
Hamiz and Muneeba:

Rabia- 7 years old.
Hamdan- 5 years old.
Minal- 2 years old.

Ahmed and Afshan:

Hafsa- 5 years old.
Ahaan- 3 years old.

Aariz and Azra:

Azba- 11 years old.
Ahnaf- 6 years old.
Ayzan- 3 years old.

Third Person's POV:

After 10 years.

She opened the door of her room only to get shocked finding her siblings standing infront of her room folding their hands in front of their chest.

"What's going on?" She asked looking at them strangely and they all rolled their eyes.

"When did you guys come here?" She asked looking at her cousin Rabia who was glaring at her.

"Stop blazing and open your mouth. Let the victim know what is her fault." She said glaring back at them and they all pouted their lips making her smile.

"Okay my cuties. Tell me. Why my little siblings are upset now?" She said walking back inside her room and they all followed her.

"We all planned to go on a small picnic tomorrow evening. Why aren't you coming? Why are you refusing?" Rabia asked looking at her and she smiled.

"I have my exam the day after tomorrow and Minal is too small to be handled by us. So, you guys go and enjoy with Shaaz Mamu and I'll handle her here." She said smiling at them and they all pouted.

"Why do your exam have to be day after tomorrow only?"She chuckled hearing Ahnaf.

"Why your picnic has to be tomorrow only?" She asked looking at him and he looked at her with wide eyes.

"Oh. That's true though. We can shift it on the other day." He said turning to Rabia who smiled widely.

"You are so smart little brother. I'm proud of you." Rabia said hugging him and she chuckled.

"We love you." She found her other siblings hugging them and she too joined them.

"And I love you all of you." She said hugging them tightly closing her eyes with a big smile on her face. They are her energy booster.


She entered in her room after freshening up and her lips formed into a big smile when she found her little daughter sleeping on her father's chest clutching his t-shirt in her little fist. She walked towards them and sat down on the edge of the bed. She kept looking at them who were sleeping peacefully.

"You are making my heart beat fast." She heard him and smiled.

"I think it should be only me for that weird, strange, and fast beat." She said looking at him and he opened his eyes then chuckled.

"Of course. Only you have that much affect on me." He said smiling at her and she chuckled. She laid down beside them and wrapped her arms around them closing her eyes. He looked at her who was smiling widely with closed eyes and his lips formed into a big smile too. He wouldn't say that his life changed fully after meeting her but he can definitely say that she made him feel those feelings which he never felt before. May be HE wanted him to feel those beautiful things and tingling after meeting her. After all HE has planned everything.


"Will you please let me sleep peacefully, Ahaan? You keep running all around the house making me run too and now you are not ready to sleep. You are irritating me." She said glaring at the small kid who pouted his lips looking damn cute.

"If a monkey won't run around then who will do that. It's a duty of a monkey to do that." She heard him and turned to him with narrowed eyes.

"Why don't you do the same then? After all you are husband of that monkey." She said smiling at him while he chuckled. He went to bed and sat beside her.

"I know it's hard, love. Handling a kid is not at all easy. And being a mother is definitely not easy." He said kissing on her head making her close her eyes with a smile.

"So, you lay down and take rest. Ahaan and Ahmed will sleep together." He said making her lay down and the cute boy got up with a big smile on his face.

"Seep, Ammi." He said in his baby voice while patting her head with his little hand and she chuckled.

"Ahaan, let's give Ammi a night kiss." He said looking at his little baby boy who smiled more making them chuckle.

"Close your eyes, baby." He closed his eyes with his small palm and placed a kiss on his Ammi's forehead while he placed his lips on her making her roll her eyes inwardly.

"We love you."
"We wuv you." She hugged them with a big smile on her lips while her eyes welled up. She can never have words to express her love for them and she can never form words to thank HIM. The Almighty who has planned this beautiful family for her. Alhamdulillah.


He went to his room after completing his work and sighed when he found her sleeping with her feet down and with their little son Ayzan on her chest. He went towards them and took him slowly out from her grip. He laid him down in the middle of the bed and made her sleep properly. She stirred in her sleep making him stop in the middle and look up.

"Is this correct time to sleep, Mr.King?" She asked in her sleepy voice and her eyes were not even opening properly.

"Alhamdulillah I have a big Kingdom to handle now. Late nights are okay." He said removing her hair from her face while sitting on his knees on the floor.

"But people of the big Kingdom want you to be healthy, my King." She said caressing his cheek making him smile.

"Sleep, love. You need it the most. You work hard more than me. I leave the house and do my work sitting in a cabin but you have to run after kids. So, rest, my Queen." He said patting her head while she closed her eyes with a smile. She never thought that she would meet a man who didn't live in her village. From the time she gets to know the real meaning of marriage she thought she would definitely be forced to marry someone from her village. The village where women are treated as a slave. And it happened. She was arranged to marry someone from her village but it was all her Abbu's plan who was making a way for her to run away. Run away from the beasts around her. And she finally did what her Abbu wanted. Running away from those wierd minded people and ending up with a man who treat her like a porcelain doll. Who respects her which she deserves as a woman. Thanking Almighty for giving him as her life partner would definitely not be enough. But still she tries to thank HIM in every prayer for choosing him as her companion out of millions of people. Alhamdulillah. He smiled looked at her who was sleeping peacefully. She is his priced possession which he got after a lot of struggle. He always used to hear that love can tackle many things with its strength and he never believe that. But he started believing it when he found him moving ahead on every path of his life with her hands clasped with his. At that time he got to know one thing. And that's Love is definitely a Strong Emotion. Masha Allah.

Assalamualaikum and Hello lovelies. How are you all?

So, finally we are done with our another journey of love. I'm going to miss them. I mean their story was a bit different, right? Honestly speaking, I really had a hard time while writing this story but it was enjoyable. My writing  journey was beautiful. I hope your reading journey was also beautiful and amazing. 

Well, thank you so so so so much for supporting me all these time, dearies. It really really means a lot. I may not be able to express my happiness in words but your precious votes really encouraged me further. Do let me know how was the Epilogue. I'll be waiting.

Do vote and comment please. It means a lot. 
Take care. Hope we meet soon.
Allah Hafiz and Bye. :) (:

