You knew about this and didn't tell me?" Jughead turns to me making me sigh. Dad gives me a look before Jughead tries to follow Betty upstairs after Betty yelled at Alice. 

"No we're gonna go home, let everyone cool off."Dad says sternly, leading us out of the house, into the truck. "Now Jughead I don't know what is going on with Betty but you can't blame your sister for not telling you. Betty asked her not to." Dad says sternly.

"Betty's my girlfriend Dad, she shouldn't hide stuff like that from me." Jughead states rolling his eyes. 

"I don't disagree but don't pull your sister into the middle, she has her own crap to worry about." Dad says. Before he goes to continue my phone beeps with a text from Cheryl.

"Dad can you drop me off at Pops?" I ask. He looks at me and nods, driving toward Pops. "Cheryl said Emergency Vixen meeting at Pops, I don't know what's going on, I've been blowing off practices to help at the apartments."I say as we pull in. 

"Do you need a ride home?" Dad asks as Jughead lets me out. I shake my head. "ALright, I love you, keep me updated." Dad says before pulling out of the parking spot. I walk inside and see Cheryl and Veronica sitting at the counter. 

"Whats going on ladies?" I ask confused. They both smile at me, and start explaining their plan to cheer Archie up.


Cheryl parks her car across from the fenced in field across from L& L.Veronica gets out of the car then Josie and I while the other cheerleaders get out of ee Archie and his fellow inmates playing football. We wave at Archie and his fellow inmates. I go over to the boombox that we carried out of our cars and press play. We start singing and dancing to Jailhouse rock. While we're dancing, Veronica sees her Dad and walks over while we continue dancing. While we cheer the inmates on then Guards start attacking the inmates. Veronica and I are held back by Josie and Cheryl from helping Archie.

"Let go of him!" Veronica and I yell at the same time. Josie and Cheryl lead us to the car before grabbing our stuff. We leave L&L not able to watch Archie and the other prisoners get beat up by the guards. Cheryl drives Veronica and I to Pops after driving Josie home, in silence not able to say anything.

Once we get into Pops, Veronica and I change out outfits into our uniforms, since we have a shift to work. We get Cheryl a strawberry milkshake while we tie our aprons on. 

"That was horrible, to see them getting hurt and not being able to do anything." I say as I start wiping down the counters. 

"It will never end with him." Veronica states upset,glancing at Cheryl and I. "Will it?" She asks making me sigh and nod in agreement.

"Daddy dearest you mean?" Cheryl asks as she sips her milkshake.Veronica nods sadly.

"He's obsessed with keeping Archie and I apart." She states. I sigh while grabbing myself a muffin to eat since I hadn't eaten. I split it in half and offer her some. "I can't even go visit him anymore." She adds, before pushing the muffin away. I hand it to Cheryl who takes it with a smile.

"He put your name on a 'do not admit' list?" I ask. She nods and I giggle. "So just get a new name." I state simply making her look at me like I've grown another head.

"Before leaving on my iconic road trip with Toni, Reggie got us fake ID's so that we could get into the Viper Room." Cheryl states with a grin. "I'm sure he could hook you up too." She states making me nod in agreement. 

"We've got to get rid of him guys and fast." I add in making them nod in agreement. "I'll see if Jughead has any ideas." I say before going off to work for the next 5 hours.


I look at Jughead in shock as he recalls all the information he's gotten from Ben, Ethel and the secret bunker these past couple of days. How the adventure scout was in the bunker, that he was told to stay hidden, how they're playing Griffins and Gargoyles whatever that game is. I had told him all about Archie beforehand. 

"Jughead, do you think this game is connected to that meeting that Penelope Blossom had with Hiram a couple of months ago?" I ask making him look at me like I was an idiot.

"Mads are you serious?" He asks scoffing. "They aren't connected. This is the next Riverdale mystery that Betty and I will solve, we're trying to figure out the connection between her seizure and Ethel's." He states making me sigh.

"Alright, I'm gonna head to bed." I say defeated. He nods and kisses my forehead before going to his room. I head to mine and look at the board I started and grab pictures I had taken of Ethel and the other two boys aswell as getting a picture of Warden Norton from the L&L website. I add them to my mystery board and look at it confused. "I feel like I'm missing something."I mutter to myself as I'm adding the information together. I look at the board knowing that somehow Hiram is connected, I just have to prove it.
